Question of the day.Which or how many of these talking points do YOU agree with?


New member
Sep 20, 2000
<TABLE class=maintable><TBODY><TR class=headline><TD align=middle>[SIZE=+2]15 Points[/SIZE]
2006-JUN-14</TD></TR><TR class=mainrow><TD>I have been asked what it means to be a conservative. I have compiled a list of 15 values that can be identified as conservative. See how many you agree with.

Pro Life - You believe that at the very least, any unborn child who could live outside the womb is fully human and has the same civil rights as the rest of us. You may also believe that assisted suicide and euthanasia (mercy killing) are morally wrong.

Pro Gun Rights - You believe that the founding fathers intended to guarantee every citizen the right to defend himself either individually or banded together as "militia" and that collectively the general public should be better armed than the government.

Privatize Social Security - You know that the Social Security trust fund is bankrupt and that the only long term hope for this system is to allow individuals to take ownership and control of their own old age funds.

Income tax - You believe that the current income tax is a dangerous invasion of privacy, and an immoral method of limiting individual liberty. It must be replaced with a non-invasive method of taxation, such as a national retail sales tax. This replacement should include a constitutional amendment forbidding taxation based on income.

Sunset Amendment - You have noticed that most Government programs start out with noble ideals and limited agendas but over the years grow into many-tentacled monsters that burn tax money and often have the opposite effect of their intended mission. This can be cured if every regulatory agency, and spending program had to be completely re-authorized from the ground up every (pick a number) 20 years.

Oppose National Id - You know there is a never ending effort by the FBI, the ATF, and all the other alphabet soup agencies to compile information on the public and to tie each of us to a system of centralized national identification. This must be not only stopped, but rolled back and the databases containing data on citizens who have never been convicted of any crime must be destroyed. You would support an amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing all non-felon citizens a reasonable expectation of privacy from government at all levels and forbidding the collection of data on citizens in time of peace.

End Affirmative Action - You believe that all citizens should receive equal treatment by their government and that all government agencies should stop promoting favors for special interest groups based on sex, race, or ethnicity.

School Choice and Local Control - You recognize that the schools have been in accelerated decline ever since the creation of the cabinet level Department of Education. Obviously, this one-size-fits-all approach to education is not working. We need to get parents back into the decision making process for our schools.

Welfare - You can see that the current welfare system is not working. All public welfare needs to be returned to local control. The current method of welfare uses regulations and bureaucracy in place of human understanding, resulting in welfare enslavement for many citizens.

Social Engineering - You agree that the Government should stop trying to socially engineer our attitudes on issues of sexuality, morality, and religion.

English Language - You understand that a common language is one of the most powerful elements that make us into one great nation. Multilingual schools, ballots, and government agencies serve only to divide us. All government agencies at all levels must operate only in English. Schools must insist on total immersion as the only way to teach English to newcomers. English must be designated as our official language.

Immigration - It is clear to you that immigration must be limited to those who want to learn English, become Americans, and work hard to contribute to our great country. All other immigrants should be sent home.

Separation of Powers - You believe that the founding fathers intended to keep the three branches of government separate and distinct. The President does NOT have the ability to make law, and neither does the Judiciary branch.

Support States Rights - You notice the plain truth that centralized government fails and has no balance to keep it from mutating into a tyrannical monster and only by allowing the states to be the power brokers do the citizens have any defense.

Teachers should have standards - It is clear to you that teachers should have performance standards like everyone else. It makes sense that they should have to demonstrate these standards as they have direct influence on the very future of the nation.

How did you do?
All 15 - You're a right wing conspiracy monger!
14 to 12 - Solid conservative.
11 to 8 - You're in the American majority*.
Less than 7 - You would probably be called liberal.

* Please note, the democratic platform does not embrace a SINGLE one of these values.


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Pro Life - both partys are pro life. Well the right tried to smear the left by saying they aborted late term babys. Which of course was never true. This was all a carl Rove scare tactic that had the righys completely fooled. The facts about this disgust me to this very day. The fact that a bunch of republicans had it in their head that babys of 8 months were going to die. Of course this was just another talking point to steer me away from the ignorant. May god bless these people.

Pro Gun Rights - Depends where you live.

Privatize Social Security - Never. Pubs are too dumb, they would screw it up.

Income tax - The comments here are pretty dumb. Long story short, pubs don't know what the hell they are doing.

Sunset Amendment - The comments here are very disturbing. I dont even know if I can comment on them.

Oppose National Id - A lot of words to say national ID sucks, and I agree.

End Affirmative Action - The comments here are pretty bad. Everything is so Anti everything that of course the laws implimented to help women and minoritys. They are very warranted.

