Root Announces His Economic Stimulus Plan


Jan 19, 2005
Root Announces His Economic Stimulus Plan on FOX News and FOX Business

Saturday, January 17, 2009, 05:54 PM

Las Vegas, NV--January 17, 2009--Libertarian 2008 Vice Presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root appeared on FOX Business on Friday with host Alexis Glick, and on FOX News Channel on Saturday with host Neil Cavuto, on the Fox Special “Inauguration 2009.” Root, the busy Libertarian political leader and author of the upcoming book, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts” apeared on FOX to explain how the Federal Reserve is damaging the American economy; how Obama's economic stimulus plan will drown America in debt; and to present his own plan to stimulate the economy.

Root referred to Obama's “Whistle Stop Tour” as the “Whistle Past the Grave Tour” because while Obama smiles and waves, our economy is heading downhill towards a depression. On FOX News, Root called Obama “a President who understands nothing about the Constitution- virtually everything he is recommending from bailouts, to stimulus package, to tax cuts for people who don't pay taxes- is unconstitutional.”

Root continued, “Our economic crisis has been caused by crippling debt and bloated government spending. Obama's recipe for this crisis is more debt and more government spending. You cannot spend your way out of bankruptcy.”

Root's own economic stimulus plan will be the centerpiece of his upcoming book (released in May by John Wiley & Sons). Root favors a one year suspension of personal income taxes. He calls it an Income Tax Vacation. Root explains, “My plan rewards the people who create all the jobs and pay all the taxes in the first place. It allows American taxpayers and small business owners to simply keep more of their own money- and cut out the middleman (the government). When taxpayers are able to keep all their money for one year, the result will be the greatest economic recovery of all time. My plan puts the money in the hands of the its rightful owners- the people that earned it, and the people that know how to use it to invest in stocks, real estate, small business and the creation of jobs. It's time to save the group that truly is too big to fail- taxpayers, business owners, and job creators. The reason Obama is against this idea is he's afraid the taxpayers might find out that government wastes their money and can run just fine without it. He's afraid that taxpayers might actually like it and demand an end to income taxes.”

To his critics who say his idea is too expensive, Root says, “If we can afford $1 trillion for Obama's stimulus plan, we can certainly afford the $1.3 trillion it costs to suspend income taxes. Why can we afford to hand out trillions of dollars to fat-cat corporations, banks, Wall Street brokerage houses, auto companies, unions and people that don't pay any taxes, but it's considered too expensive to give the people that actually pay the taxes a one year vacation? This is the CHANGE that Obama should have brought to Washington. Instead he's bringing the same old 'big government, tax and spend, punish the successful people' policies that have failed miserably so many times in the past.”

Root calls himself "the only politician in the country with the guts to stand up for the people that pay all the taxes in the first place- taxpayers and small business owners." Root a lifelong Republican turned Libertarian calls the Republican Party "gutless, rudderless and leaderless."

Please visit Wayne's Website to see these and many other FOX News and FOX Business appearances by Wayne, as well as hear Wayne's latest appearance on “Savage Nation” with Michael Savage

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Jan 19, 2005
Wayne on Fox Business (1/16/2009)

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Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
If he can run the US like he ran his GWINS stock we have nothing to worry about...

Jan 19, 2005
W.A.R: The Wayne Root Radio Show

<EMBED src= width=440 height=310 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

<HR width="70%">As heard in:
Los Angeles at 8 AM on Saturdays on KABC AM Radio
New York at Noon on Saturdays on The Apple 970 AM Radio
Chicago at 9 AM on Saturdays on WIND AM Radio

Jan 19, 2005
I was a Witness to History.
Monday, July 6, 2009, 07:53 AM
Tea Party Fever: The Citizen Revolution Has Begun: 20,000 Strong in two Texas Cities on Independence Day

The Shameless Cover-Up by the Mainstream National Media

Weapons of Mass Distraction- Media Feeds the Public a Steady Diet of Michael Jackson

By Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee

I saw it. I’m a witness to history. Someone has to provide witness to what our national mainstream media refuses to cover. The anger is rising. It is boiling over. The signs of the coming citizen revolution are everywhere. Just two days ago, on July 4th I spoke at Tea Party protests in Austin and Dallas. About 20,000 Americans citizens attended those two protests on a national holiday, in stifling 102 degree heat and unfathomable humidity. I know what normal people would have done on a typical national holiday on a stifling hot summer day at any other time in our nation’s history- go swimming with their family, or barbeque with family and friends in the shade. But these 20,000 people in two Texas cities sacrificed their valuable family time on a holiday to stand in the blistering heat and direct sunshine to vent their anger at the politicians (of both parties) who are destroying our country, killing capitalism, damaging the economy beyond repair, and enslaving our children and grandchildren to a lifetime of debt.

I assume tens of thousands turned out in other cities across the country. Hundreds of thousands in all. But I wouldn’t know. The news media didn’t report it.

While the media willfully ignores the Tea Party protests right in front of their eyes, they choose to talk nonstop about “green shoots” in the economy that don’t exist. These “green shoots” are a total fabrication- a figment of an ignorant, delusional, or deliberately fraudulent liberal media’s imagination. The economy is crumbling. The Obama debt is turning a deep recession into “the Greater Depression.” The numbers get worse every day. We are on the verge of economic Armageddon. But the President, the politicians who enable him, and the mainstream media are afraid to present the truth to the public. Perhaps they believe, as Jack Nicholson said in the movie A Few Good Men, “The truth? You can’t handle the truth.”

What California is now experiencing- debt, default, insolvency, bankruptcy, IOU’s to its own citizens- is coming to a country nearest you called America. California is merely “the canary in the coal mine” of what irresponsible liberal fiscal policy is about to do to the entire USA. California is ground zero of economic Armageddon. California is the true sign of how deep the hole is. Yet Obama keeps digging.

The deficit is out of control. The debt is unsustainable. Small businesses close by the hundreds of thousands. Almost 500,000 Americans a month continue to lose their jobs. No more government employees can be hired or paid for. The Obama economic stimulus plan is in shambles. The game is up. Yet Obama wants desperately to add to the debt. He tries desperately to push through a new $1.6 trillion dollar Universal Healthcare bill that will cost more than all the personal income taxes paid in America. He tries desperately to push through a Cap and Trade bill that will double or triple our electric rates and put American business out of business- in the middle of a depression. He asks the Federal Reserve to print more money to pay for all his debt, bailouts, handouts, entitlements, union giveaways and redistribution schemes. It is all the definition of utter insanity.

Small business is the economic engine of our U.S. economy. Small business creates 75% of new jobs- yet small business is going out of business like never before. Every day more small businesses close by the thousands. The landlords that own the buildings and strip malls and shopping centers where those small businesses used to be located are in bankruptcy, or will be soon. A wave of commercial real estate foreclosures that has never been seen in U.S. history is on the way. A wave so crippling it will make the wave of home foreclosures we’ve just experienced look small. Banks will buckle under this coming commercial wave of debt. But this news the mainstream media refuses to report…or simply doesn’t even understand.

Worse, the upper middle class that owns those businesses and buildings and shopping malls, that pays virtually all of our taxes, is being driven out of existence. Whether Obama or his Kool Aid drinkers in the media realize it or not, his grand dreams are DOA (dead on arrival). The plan was to pay for it all by “taxing the rich.” Well the rich that Obama hates so much, whose money he planned to redistribute, is vanishing by the day. There is no income left to redistribute. There is no one left to pay Obama’s tab. But this news the mainstream media refuses to report…or simply doesn’t even understand.

But none of this stops the biased liberal media from talking about “green shoots” and the prospects of economic recovery right around the corner. However far worse than these false hopes of recovery are the outright deceptions and fraud of the media. Whenever 25 or 50 anti-war demonstrators gathered against the Iraq War during the Bush presidency, the media was there with dozens of cameramen and reporters to cover it in detail- and make it look like a citizen revolution. Yet today a true citizen revolution is brewing and the media refuses to cover it. The anger about the Iraq War was small and inconsequential compared to the anger in the streets from ordinary Americans today.

Today the proof that a true citizen revolution is brewing is evident at Tea Party rallies and protests across this great country. The protestors at these Tea Parties are not the typical socialist radicals, counter-culture hippies, and professional protestors of the left who attended the war rallies. The Tea Party protestors define middle America. These are small business owners, blue-collar workers, parents with young children in tow, grandparents, patriotic war veterans. These are people who have never said a bad word about America in their lives. These are flag wavers- not flag burners. These are lifelong Republicans and conservatives and libertarians who have never attended a protest in their lives.

These are patriots looking to save their country, not American-haters looking to tear it down. They used to be too busy running businesses and taking care of their families to protest. Now they are willing to protest, scream and rage at the politicians destroying he American Dream. This is the story of the decade- perhaps the century. This is the story that should be on the cover of Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report. This is the story that should lead off the national evening newscasts. Yet it is met with deafening silence. Instead we are fed a steady diet of Michael Jackson. Weapons of Mass Distraction.

Yet despite the media fraud and distractions, these quintessential middle American patriots are out in the streets protesting, screaming, raging. Angry. Bitter. Bursting at the seams in disgust and disillusionment. Not willing to take it anymore. Not words we’ve ever used to describe salt-of-the-earth middle American parents and grandparents. Something is happening. Something very unusual. Something very powerful. Perhaps for the first time ever, something out of the control of the mainstream national media (could that be what frightens them?). Something bigger than even the powerful politicians. Something bigger than all of us.

What I witnessed (as one of the main speakers at both events) in Texas on Independence Day was the Governor of Texas getting booed by his own conservative constituents. And the United States Senator of Texas getting literally booed and shouted off the stage by these same conservative constituents. These were Republican politicians. The protestors were taxpayers. Angry taxpayers. Angry that their money has been given away- looted- by politicians on both sides of the aisle. Angry about bailouts of wealthy corporations and CEO’s. Angry about wasted trillion dollar economic stimulus plans to nowhere. Angry about tax cuts given to people who never paid taxes in the first place. Angry about our government undertaking a hostile takeover of American business. Angry about government handing GM and Chrysler tens of billions of taxpayer dollars just so they could go bankrupt anyway, and then handing the leftover companies to the auto unions who weren’t even secured creditors. Angry about the socialization of America happening before our eyes.

20,000 people. In 102 degree heat and humidity. On a holiday. Not professional protestors, but taxpayers. Angry citizens. Parents. Grandparents. I was there to witness it. This is history in the making. The citizen revolution has begun. Whether the media notices…or cares…or understands…or not.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate
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Jan 19, 2005
Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 07:51 AM
We Don’t Need Civility Towards Our Political Leaders; We Need Rage!

We Need to Limit Our Politicians to Two Terms- One in Office, One in Prison!

We need to Throw All the Bums Out- V.E.T.O. the U.S. Congress (Vote Everyone of Them Out).

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

When Congressman Joe Wilson screamed “You Lie!” at President Obama, many liberal critics, political commentators and media experts responded by criticizing the lack of manners and civility in modern day politics. Yet I believe the opposite is true. We’ve all been too nice, mannered, and civil. For far too long, we’ve stood by as politicians destroyed our country, wrecked our economy, spent us into bankruptcy, and indebted our children and grandchildren for generations to come. This situation doesn’t demand civility; it demands rage. Why should we show respect and civility to the corrupt thieves who are lying to our faces and robbing us blind? Why show respect to the very people who are stealing our children’s future?

The problem isn’t civility; it is stupidity. We’ve been far too civil and docile. We’ve been intimidated and blinded by the power and fancy titles of our political leaders. We’ve all accepted the lies for far too long. We’ve actually given the benefit of the doubt to the people in charge- even though most of the political class is a bunch of criminals. We’ve respected and re-elected the very people who have been lying to our faces and robbing us blind. In reality we should have been throwing the bums out- ALL of them, from both parties. We should have been limiting our politicians to 2 terms- one in office, one in prison!

We stuck our heads in the sand. We wanted to believe they were telling us the truth. We might have cursed “Congress,” but we each praised and thanked our own Congressperson. We showed “respect” for their authority. It can only be called “Groundhog Day.” Each day we keep doing the same illogical things (supporting the same incumbents who are bankrupting the country); and wake up the next morning hoping the outcome will be different. But it never is.

A half century of manners and civility has led to the worst depression since 1929; an unimaginable annual deficit of almost $2 trillion; and over $100 trillion in national debt. Our country is at the brink of economic ruin, bankruptcy and insolvency because we’ve been so nice, naïve, and trusting. We all should have screamed “You Lie” a long time ago.

OTB recently filed for bankruptcy in New York. That’s Off Track Betting- otherwise known as government-run gambling. You mean the government can’t make a profit in the gambling business, but President Obama wants us to believe that they’ll magically run national healthcare profitably? That’s a lie. Obama wants us to believe that we’re going to add 50 million uninsured to the healthcare rolls, and it won’t cost us a thing? That’s a lie. Or that government will “save” us money by spending trillions on a new program? That’s a lie. That the estimate of one trillion dollars is accurate, even though Medicare was once estimated to cost $12 billion annually, and actually cost $110 billion? That’s a lie. That the trillion or trillions Obama wants to spend on government-run healthcare won’t add to the ballooning deficit? That’s a lie. That adding 50 million new patients, while losing doctors, won’t result in rationing? That’s a lie. That the rest of us can forever keep our present health insurance and doctors at no added cost? That’s a lie. That illegal immigrants won’t soon be included in universal healthcare? That’s a lie. Politicians like Obama are good at lying. They’ll actually remove illegals from the new healthcare bill, but soon thereafter they’ll make sure that illegals are granted legal citizenship, thereby allowing all of their healthcare bills to be added to the government’s tab.

Or how about cap and trade. President Obama wants us to believe that a massive multi-trillion dollar cap and trade program won’t hurt business? That’s a lie. That cap and trade won’t put us at a competitive disadvantage to China and India (who won’t agree to the same rules and standards)? That’s a lie. That cap and trade won’t double or triple our energy bills? That’s a lie. That this massive increase in our utility bills is not a tax increase on the middle class? That’s a lie. That cap and trade isn’t an excuse for a government takeover of business? That’s a lie. That cap and trade is necessary to fight global warming (even though the last decade has seen more proof of global cooling)? That’s a lie.

Do you remember the original fairy-tales told to you by President Obama? He said that his $800 billion stimulus bill was necessary to “save” the economy. That was a lie. Instead it was an almost trillion dollar handout to his campaign contributors and supporters that did nothing for the economy. Obama said we had to spend trillions to create 3 million new jobs. That was a lie. Instead we wasted trillions and lost 3 million jobs. Obama said we had to spend billions to save U.S. automakers. That was a lie. Instead Obama fleeced taxpayers, stockholders, lien holders, banks and hedge funds to hand control of the U.S. automakers to the auto unions- his campaign contributors. Now GM and Chrysler are a $100 billion government-funded welfare program, that just happens to make cars (that no one wants). Obama said that corporate bailouts would be paid back. That was a lie. Now it turns out that we may never get back tens of billions loaned to AIG, GM or Chrysler. How many more lies are we willing to accept, while still being civil and mannered?

But Obama is far from being the only politician to lie to our faces. They all lie. Pelosi, Reid, Dodd and Frank have lied about virtually every spending bill that Congress passes. Bush lied about the war in Iraq and wasted a trillion dollars (or more) on his military misadventures, all the while allowing Congress to break the bank on spending, earmarks and waste. The leaders of the Republican Congress lied about virtually every bill they passed too. It’s what politicians do.

Just don’t tell me to accept it anymore. Don’t tell me to respond to being lied to my face with manners, grace and civility. No, it’s well past the time for civility. It’s time for rage. It’s time to throw all the bums out. It’s time to V.E.T.O. the entire Congress- Vote Everyone of Them Out. It’s time to send a message to the spoiled, corrupt, overpaid D.C. political class. It’s time for a political revolution. It’s time to increase unemployment- by at least 435 members of Congress (and every Senator up for re-election too). It’s time to say to every incumbent politician in America: YOU’RE FIRED! In 2010, let’s forget civility and let’s get angry, vicious and vengeful. Let’s fight with tenacity and passion. Because this is the battle of our lives- our country, our economy, capitalism itself, our children’s future is at stake. It’s time to take back our country from the liars and thieves currently in control. It’s time to admit “THEY ALL LIE!”

