Robert Woodson: If All Whites Moved Out of USA, How Would It Solve Inner-City Problems?


New member
Aug 28, 2012
The solution to poverty begins in the neighborhoods and the people affected by it, says Robert Woodson, the founder and president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise.

"You always have to begin with a solution in mind," Woodson told CSPAN Tuesday morning in a discussion on poverty. "I tell people, what is your solution? If all whites tomorrow were to move to Canada and Europe, tell me how it would affect the black on black crime rate, how would it it affect the out-of-wedlock births, how would it affect the spread of AIDS? How would it affect those issues?" he asked.

"What I'm saying to Black America, we must stop victimizaton. We must stop complaining about what white folks have done to us in the past. We must go into ourselves, as Dr. King said, and find indelible ink -- our own emancipation proclamation."

Woodson's organization goes into low-income communities and seeks out leaders and "moral mentors" to help solve the problems they understand so well.

"When you bring people together where you are motivated by solutions and not complaining about what others have done, it is amazing how much entrepreneurial energy exists within these high-crime neighborhoods," he said.

"Young men who have been to prison...if they can drive, it means they can drive taxicabs in high-crime areas. My point is, we should be using all of our energy to try and promote innovative approaches to poverty rather than just trying to find excuses. There's nothing more lethal than a good excuse for failure -- institutional racism, whatever that means.

"We need to just stop it, and we need to begin to concentrate on what we can do to elevate and lift ourselves, regardless of the resistance that other people may impose on us."

Woodson noted that government anti-poverty programs have made poor people a "commodity" for "a professional class of providers." He said that most of the trillions of dollars spent on poverty in America don't go to the poor, but to those who serve poor people -- and who "need poor people for their own existence."

"We have some perverse incentives for maintaining poverty in America. It is unfortunate, but two out of ten whites with college educations work for government; six out of ten blacks. It is an unfortunate situation where a lot of professionally trained blacks are in the position of being caretakers of the their low-income counterparts."

Woodson said there's currently no incentive to reduce poverty:

"The problem is, the majority of the money that is employed to address poverty is invested in people that are outside of that zip code -- professional service providers. They ask not which problems are solvable, but they ask what problems are fundable.

"They are answerable, not to their customers, the poor -- they answer to those who provide the money. So the conflict here is really over who controls the means of providing monies to the poor.

"I've seen endless examples of poor people that come together and design effective solutions to drug addictions, to violence and crime, only to have these inoovations ignored."

Woodson said innovation requires a difference structure:

"We need to look at the low-income communities and best invest in entreprenerus and people who are indigenous to those communiteis that demonstrate they can rebuild without gentrification."

Woodson praised Rep. Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan, which Woodson influenced.

Woodson said both he and Ryan (R-Wis.) have reached out to the Obama administration, "but we haven't seen too much response."

"We want to work with anybody who is promoting solutions," he said. Asked if there is any presidential candidate right now who is promoting viable solutions to poverty, Woodson said "no

New member
Aug 28, 2012
This also begs a couple questions, and hopefully you can answer honestly, without bias.

1. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the white people left?

2. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the black people left?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
A better question is what would America be like in 20 years "IF" all conservatives left?

Answer: Would be an amazing place. Greatest country in the history of mankind.

As for your article, it's basically a strawman. People dealing with inner city issues and high black crime rates aren't blaming it on white people. Not even sure where that is coming from.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
This also begs a couple questions, and hopefully you can answer honestly, without bias.

1. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the white people left?

2. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the black people left?
See the problem is if someone answers the question as to their own feeling and opinions.... That don't agree with yours...I'm sure you will say they aren't being honest.

The answers to me are quite simple. You are still gonna have dopes in both races. You will have an upper, middle and lower class either way. The lower class will commit most of the street crime and the upper class will commit most of the white collar crimes. The color won't matter. It's the cycle of human being....some are gonna be successful and some aren't. The only difference I see is that an all black society would give a real chance for ALL blacks to be successful. As a society we just aren't built that way right now. Shabazz Hakeem had less of a chance than Bill James....But that's the only thing that would be different in my opinion

New member
Oct 29, 2010
A better question is what would America be like in 20 years "IF" all conservatives left?

Answer: Would be an amazing place. Greatest country in the history of mankind.

