Since your an SEC expert. Can you tell me who is the bigger fraud. Georgia or Florida? Thanks in advance.
i would take this is a legit question, but i feel i know better from you to answer it seriously
i said both were overrated in my pre-season thread. you douchebag. thanks for calling out the guy who called both teams out pre-season. not to mention i had a nice wager on Alabama tonight AND called for their outright victory. i actually post these things BEFORE the game. unlike you last week AFTER florida waxed tennessee..."can someone please explain to me how florida was ONLY -17 to so and so"
very next week you question florida....hilarious
the only way i ever saw florida making a title game was their schedule
go bet a little league game. im looking for advice on who has sprung the first pubic hair in the 6 and under world series
until little league rolls back around...have fun laying 24 points on the road with usc....fuckin square
thanks to the money you gamble, i was able to enjoy the gum machine at the palms. got a nice trident for 25 cents at the new state of the art gum dispensing machine...courtesy of railbirds $25 donations..err money