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate
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Jan 19, 2005
Monday, October 5, 2009, 08:53 AM

They Really Do All Lie!

Proof That Politicians and Government Bureaucrats Lie to Us Everyday- Inspector General Finds that Paulsen and Bernanke Lied to Americans About Bailouts and Health of Banks.

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

Just last week I wrote a commentary entitled, “They ALL Lie.” It referred to the controversy surrounding Congressman Joe Wilson screaming out “You Lie” to President Obama. I said that Congressman Wilson was only partially right. The fact is they all lie. Politicians of all political parties have been lying to us for many decades and we’ve accepted this. The result is a $100 trillion national debt and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The result is an American economy teetering on the verge of collapse. The result is the bankruptcy and insolvency of our nation. The result is that our children and grandchildren will be enslaved to debt and high taxes for generations to come, to pay for it all.

I said in my commentary of last week that it was time to stop being so civil, humble and well mannered. It’s time for all of us to call them liars and take back our country. It’s time to V.E.T.O. the entire U.S. Congress (Vote Everyone of Them Out). It’s time to throw all the bums out. It’s time to put term limits on all incumbent politicians- whether they approve or not. It’s time to demand accountability. It’s time to find out what government is doing with our money. It’s time to shout to our politicians, “We’re not giving you another cent, until you tell us where all the money went!”

Well I was proven right just this morning. U.S. Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky reported today that Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen and Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke lied to us when they announced at a press conference last October that the nine giant banks receiving the first round of bailouts were financially healthy. This was a blatant lie. So was Treasury Secretary Paulsen’s explanation about where the emergency money was going- it turns out that the billions of dollars of taxpayer money was not used to buy up toxic assets. That program is just starting now- a year later. So where did the money go? Who has it? Why did those particular banks get the money?

So let me get this straight- Our own government lied to us about the health of our banks….about where the money was going…and we still don’t know the specific details of who got the bailout trillions…or how much they got…or what it was used for. The excuse used to justify the outright lies by Treasury officials this morning was “the extraordinary circumstances” of last Fall’s financial meltdown.

That’s the “excuse of the day” for this particular lie. But what about all the other lies told to taxpayers about all the other programs for the past century? What’s the excuse for those blatant lies? Or how about the lies Obama, Reid and Pelosi tell us every day about government-run universal healthcare, or cap and trade, or card check, or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? There’s always a new lie or rationalization to explain every government decision to spend our taxpayer money.

The lies never end. The reasons are always the same: “We know what’s best for you.” “It was extraordinary circumstances.” “It was necessary to protect you, or the country, or the economy.“ “Government knows best.” Really? So how come we are $100 trillion in debt? I guess we could have survived without those programs. Perhaps we’d be in much better financial shape without those programs…without those lies…without those politicians. Perhaps the politicians are the problem, not the solution. Perhaps government is the problem, not the solution. Perhaps government doesn’t know best. Perhaps if they lie to us under “extraordinary circumstance,” they’ll lie under ordinary circumstances too. It’s time to stop accepting the lies and excuses and rationalizations. It’s time to stop trusting that “government knows best.” We’re $100 trillion in debt- almost two times world GDP (all the money earned in the world each year). We couldn’t possibly have done any worse.

Yet nothing changes. Just days ago Congress voted down a bill that would have demanded that all bills before Congress be published online for 48 hours before a vote- so the American people had a chance to actually read them before they are voted on. What a concept. I’m sure this made Congress laugh. Why on earth would the American people read the bills, when Congress doesn’t ever read them?

No wonder we are $100 trillion in debt. We have liars, thieves and conmen running the government. We have czars running the government- unaccountable to the peasants (ie the people). We have a Federal Reserve running the economy and printing dollars, without authority or accountability. And politicians lying to us, because they think they know best.

Well it’s our money. It belongs to the taxpayers- not the politicians. Don’t count on us being docile, or quiet, or ignorant anymore. From this day forward, we are demanding an accounting of where our money goes, who gets it, and exactly what they’re using it for. The days of lies and secrecy are over. It’s time to throw civility and manners to the curb. It’s time to shout with rage and passion:


Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate

Jan 19, 2005
Rush Limbaugh, Freedom and the NFL
Monday, October 12, 2009, 10:32 AM
By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

Back in 2006, I left the Republican Party after a lifetime of support, because of their Nanny State attitude about many social issues- prominent among them their ban of online gaming. I argued at the time that this issue was the very definition of personal freedom. Any politician or political party that wants to tell us what we are "allowed" to do in our own bedrooms, on our own computers, with our own money, cannot claim to stand for limited government (or freedom for that matter).

The ban of online gaming, while seemingly a minor issue to many political activists, is actually a huge issue. It represents the lengths government will go to, to try to control (and micro-manage) our lives and our personal freedoms. The ban of online gaming represented intolerance and the violation of personal freedom. This over-reaching of power is one of the reasons that the Republican Party lost control of every level of political power in America.

Yet this latest controversy about Rush Limbaugh's attempt to buy the St. Louis Rams is an example of why the Democratic Party and liberals in this country are even worse when it comes to the issue of freedom (and free speech). NFL players- particularly black NFL players- are incensed that Rush might become a NFL owner. They are demanding that the NFL prevent Rush from owning a team. They are blaming his supposedly "racist views." NFL players obviously won't let the idea of free speech or freedom of expression get in the way of their desire to ban Rush. Afterall, no NFL player ever said or did anything to offend the sensibilities of the American public.

Liberals tend to believe that if they disagree with your opinions, you or your opinions should be banned. Or you should be labeled a "racist" thereby destroying your credibility, and possibly your career. Liberals are the Joseph McCarthy's of today. Is there anything American about the idea that someone should be banned from ownership of a NFL football team because of his or her political views?

I would never have even thought of demanding that the NFL reject the purchase of a team by someone that I disagree with politically. Have we all forgotten that free speech and freedom of thought are at the very root (excuse the pun) of why we founded this great country? You mean someone should be banned from ownership of a company in America because of their political beliefs? Which beliefs? How do we decide which beliefs are offensive?

Is this what America has become? We are no longer free to have an opinion for fear of being banned from the right to buy a business? Should Rush Limbaugh be free to own a McDonalds franchise? Afterall, something he said at one time on the radio must be offensive to some group that may one day buy a cheeseburger. Should that group demand that McDonalds ban him from ownership? Is eating the food of a conservative now banned in America?

What about Glenn Beck? Should he be banned from owning a Century 21 real estate franchise? Afterall, something he said at one time somewhere on TV or radio must offend some group that may one day buy a home. How far should we take this? Personally, I'm offended by almost everything that comes out of the mouth of George Clooney. Should George Clooney be prevented or banned from buying a movie studio (or a NFL team) because I don't approve of his political views?

And exactly what is the definition of "racism?" Last I checked freedom of speech and opinion is allowed in America. "Diversity" is a buzzword constantly bandied about by liberals. Yet they don't support diversity of thought when it disagrees with their opinions. Check schools and universities in this country. The only unrepresented group on campuses across America is conservatives. There is no diversity of thought among the elite liberal education class- obviously they believe that only liberal thought is "diverse" enough to be tolerated. So let me get this straight- if you agree with liberals, or have a radical leftist view, that is the definition of diversity and it's encouraged. But if you disagree with liberals, that is labeled "racist" and it should be banned.

Ironically, Rush Limbaugh has stated views that a large portion of American voters agree with- some might call it "the Silent Majority." Not only is Rush Limbaugh the most popular and successful radio host in the history of America, but recent national polls prove that Rush's conservative views are in the majority, not minority. A recent poll of America's political opinions proves that conservatives are in the majority in all 50 states- yes, even in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Obama's Illinois. Another detailed political poll proved that the political identification "conservative" leads "liberal" by more than 2 to 1 across this great country. And a poll out only days ago proves that of all the political "brand names" in America, only one was a landslide winner with the American public- Ronald Reagan.

So are black NFL players accusing the majority of Americans of being racist? How about the people in the stands they buy the tickets, thereby paying for the multi-million dollar salaries of NFL players- are they racist too? Are NFL players accusing one of our greatest Presidents Ronald Reagan of being racist? Because Ronald Reagan's views certainly matched those of Rush Limbaugh on most issues. Would those same NFL players demand a ban on the right of Ronald Reagan to own a team?

I call myself a "Reagan Libertarian." I am fiscally conservative and agree with both Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan on most economic issues. Should I demand a ban on the right of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid to own an NFL team because I consider their political views offensive and insulting? Should the right of a player to play on a team in the NFL be based on his political views, or his talent on the field? Why would anyone's right to own a NFL team be based on anything different?

Should the majority in a free society that values free speech and diversity be allowed to ban anyone from owning anything? Well how about the minority? The NFL players who are demanding that the NFL block Rush from his attempt to own an NFL team are clearly- based on the latest polls- in the political minority. Should a vocal minority be allowed to censor the speech or rights of the majority? That's exactly what's happening here- and it's wrong, it's offensive to me, and it flies in the face of what America is about.

The reason I became a Libertarian is because I believe passionately in freedom, free speech and free markets. I may not always agree with Barack Obama (actually I never agree with Obama), or Rush
Limbaugh, but I would fight (to the death if necessary) to defend the rights of both of them to own any business, or any NFL team they desire.

The NFL players protesting Rush's freedom had better be careful- they are moving down a slippery slope. If they are successful in limiting Rush Limbaugh's freedom, then conservatives will protest whenever a liberal political figure tries to buy a NFL team. Worse, what if the wealthy conservative-leaning fans who buy the majority of seats (and certainly the majority of the sky boxes and luxury seats) decide to boycott NFL games because they don't like the political views of the players?
I wonder how NFL players would feel about free speech in that case?

My advice- Don't open that door. Keep politics out of sports. In a free and capitalist society, if you have the money, it is your right to buy any business you want. PERIOD. What an amazing country where a radio host can earn enough success and wealth to buy a $700,000,000 NFL football team. Instead of fighting over it, or denigrating his opinions, or trying to ban his options and opportunities, we should all be celebrating Rush Limbaugh's success. God Bless America, freedom, the NFL, and Rush Limbaugh.

But hey, if it doesn't work out because of protests by black NFL players...don't despair Rush. There's always hockey.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate.

Nov 27, 2005
the greatest special interest group in the usa is the federal gov't...

they are out of control...


eventually will run out of money...just like many states have...

root is correct when he predicts 'days of armageddon'...they are approaching

Jan 19, 2005
So, how do you feel now?

1 year later, unemployment at 10.2%, 800 billion pissed away

a 1 year suspension of income taxes looks pretty good huh???