As for your article, it's basically a strawman. People dealing with inner city issues and high black crime rates aren't blaming it on white people. Not even sure where that is coming from.
Oh wow. No conservatives? We would progress as a question about that. The rx forum would resemble a Mensa meeting and spam from breitbart would be gone....and Fox News would not exist. Ahhhhh...what a world

New member
Aug 28, 2012
See the problem is if someone answers the question as to their own feeling and opinions.... That don't agree with yours...I'm sure you will say they aren't being honest.

The answers to me are quite simple. You are still gonna have dopes in both races. You will have an upper, middle and lower class either way. The lower class will commit most of the street crime and the upper class will commit most of the white collar crimes. The color won't matter. It's the cycle of human being....some are gonna be successful and some aren't. The only difference I see is that an all black society would give a real chance for ALL blacks to be successful. As a society we just aren't built that way right now. Shabazz Hakeem had less of a chance than Bill James....But that's the only thing that would be different in my opinion

Im just curious, and would never bash someone who says they are completely honest. Everyone has opinions and they all differ in one way or another. That's just how human beings are made.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Im just curious, and would never bash someone who says they are completely honest. Everyone has opinions and they all differ in one way or another. That's just how human beings are made.
Probably more of a society built on classes rather than race. What class and society you're born into and what kind of parents you have usually determine where you are. Not always...of course exceptions happen.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Probably more of a society built on classes rather than race. What class and society you're born into and what kind of parents you have usually determine where you are. Not always...of course exceptions happen.

I agree, and those in the societies they are born into need to either break the cycle, or help those attempting to. Depends on which spectrum of society you are on. But, they both need to try, cant do it if only one is putting in an effort, or the other doesn't want to bother with it.

Its a two way street, and neither side can do it alone.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
An interesting read, while I don't agree with about 1/2 of what it says, it is interesting.

Black Africans: Their Own Worst Disaster

Black people around the world have been hypnotized into believing that all their failures in life are due to discrimination. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyday I see life here in Johannesburg carrying on a lot like it did under white rule. In spite of racial quotas, blacks struggle forward. Black Empowerment businesses hit the wall one after the other. Blacks who get jobs almost never carry out their duties with the same level of competence as the whites who came before them. This has been going on in lots of other African countries. And it is clear that the problem is not with white people - the problem is with the blacks themselves. But how many black people are willing to admit it?

Any white or Asian person who remains in contact with black people for any length of time stands a very good chance of becoming a racist. Why? When you live among blacks for any length of time you start to realize that they are often their own worst enemies, often the cause of their own disasters, and many refuse to listen and reason until it’s too late. Black people rule more than 50 countries on this planet, and every one is a virtual disaster area.

Exactly what causes this? It is two fold. On one hand, it has to do with their attitude and values. On the other hand, it has to do with intelligence. Black people are extremely gregarious, more so than whites, and they place little value on the individual, and much more on the group. One of the key elements in the rise of European and American dominance in the world has been the value accorded to individual accomplishment. Native black African society suppresses the individual and forces a conformism upon people. This makes them very susceptible to being herded like sheep and unwilling to stand up as leaders who will be prepared to go against the grain. The other fault is a tolerance of the wrong things. Blacks have a very easy-going attitude to life - an attitude of what will be will be. Instead of seeing a problem and dealing with it at its root, they ignore it hoping it will go away. They leave small problems to grow, ferment and become BIG PROBLEMS! This very "black" attitude is reflected in the song "Don’t Worry, be happy". It is precisely that sort of viewpoint towards life which causes many problems for them. There is a tendency for black people to live without a thought for tomorrow

These days one never stops hearing the "political version" of Darwin’s theory of evolution. The political version, as I think of it, is that Africa was the cradle of all human life and therefore, everyone, everywhere, across the world, owe something to Africa and to black people in particular. We are inundated with a lot of this here in South Africa.

A Jewish friend of mine, Dave, remarks that even at his age, he just can’t understand why blacks can’t get their act together. They have their "freedom" and they’re stuffing it up. "What’s wrong with blacks?" asks Dave. It’s simple really - intelligence. At the heart of all the problems which blacks have - across the world - is one thing, and one thing alone - intelligence or the lack of it.

Dave argues that if blacks got a chance, they would do well. Many white people in Africa have indeed tried to adopt liberal values but then they are mystified by the lack of black performance, and become frustrated because they see golden opportunities thrown away. They see waste; they see corruption - and megalomania. They just don’t understand the black psyche.