School Choice and Local Control -. Obviously, this one-size-fits-all approach to education is not working. Dirr. Give more money to the schools. Well this is what the intellectualy challenged right has against us. Socialism works, pricks. Give the children some money.

Welfare - Left approach saves us lots of money. Right seems to love these hand outs for votes or whatever. Really makes me sick.

Social Engineering - LMAO Right plus Social Engineering is an oximoron

English Language - Pubs struggle with it

Immigration - The pubs can't get any, so they prey on them cute girls jumping the fence

Separation of Powers - Why talk about this.

Support States Rights - Way above pubs heads

Teachers should have standards -
give the schools more money, stop being nosey. What is so hard here.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
11 to 8 - You're in the American majority*.

The American majority is stupid, why would someone want to be included in that group? Any group of people that managed to put a walking douchebag like W in office not once, but twice, is a club that I don't want membership in.

Sep 22, 2004
Nice post Pat.

There's something in there for everyone.

I'm less than 7 btw.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Pat Patriot said:
<TABLE class=maintable><TBODY><TR class=headline><TD align=middle>[SIZE=+2]15 Points[/SIZE]
</TD></TR><TR class=mainrow><TD>I have been asked what it means to be a conservative. I have compiled a list of 15 values that can be identified as conservative. See how many you agree with.

Pro Life - You believe that at the very least, any unborn child who could live outside the womb is fully human and has the same civil rights as the rest of us. You may also believe that assisted suicide and euthanasia (mercy killing) are morally wrong.

Pro Gun Rights - You believe that the founding fathers intended to guarantee every citizen the right to defend himself either individually or banded together as "militia" and that collectively the general public should be better armed than the government.

Privatize Social Security - You know that the Social Security trust fund is bankrupt and that the only long term hope for this system is to allow individuals to take ownership and control of their own old age funds.

Income tax - You believe that the current income tax is a dangerous invasion of privacy, and an immoral method of limiting individual liberty. It must be replaced with a non-invasive method of taxation, such as a national retail sales tax. This replacement should include a constitutional amendment forbidding taxation based on income.

Sunset Amendment - You have noticed that most Government programs start out with noble ideals and limited agendas but over the years grow into many-tentacled monsters that burn tax money and often have the opposite effect of their intended mission. This can be cured if every regulatory agency, and spending program had to be completely re-authorized from the ground up every (pick a number) 20 years.

Oppose National Id - You know there is a never ending effort by the FBI, the ATF, and all the other alphabet soup agencies to compile information on the public and to tie each of us to a system of centralized national identification. This must be not only stopped, but rolled back and the databases containing data on citizens who have never been convicted of any crime must be destroyed. You would support an amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing all non-felon citizens a reasonable expectation of privacy from government at all levels and forbidding the collection of data on citizens in time of peace.

End Affirmative Action - You believe that all citizens should receive equal treatment by their government and that all government agencies should stop promoting favors for special interest groups based on sex, race, or ethnicity.

School Choice and Local Control - You recognize that the schools have been in accelerated decline ever since the creation of the cabinet level Department of Education. Obviously, this one-size-fits-all approach to education is not working. We need to get parents back into the decision making process for our schools.

Welfare - You can see that the current welfare system is not working. All public welfare needs to be returned to local control. The current method of welfare uses regulations and bureaucracy in place of human understanding, resulting in welfare enslavement for many citizens.

Social Engineering - You agree that the Government should stop trying to socially engineer our attitudes on issues of sexuality, morality, and religion.

English Language - You understand that a common language is one of the most powerful elements that make us into one great nation. Multilingual schools, ballots, and government agencies serve only to divide us. All government agencies at all levels must operate only in English. Schools must insist on total immersion as the only way to teach English to newcomers. English must be designated as our official language.

Immigration - It is clear to you that immigration must be limited to those who want to learn English, become Americans, and work hard to contribute to our great country. All other immigrants should be sent home.

Separation of Powers - You believe that the founding fathers intended to keep the three branches of government separate and distinct. The President does NOT have the ability to make law, and neither does the Judiciary branch.

Support States Rights - You notice the plain truth that centralized government fails and has no balance to keep it from mutating into a tyrannical monster and only by allowing the states to be the power brokers do the citizens have any defense.

Teachers should have standards - It is clear to you that teachers should have performance standards like everyone else. It makes sense that they should have to demonstrate these standards as they have direct influence on the very future of the nation.

How did you do?
All 15 - You're a right wing conspiracy monger!
14 to 12 - Solid conservative.
11 to 8 - You're in the American majority*.
Less than 7 - You would probably be called liberal.

* Please note, the democratic platform does not embrace a SINGLE one of these values.


Agree with:
1. Oppose National ID (and other govt snooping)
2. Social Engineering (thinks like gay marriage amendment, war on drugs, flag burning amd, and pretty much veeything the religious right wants)
3. Separation of Powers (oppose the power grab attempted by Bush)
4. Support States Rights (Bush Admin againat this at every turn (medical marijuana, assisted suicide, on and on and on)
5. Teachers should have standards (absolutely, but not the national no child left behind exactly does that jive with states rights and local control?)

So I got 5. Whew, thnakfully under 7 and can still be called a liberal. :103631605

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
The wording in each one of those points is hopelessly partisan. And you guys think the media is biased?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
The wording in each one of those points is hopelessly partisan. And you guys think the media is biased?
<!-- / message -->
The news media is not supposed to be biased, this guy is not part of the news media.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Pat, I don't know who wrote it, but to pass it off as a litmus test as to how you should classify yourself (and maybe vote) is unfair.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
JM.its from a conservative blogger

Pat, I don't know who wrote it, but to pass it off as a litmus test as to how you should classify yourself (and maybe vote) is unfair.
JM its question on an open poltical forum for goodness sake,don't take it personally...and please do shit on it if you D2 did. Ipersonally think the talking points are fair and agree with them to a degree.
I didn't post it as moses with the ten commndments...close though.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
These are conservative talking points????

Pat Patriot said:
Pro Life - You believe that at the very least, any unborn child who could live outside the womb is fully human and has the same civil rights as the rest of us. You may also believe that assisted suicide and euthanasia (mercy killing) are morally wrong.

Last I looked, anti-abortionists would ban all abortions, not just third trimester abortions.

Pro Gun Rights - You believe that the founding fathers intended to guarantee every citizen the right to defend himself either individually or banded together as "militia" and that collectively the general public should be better armed than the government.

If conservatives think that the population should be better armed than the gov't, why do they champion a military that outspends the rest of the world combined?? Are American conservatives delusional, believing that they can defeat this military, if needed?

Privatize Social Security - You know that the Social Security trust fund is bankrupt and that the only long term hope for this system is to allow individuals to take ownership and control of their own old age funds.

The gov't choosing a handful of corporations for you to invest in, and regulating the shit out of these corporations (not to mention indirect approval of the inevitable lobbying/bribery tactics that always come up whenever business and gov't mix) is not privatisation. Full privatisation would simply mean an end to SS. From there, it's wide-open choice-time for consumers.

Income tax - You believe that the current income tax is a dangerous invasion of privacy, and an immoral method of limiting individual liberty. It must be replaced with a non-invasive method of taxation, such as a national retail sales tax. This replacement should include a constitutional amendment forbidding taxation based on income.

A 'national' retail sales tax is not conservative. Ask our Progressive Conservatives how well the GST went over with their base. Hint: you can't, because the party ceased to exist shortly thereafter.

Sunset Amendment - You have noticed that most Government programs start out with noble ideals and limited agendas but over the years grow into many-tentacled monsters that burn tax money and often have the opposite effect of their intended mission. This can be cured if every regulatory agency, and spending program had to be completely re-authorized from the ground up every (pick a number) 20 years.

Indeed. Too bad conservatives don't see this anymore. Take the NSA programme, for example. What do you suppose that beast will look like 20 years down the road?

Oppose National Id - You know there is a never ending effort by the FBI, the ATF, and all the other alphabet soup agencies to compile information on the public and to tie each of us to a system of centralized national identification. This must be not only stopped, but rolled back and the databases containing data on citizens who have never been convicted of any crime must be destroyed. You would support an amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing all non-felon citizens a reasonable expectation of privacy from government at all levels and forbidding the collection of data on citizens in time of peace.

See my reply to the previous point.

Also, if and when the National ID is tied to stopping illegal immigrants from finding work, I have ZERO doubt that conservatives will change their tune on this.

End Affirmative Action - You believe that all citizens should receive equal treatment by their government and that all government agencies should stop promoting favors for special interest groups based on sex, race, or ethnicity.

Okay, I'll give you this one. Sorta.

School Choice and Local Control - You recognize that the schools have been in accelerated decline ever since the creation of the cabinet level Department of Education. Obviously, this one-size-fits-all approach to education is not working. We need to get parents back into the decision making process for our schools.

Conservatives started promising the end to the Department of Education in the early 80s. They've had control of the White House for how many years since then? And yet, there she be, the Department of Education, bigger than before, now with the newly-formed No Child Left Behind Act to expand its control and power.

Welfare - You can see that the current welfare system is not working. All public welfare needs to be returned to local control. The current method of welfare uses regulations and bureaucracy in place of human understanding, resulting in welfare enslavement for many citizens.

And when we see conservatives in droves fight to end Bush's Faith-Based Initiative, I'll believe this one, too. And corporate welfare. And subsidies. Or, when they change the immigration debate from 'but the Mexicans sponge off our social programmes!' to 'end the social programmes and there is no more immigration debate'.