Root Announces His Economic Stimulus Plan on FOX News and FOX Business

Saturday, January 17, 2009, 05:54 PM
Root favors a one year suspension of personal income taxes. He calls it an Income Tax Vacation. Root explains, “My plan rewards the people who create all the jobs and pay all the taxes in the first place. It allows American taxpayers and small business owners to simply keep more of their own money- and cut out the middleman (the government). When taxpayers are able to keep all their money for one year, the result will be the greatest economic recovery of all time. My plan puts the money in the hands of the its rightful owners- the people that earned it, and the people that know how to use it to invest in stocks, real estate, small business and the creation of jobs. It's time to save the group that truly is too big to fail- taxpayers, business owners, and job creators. The reason Obama is against this idea is he's afraid the taxpayers might find out that government wastes their money and can run just fine without it. He's afraid that taxpayers might actually like it and demand an end to income taxes.”

Unemployment Hits 10.2%. Obama Sends Us on Path to Economic Ruin.
Friday, November 6, 2009, 08:52 AM
Forget “Death Panels” for Obamacare- The Real Tragedy Is Obama Killing Small Business!

Obama Wakes Up To Big Surprise- Government Creates No Jobs…Unions Kill Jobs.

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

The national unemployment rate hit 10.2% today. What a surprise! Actually it may have come as a great surprise to “the Messiah” aka President Barack Obama, but it came as no surprise to anyone who understands economics. My old college classmate Obama is not among that group.

Small business creates upwards of 75% to 80% of all new jobs. If small business is failing, there are no new jobs. Without a robust small business community, there can be no economic recovery. All the stimulus money in the world going to Obama's big business campaign contributors- unions, government employees, banks, Wall Street- will not end the recession. All the government jobs “saved” and created will do nothing, but take money and jobs AWAY from the private sector. All the billions of dollars lavished on unions and union workers will push the country back into recession. All the government union workers honored with raises by Obama will increase the national debt and damage the economic recovery. Only a recovery led by small business can save us. We are staring at an economic Armageddon- not just for us, but for our children and grandchildren.

We have been lied to- by Obama, by Pelosi, by Treasury Secretary Geithner, by Fed Chief Bernanke. There is no recovery. The recession isn't over. To the contrary, we are in the start of a long-term depression caused by big government, big spending, onerous taxes and government regulations placed on business, too much deficit and debt.

Obama isn't the solution. He is the problem. He knows nothing about business- small or large. He has never owned a business, run a business, funded a business, or created a job in his life. His entire knowledge of economics comes from books. And they are the wrong books- Karl Marx never created a job either.

I didn't need today's bad news on unemployment to know we were coming out of the recession. I only needed to open my eyes and see the real tragedy right in front of me on Main Street:

*The hair salon where I've had my hair cut for 8 years- a bustling, loud, prosperous small business in Las Vegas (before Obama)- went out of business last month. Closed with no notice- the doors padlocked by sheriffs.

*The healthy fast food restaurant where I ate organic hamburgers, organic milkshakes, and baked fries for years- also a bustling, prosperous business (before Obama)- went out of business last month. Not just one small business, but rather the entire chain of 5 restaurants in Nevada and Florida gone.

*My biggest competitor in the sports handicapping industry, a legend in our industry, after 30 years in business, closed up shop 2 weeks ago. 30 years of prosperity, hundreds of millions in revenues pumped into the economy, and 100 good-paying jobs down the drain. All it took was 9 months of Obama running the economy.

*U.S. Air- the 2nd largest airline carrier into Las Vegas- announced just last week that they are cutting HALF their routes. Does that sound like the end of a recession?

*One of my neighbors- a well-known celebrity, CEO and multi-millionaire- has put his multi-million dollar Vegas mansion up for “short sale” to stave off foreclosure.

*One of my best friends has closed or sold off 8 of his 12 vitamin stores to try to “stop the bleeding” of business losses. He reports that the last 4 months have been the worst of his 25 years in business. He says, “business has literally dropped off a cliff.” He also says and I quote, “anyone that says we are in recovery is either a fool or a liar.”

Small business is in freefall. Not only will there be no new jobs, we will continue losing jobs until Obama finds a way to save small business. Unemployment will only go up from here. Saving or creating government jobs won't save the American economy- as we now see. Obama's theories don't work in the real world. They only work in books- books written by Karl Marx. The Obama experiment is a massive failure.

But the reality is Obama has a much bigger problem on his hands. Small business doesn't just create all the jobs, it pays virtually all the taxes. That means there will also be no tax revenues to pay for Obama's massive spending programs, entitlements and stimulus. That means all of Obama's deficit forecasts are way off. Since Obama projects almost $10 trillion in deficits over the next decade, my educated guess is we should count on a figure closer to $15 to $20 trillion in deficit. We are in a world of trouble under the leadership of a man who thinks government creates jobs. Good luck with that.

Having said all of that, just criticizing isn't good enough. Critics need to provide solutions. In my next commentary I'll show a simple two-step program (direct from the pages of my new book) to save small business and turn this entire economy around quickly. Obama, are you listening?

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate

Jan 19, 2005
Wayne Root gets it!
Couldnt care less if he went 1 and 8 this weekend

fade him, then elect him

Obamacare: Is It Cold, Calculating, Ruthless & Audacious…or Truly Evil?
Friday, November 20, 2009, 09:37 AM
Is Newest Ruling on Women’s Health & Breast Cancer Tied to Politics?

Is the Obama Government “Cooking the Books?”