If, as the political interpretation of Darwin goes, the first humans were black, how come they aren’t the Master Race of the Earth? If blacks had a head start (by millions of years) on whites, Asians and everyone else, why aren’t they running the world? Dave says that the hot climate was not as conducive to development as the cold climate. What causes development? What about the Aztecs - they also lived in a hot climate. Look at what they did. Life was hard enough for blacks. They fought a lot with each other. They did not live in some mythical peace. To this day, there is so much tribal hatred in Africa. In this sense, Africa is no different to Europe. So why is it that blacks did not progress to the extent that Asians or Europeans did?

The Chinese were, in many areas, about 1,000 years ahead of Europe. In fact, in Chinese history, so Dave tells me, the Chinese once had a huge fleet which was destroyed by a certain Emperor. It has been announced recently that they might have evidence that the Chinese visited southern Africa before the Europeans and the Indians. Recent studies have shown that the Great Zimbabwe ruins might be an Indian temple. There is much evidence of Indian colonization of Zimbabwe and South Africa hundreds of years before whites came here. They even built irrigation canals in Zimbabwe and stone walls miles long.

If one looked at Caesar’s description of Europe, 2,000 years ago, he would see that even the Barbaric Europeans (the non-Romans), were more advanced than the blacks of Africa. Some people say that Caesar’s writings are something of a propaganda exercise aimed at painting the Roman conquest of Gaul in a good light. Caesar does not think much of the Barbarians - as he refers to the other Europeans. The Barbarians had a well-structured capitalist society which was functioning. They had governments, and made laws which were enforced. They negotiated deals, and could engage in impressive feats of engineering. In their exploits - including their cunning and deceit, one sees people who were capable of a high level of organization. And yet, these people were backward by Roman standards. Show me anything in African history which comes even close to this. Africans never invented the wheel. Most Africans were not even settled in cities. Their primitive agriculture could not sustain them for long and so they were migratory. The ownership of land, as defined in modern Western society had little meaning to the blacks of those days.

Dave remarks that de-colonization had actually been a good thing everywhere - EXCEPT IN AFRICA! He points out that the Pacific and Asian countries, and even South America, had fared much better after decolonization than Africa had. Africa has gone backwards for more than 40 years while Asian and other countries moved forward. All countries run by black people are backward - even those which do not have a history of colonialism, such as Ethiopia and Liberia. Liberia was inhabited by former black Americans. That it descended to the same level as the rest of Africa is telling. It shows that there is a deeper problem. In Zimbabwe, even in something as basic as food production, blacks struggle. Asians in Africa have an even more negative view of black abilities than whites. They have been run out of several black African countries. Even now, in South Africa, when they want to show the "capitalist exploitation of blacks", the best examples they come up with are not white businesses, but Indian businesses.

Now let’s be honest, yes, discrimination can hold back even a talented person. But it is here that the issue becomes interesting. So the theory goes "Give everyone an equal chance and the blacks will rise." But that is not true. Among the blacks there are talented individuals - make no mistake - but to assume that the majority of blacks are similarly talented is clearly false. I go to work, and I notice how white and Asian people are still the driving force of the country. Blacks get work but they get it on the basis that whites once got work - the color of their skin. But the difference is, it is not skin color that is the issue, but IQ. I notice this in Zimbabwe too. A mere handful of white people still manage to survive, even in very hostile conditions.

Blacks will never be represented in proportion to their numbers. Even in the USA, Asians have a hard time, coming to a new country, getting no special treatment and yet, they prove themselves and become extremely successful. Here in South Africa, there is an insistence on job quotas. 80% of all jobs are supposed to go to blacks. You cannot legislate talent. You cannot legislate intelligence or technical skill. It’s either there or it isn’t. Indians were treated in exactly the same way in Apartheid South Africa and even then, Indians became extremely wealthy.

Biologists have since time immemorial unearthed that given a chance, all people will perform better. But, MOST of intelligence is hereditary, and unless science can figure out how to meddle with the DNA to increase a person’s IQ, there is nothing you can do about it. If a black person marries a white person and they have kids, then those kids will have an IQ (on average), half way between that of blacks and whites. Interestingly, here in South Africa, the "colored" people like to identify with the whites and regard themselves superior to the blacks. Intelligence affects countries. Asian countries are very active and moving forward at a great pace. Japan, with no natural resources has the second strongest economy in the world, while Africa, which is up to its eyeballs in natural resources, and is potentially the richest continent in the world, is the poorest.

