Estimated NBA Over/Under Push Frequencies
For updated data please see my Half-Point Calculator.
Total N Freq.
170 548 2.37%
171 713 3.51%
172 869 2.53%
173 1,031 2.52%
174 1,202 2.25%
175 1,375 2.69%
176 1,563 2.18%
177 1,760 2.44%
178 1,960 2.40%
179 2,187 2.70%
180 2,348 2.21%
181 2,586 2.09%
182 2,819 3.23%
183 3,086 2.79%
184 3,379 2.78%
185 3,626 2.48%
186 3,842 2.19%
187 4,005 2.22%
188 4,123 2.38%
189 4,322 2.31%
190 4,432 1.96%
191 4,570 2.23%
192 4,600 2.33%
193 4,589 2.31%
194 4,580 2.16%
195 4,519 2.43%
196 4,432 2.62%
197 4,293 2.63%
198 4,152 1.93%
199 4,127 2.42%
200 4,029 2.08%
201 3,917 1.79%
202 3,814 2.60%
203 3,715 2.45%
204 3,636 2.50%
205 3,514 2.19%
206 3,372 2.28%
207 3,168 2.37%
208 2,943 2.14%
209 2,723 2.13%
210 2,531 2.69%
211 2,292 2.14%
212 2,087 2.30%
213 1,926 2.02%
214 1,741 1.78%
215 1,598 2.00%
216 1,447 1.80%
217 1,261 2.14%
218 1,134 2.03%
219 986 1.52%
220 884 2.60%
221 779 2.05%
222 685 1.46%
223 598 2.34%
224 522 3.07%
* All NBA regular season final scores and closing over/unders (from from the 1990/1 season through November 17th of the 2006/7 season were analyzed (18,368 games in total) for various total point scores.
* The push frequency for a given over/under was determined by the percentage of games with an over/under within 4 points of the over/under in question ending with a total point score equal to that over/under. For example, the push frequency of an over/under of 200 was determined from all games with a closing over/unders between 196 and 204.
* This is based on Stanford Wong's methodology as described in Sharp Sports Betting.