If Obama really wasn't born in Hawaii, I do believe either Clinton or McCain would have learned about this, especially Clinton with that political machine she has at her disposal.
I think there are far better fights we can fight with respect to Obama. I actually think he's happy that this one continues on, it's one he can win while using it to mock the opposition.
See, they don't believe I'm an American citizen, how can you trust them with respect to health care, and it's all Bush's fault by the way.
ur Barrack, what political leader in DC has said you're not a citizen again?
the Republicans should be ashamed, and it's Bush's fault my stimulus for pork isn't working either, and it's Bush's fault that the blue dog Democrats oppose MamaObamacare, and it's Bush's fault I made race baiting comments and threw law enforcement under the bus, and it's Laura Bush's pants I wore at the All Star game and she's the one that taught me how to throw too.