It is entirely possible that a lot of black Americans are more colored than black - which may explain why they do better than native black Africans. If blacks are as clever as they now say they were, then how come they did not have cities and cultures like that which existed elsewhere? The few cities that existed in ancient Africa were probably only in West Africa. You won’t find any cities in the rest of Africa. How come they could be conquered by very few whites? Also, why didn’t blacks import the knowledge and science of others? They had contact with Arabs, Europeans and Asians. Why didn’t they acquire scientific knowledge from others by buying it or getting people to come and teach them? Why did Indians and even Chinese come to Africa and leave their mark here but you see no marks left by blacks? You can see that Asians were here, even centuries later - yet you see no buildings left by blacks. Why didn’t blacks build fleets of ships and sail the world?

The whites were never molly coddled. The Asians were never molly coddled. It was kill or be killed. It was live by your own abilities or die. If you could do something you didn’t talk about how great you were, you went and did it. History was written by people who could do as opposed to those who could talk. On the battle field, or in science, it was a case of winner takes all. Nobody ever asked for or got special treatment.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I agree, and those in the societies they are born into need to either break the cycle, or help those attempting to. Depends on which spectrum of society you are on. But, they both need to try, cant do it if only one is putting in an effort, or the other doesn't want to bother with it.

Its a two way street, and neither side can do it alone.

I mean, if you want to be realistic about the argument, for the majority of the existence of America, blacks were prevented from accumulating wealth and education at the expense of white power. I mean we are honestly on the first-second generations since the end of the Civil Rights movement. I mean a lot of blacks actually lived through times where they were legally considered second class citizens and lived in absolute poverty. Preventing people from having any real high quality life and then setting them free to compete with all those that didn't have those restrictions is a little far fetched. It will take multiple generations, if it ever even happens, to ever get blacks on equal football in terms of adequate education and resources.

And yea yea yea, we all know a poor white person that made it and a poor black person that made it. But statistically speaking far less children raised in poor uneducated families become successful compared to children raised in middle/upper class families, regardless of race. Poor white people commit more crimes than middle/upper class white people. It's basic socioeconomics.

But saying white people prevented them from accumulating resources and education is not blaming white people. It's just a statement of fact and a real reason why it's hard for people to start with nothing to all of a sudden assimilate in to the western way of life. And of course there are faults in the black communities and the culture that existed even prior to their arrival to America. So they are definitely not free of blame... as Asians were treated pretty poorly to and have found ways to be overall more successful than blacks (statistically speaking). Lot of moving parts that aren't easy to fix. It's definitely not going to be fixed in a week or a year or 10 years. Changing generational problems takes, well, generations. I just don't see people in actual power and mature adults who are actively engaged in fixing these issues blaming white people like the article says. I'm sure if you google it you can find references or sources of people who do, but overall I would wager that there are far less people blaming white people for black problems than there are that acknowledge it's just a social problem more than a race problem.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
A better question is what would America be like in 20 years "IF" all conservatives left?

Answer: Would be an amazing place. Greatest country in the history of mankind.

As for your article, it's basically a strawman. People dealing with inner city issues and high black crime rates aren't blaming it on white people. Not even sure where that is coming from.

Oh wow. No conservatives? We would progress as a question about that. The rx forum would resemble a Mensa meeting and spam from breitbart would be gone....and Fox News would not exist. Ahhhhh...what a world


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh....and we would have less toddler, dude and animal pics.

That dave007 is one scary creepy guy.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
1. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the white people left?

The NHL would fold.

2. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the black people left?

The NBA would fold.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
1. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the white people left?

The NHL would fold.

2. What would America be like in 20 years "IF" all the black people left?

The NBA would fold.

I disagree with #2... NBA would be back to making underhand free throws... no more dunks..... and Over/Under lines would never eclipse 100

Apr 14, 2006
A better question is what would America be like in 20 years "IF" all conservatives left?

Answer: Would be an amazing place. Greatest country in the history of mankind.

As for your article, it's basically a strawman. People dealing with inner city issues and high black crime rates aren't blaming it on white people. Not even sure where that is coming from.

BWAA HAA HAA HAA!!!! You must be fucking joking.

New member
Jan 29, 2009
when i was in high school, that was the big thing with the blacks...the whole "back to africa " idea...obvious, it was all talk..

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