Will the “Death Panels” Start Early for Women- at Age 40?

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

I really hate the fact that Obama and his minions have lied to us so many times that I no longer am willing to believe anything they do or say. But at the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, don’t you find the timing just too much of a coincidence that the same week that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is having the CBO “score” the cost of his health care bill, the government’s cost/benefit panel (which has no breast cancer doctors on it) says it is no longer necessary for most women under the age of 50, or over the age of 74, to have mammograms, and for those from 50-74 to have them only every other year.

Could it be that this very strange ruling (out of the blue) refuting years of advice regarding annual mammograms for every woman over the age of 40 – advice that has saved hundreds of thousands of women’s lives has nothing to do with proper medical care, and everything to do with lying to the American people and misleading congress regarding the costs of government-run universal healthcare (aka Obamacare).

Let me just run some rough numbers. Assume there are seventy million women over the age of forty, thirty million of whom are in their forties or over the age of seventy-four. My wife tells me a mammogram with the office visit costs about $200. This ruling would eliminate fifty million mammograms annually. If my math is right that works out to be ten billion dollars per year or ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS over ten years. That is a very conservative calculation.

Since this decision certainly doesn’t make medical sense, is it possible this was done solely so the CBO could cut the cost of the health care bill by $100 billion dollars? I’d hate to think Obama and his minions would be willing to sacrifice the life of your mother, wife, or daughter for political gain. Is it possible they have become that desperate and arrogant? Are they that cold, calculating and ruthless? Or is it just pure evil that would allow big government bureaucrats to sacrifice the lives of women to accomplish their goal of redistributing wealth and socializing the medical system?

I would put nothing by this group. Remember the “radical rules” of socialist and Marxist community organizers like Obama mentor Saul Alinsky: the ends always justify the means. Obamacare isn’t about healthcare- it’s about higher taxes, bigger government, more power for bureaucrats, more government control over your life, and redistribution of wealth. It will be achieved by any and all means possible.

Public outrage is already forcing a reversal of this decision and the administration is supporting that reversal. And, why not- if this was done as an unconscionable way to “cook the books,” they already got what they wanted. You can bet the CBO estimate won’t be recalculated with the correct numbers. More importantly, it is merely the start of the healthcare rationing that will be necessary to pay for universal healthcare. You can only add 50 million new people to the healthcare system by rationing care for the other 250 million.

Liberals, intellectuals, and the biased, Obama-loving media scoffed at the notion of government-run “death panels.” Well this incident is proof they are coming. But it’s even worse than we imagined- government panels will not only allow you to die in the last stages of your life…because the costs to try to save you are too expensive…now it appears the decisions of cold, calculating government bureaucrats will hasten your death in the first place.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Is W.A.R. still running the rap of being a Libertarian while openly advocating the U.S. military doing nation-building overseas?

Jan 19, 2005
Is W.A.R. still running the rap of being a Libertarian while openly advocating the U.S. military doing nation-building overseas?

The WAR in Iraq:
<!-- *Republicans say "stay forever" (or 100 years as John McCain predicted). Wrong answer. Democrats say "Go right now." Wrong answer. It is a much more complicated issue than that. I believe the answer must involve a combination of nuance, compromise and common-sense.
*Admit the Iraq war is a disaster.
*Admit post-war planning was a disaster.
*Admit it's a civil war in Iraq- and our boys do not belong in the middle of a civil war. Our troops are not policeman.
*Use the success of the surge to declare victory and make plans to get out of Iraq as soon as reasonably possible.
-->*Learn the lesson that "Nation Building" is a failure of epic proportions- we are not the world's policeman. We do not have the right to stuff our beliefs of Democracy down the throats of other countries around the globe. Even if we did, Iraq proves we cannot afford it.

*One more lesson: Government wastes money. Government by its nature is corrupt. The military-industrial complex wants to expand government to increase its power and influence. We need strict oversight over defense contractors and private companies like Haliburton and Blackwater. Even during a time of war, I do not find it acceptable to allow our tax dollars to be wasted, or American taxpayers to be taken advantage of. Corporate welfare and waste is just as bad (and expensive) as welfare and entitlements for private citizens.
*Let's keep our military and national defense strong. One way to ensure this is to dramatically reduce foreign aid (especially to our enemies) and foreign military bases across the globe.
*It is time for South Korea, Japan and Western Europe to take responsibility (and pay) for their own national defense.
*Let's use the savings from these cuts in defense spending to increase the pay of our courageous U.S. military personnel.

"The legacy I want to leave is simple and straight-forward. I want to be known as the man who took the power away from the government and gave it back to the people. Who cut government down to size. Who took the side of the individuals versus government. Who let the taxpayers keep more of their own money. Who rewarded the people that produced all the wealth, started the businesses, took the risks, created the jobs, made the payrolls, and paid the taxes. Who cared about the rights, freedoms and liberty of the people. Who protected the constitution. Who made all Americans, Libertarians."
--Wayne Allyn Root

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Has Root not openly endorsed the current U.S. military nation building in Afghanistan?

Jan 19, 2005
Just for you Mr Barman

The Obama War Plan: A Recipe for Disaster!
Thursday, December 3, 2009, 03:44 PM
How Obama Uses the War in Afghanistan as Just Another “Opportunity” to Expand Government and Destroy Capitalism.

A Libertarian-Conservative View of the War in Afghanistan That May Surprise You.

