Thanks for the link. I've been a Ron Paul supporter for a long time, and I still can't figure out why anyone would not want to vote for a candidate who wants to abolish the IRS and repeal the income tax - especially gamblers for that matter. If the media was behind this guy like they are for the "establishment" candidates, Ron Paul would win in a landslide.
I just read another post about Vegas asking for SS numbers for winnings under $10K; I think the amount for one person was $3500.
The funny thing is that the IRS doesn't give a shit if you are cheating on your taxes or not. All they care about is if you "statistically" look like someone they can extract more money out of. They are the biggest government organization by far with 120,000 employees. They have to go to Congress every couple years and justify their case on why they are needed, as the expense of maintaining this beauracracy is enormous. They fire your tax return through a big equation, and if your numbers look statistically like someone who they were able to extract extra money out in the past, you will get audited.
This book is very informative and I highly recommend it: