NCAA needs to go to the NHL's review system. They have guys in Toronto that watch all the goals & make decisions on controversial goals, so fans, coaches & players have no influence on the decision. Have a group of ex-officials, ect. sitting in a room in NYC, Chicago or wherever & have them make the decision on the play. These supposedly trained & professional referees make their decisions based on who's home field it is & whether it makes them admit they we're wrong or not. 90% of these calls are in favor of the home team. If this game was in Lansing, the call would have been made correctly, but because it was in Lincoln, MSU is screwed out of a shot at the playoff. Duke/Miami was worse last week, but both calls should result in people losing their jobs. There has to be at least a dozen calls per week that should be overturned that aren't because of pride, fear or just straight out incompetence.