Social Engineering - You agree that the Government should stop trying to socially engineer our attitudes on issues of sexuality, morality, and religion.

Holy mother of crap. I don't even know where to start with this one.

English Language - You understand that a common language is one of the most powerful elements that make us into one great nation. Multilingual schools, ballots, and government agencies serve only to divide us. All government agencies at all levels must operate only in English. Schools must insist on total immersion as the only way to teach English to newcomers. English must be designated as our official language.

So, in one point, the author claims that conservatives have some sort of monopoly on not wanting the state to interfere with culture (social engineering) and in the next, we hear how people must learn to speak English when they get here.


Immigration - It is clear to you that immigration must be limited to those who want to learn English, become Americans, and work hard to contribute to our great country. All other immigrants should be sent home.

And, again.

Separation of Powers - You believe that the founding fathers intended to keep the three branches of government separate and distinct. The President does NOT have the ability to make law, and neither does the Judiciary branch.

Please read my 'Holy mother of crap' comment above. My fingers are getting tired.

Support States Rights - You notice the plain truth that centralized government fails and has no balance to keep it from mutating into a tyrannical monster and only by allowing the states to be the power brokers do the citizens have any defense.

Kinda like how English should be a national language? Or the national retail sales tax this author applauded above? Or how a federal standing army is the biggest threat to liberty (full circle back to the gun talking point above. FUN!)


Teachers should have standards - It is clear to you that teachers should have performance standards like everyone else. It makes sense that they should have to demonstrate these standards as they have direct influence on the very future of the nation.

Weren't we (by 'we', I mean 'you') just arguing against federal control of schools a few points above?

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
D2bets said:
Agree with:
1. Oppose National ID (and other govt snooping)
2. Social Engineering (thinks like gay marriage amendment, war on drugs, flag burning amd, and pretty much veeything the religious right wants)
3. Separation of Powers (oppose the power grab attempted by Bush)
4. Support States Rights (Bush Admin againat this at every turn (medical marijuana, assisted suicide, on and on and on)
5. Teachers should have standards (absolutely, but not the national no child left behind exactly does that jive with states rights and local control?)

So I got 5. Whew, thnakfully under 7 and can still be called a liberal. :103631605

Yeah, I think you just eeked out Dubya, by one or 2 :lolBIG:

role player
Sep 20, 2004
14.5 (the neck size of a pencil neck geek lib.)

Take off -.25 on state rights, they should be limited a bit. We don't need Arkansas wanting out of the union and bringing in al quida members to kill the exploding razorback population as they migrate into eastern Texas. Put a guy like Clinton in charge and it will endanger the entire union. National security trumps any form of state rights.

Take of another .25 as some form of national identification is needed to limit democrat voting fraud.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
12 and borderline with the 2 I didnt have definite agreement.

Am in disagreement with Nat ID card.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
These are conservative talking points????

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Pat Patriot
Pro Life - You believe that at the very least, any unborn child who could live outside the womb is fully human and has the same civil rights as the rest of us. You may also believe that assisted suicide and euthanasia (mercy killing) are morally wrong.

Last I looked, anti-abortionists would ban all abortions, not just third trimester abortions.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Pro Gun Rights - You believe that the founding fathers intended to guarantee every citizen the right to defend himself either individually or banded together as "militia" and that collectively the general public should be better armed than the government. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

If conservatives think that the population should be better armed than the gov't, why do they champion a military that outspends the rest of the world combined?? Are American conservatives delusional, believing that they can defeat this military, if needed?

Panda he says "at the very least.."
yeah i believe that to be a conservative point of view as opposed to a liberal point of view.

#2 See real Americans want guns so at least we can go down with a fight...not having guns as the libs would want would mean they could just take over by announcment.
Don't have time right now to dicuss the rest.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Damned, I'm a right wing conspiracy monger!

But what conspiracy am I mongering?


May 16, 2006
I think that everyone should have to atleast try and learn to speak Cherokee to be a true American.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
NesAdvantage said:
I think that everyone should have to atleast try and learn to speak Cherokee to be a true American.


True story: there has recently been a standoff between a native community and a land developer about 20 minutes outside of my hometown. The natives have basically camped out on the land, causing quite the media circus. Anyway, a handful of people protesting the natives' stance showed up. One of them had a sign that read: "Go back where you came from."

(As told to me by a friend who claims to have witnessed this.)

New member
Nov 8, 2004
12 and borderline with the 2 I didnt have definite agreement.

Am in disagreement with Nat ID card.

Gee Woof, I guess it's safe to say >>>You will not like that chip they are going to put in your next drivers license. You know the one that tells them EVERYTHING there is to know about you.

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