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

I describe myself as a Reagan Libertarian. My heroes are Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater. I am a strong supporter of the brave men and women who risk their lives and limbs to defend our freedom. I would never hesitate to defend America or her interests around the world. I am not shy about retaliating against terrorists, or other enemies of America. Although President Bush violated the Constitution by never bothering to ask Congress for an official declaration of war (and shame on him for it), I supported him on Afghanistan, the training ground and epicenter of Al Queda and their attack on America on 9/11/01. However, over the past two years my views have changed dramatically. Despite my conservative, pro-military background, I no longer support this war.

I believe President Obama has made a grave decision that will result in a never-ending commitment to a war that America can neither afford, nor win. Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan is a country comprised of people without national identity, with only family and tribal loyalties. They have no interest or desire to build a democracy. America has no business in attempting to force them to do so, and I, for one, am unwilling to commit American lives and treasure to support a corrupt group of war lords. Let them fight their own battles.

I would not risk the lives of my young sons on this tragic game plan. Would you? Would Obama? Would any of the gung-ho Republicans who have come out in support of Obama's war expansion plans? I don't think Karl Rove or Newt Gingrich would send their sons. I know that Mitt Romney has never sent any of his 5 sons. But they certainly have no problem sending your sons with enthusiasm.

If we are going to fight this war, we had better be able to answer the simple question: “Why are we in Afghanistan?” While watching the NBC Evenings News on Wednesday night, I heard two very disturbing statements by 4-star General Stanley McCrystal, the commanding general of our war efforts in Afghanistan. First he stated we were there “not to conquer, not for glory, not for money…but rather to help the Afghan people shape their future.” Is that why we're there? Silly me. I thought we were there to punish and destroy our enemies in the war on terrorism. Even our generals are now recruited into Obama's politically-correct world.

I have to assume that neither President Obama nor General McCrystal have ever read the United States Constitution? Because nowhere in that brilliant contract with the citizens of America does it say the government has the right to sacrifice American lives to “help other people in far-away lands shape their destiny.” The destiny of the Afghan people is their concern, not ours. We have no right to tell them how to live their lives, nor will they listen. After we leave, whenever we leave, they'll surely go back to the way things were before we got there.

The second statement that General McCrystal made was to quote Winston Churchill. He said, “This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. It's the end of the beginning.” Really? Is that our plan? We're only at the end of the beginning of a long grueling war. That's certainly not what President Obama said on Tuesday night. He seems to think we are already near the end of the war and setting dates right now to depart. If the President and his own generals are that far apart in their visions and game plan, I fear we have created a recipe for disaster. Obviously the soldiers (the “boots on the ground”) agree. One soldier boldly went on camera for NBC News and said about Obama's 18 month deadline for leaving Afghanistan, “That's a joke.”

First Obama waited months to support our troops with the reinforcements his generals said were needed; now he's set a deadline to end the war that our own soldiers think is a joke. This was a deadline set purely for political reasons, based on political calculations (the war must be ended before the 2012 elections).

As anyone with managerial experience or just plain common sense will tell you, once a decision for action has been made you hire the best, most experienced people you can, provide them the resources they need and get out of the way. Is that what's happening? Obviously not. This isn't a war run by generals, this war is run by incompetent lawyers and an inept group of community organizers based in D.C., who have instituted "rules of engagement" that handcuff our own brave soldiers in the name of political correctness.

The “rules of engagement” set by Obama will lead to a disaster. They've already led to a Vietnam-like drop in morale. Don't believe me? Ask the brave Navy Seals team that now face court martial for slapping an Al Queda terrorist leader after capturing him. The same terrorist who coordinated the burning and hanging of the bodies of Americans on a bridge in Iraq. The poor man got a boo boo- a bloody lip while in custody of our Navy Seals. Now they face prison. Think that leads to winning a war? That's not a war I'd let my sons participate in.

So why exactly is President Obama expanding the war, when candidate Obama was so loudly and strongly anti-war? Because this cold, calculating politician sees this war as another excuse to expand government, increase spending, and increase the power of his office. To Obama, the war in Afghanistan is no different than the twin frauds of universal healthcare and Cap and Trade. They are all “opportunities” to expand spending to the point that the federal government is all-powerful.

Obama's plan is the opposite of Ronald Reagan's. Reagan wanted to cut taxes to starve government and free the American people (and the capitalist system) to exercise individual initiative and personal responsibility. Obama's plan is to raise spending to levels that will bankrupt the country, weaken the faith of the American people in capitalism, and force massive tax increases to redistribute wealth- thereby creating a socialistic nanny state with government in charge. The war in Afghanistan is just another "opportunity" to grow government bigger; make big corporations, lobbyists, special interests, and defense contractors fat and happy (who will then contribute to Obama); and redistribute the wealth faster.

Universal healthcare will be funded by a “wealth tax”, a dramatic expansion of Medicare and Medicaid taxes passed on to the states, and soon a VAT tax paid by every consumer. Cap and Trade will be funded by massive new taxes and mandates on business and dramatic increases in every consumer's utility and gasoline bills. And, the expansion of the Afghanistan War will be paid by yet another “wealth tax.” These are all opportunities to spread Obama's Socialist agenda.

It's all been part of Obama's plan from day one. It was all explained by Rahm Emanuel who famously said “Let no opportunity go wasted.” We cannot afford this war. We cannot afford to nation-build, or to be the world's policeman. We cannot afford the lives lost or the treasure. Nor do I think Mr. Obama will allow us to fight to win. To paraphrase my hero Ronald Reagan, “Mr. President, END THIS WAR.”

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate

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