I've been in contact with 3 different people from CM and they did some looking into this hidden agenda by Wayne, Wayne is Psychic and the proof is in his writings. Just like at CM he can never leave well enough alone. He carries on just like Wayne and his agenda is the same. For what its worth Wayne is the one who ruined CM and he is the one that never shuts his mouth and won't leave well enough alone. He carries on and on just like he is doing here. Wayne is also involved in the money missing from CM. He is doing everything he can to cover it up and the site is making it look like they have many members and or people looking at the board. The place is dead and the only people posting there are wayne bitches. Again. wayne is a dumbass and he always has to get the last word in. One member sent me a post that was nearly word for word the way wayne talks. So don't bother buying into his rant its wayne the whiner the bitch in the box. CM stole money from posters. Wayne is now not a Patriot fan he is a Brady fan. So if anyone wondered where his alliance stands its in Brady's pants. Face facts guy's, no one sticks up for Wayne. NO ONE. In due time more is going to come out as some of the people there are setting wayne up for the ultimate fail. Jack does not have cancer that is just another ploy to get the heat off of him. Jack and Wayne have used CM to get money from honest people. Who is a fan of one player, lol. Please let your friends know not to invest in any tournaments at CM. They will steal your money and have excuse after excuse after it happens. Wayne will be in here soon to talk shit like he does all the time. The pussy can't handle being talked about. When he finds out what people are doing at CM he will be booting more out as his game is over. Again Jack and Wayne stole money from posters at the site. The proof is all over CM. So fuck you Wayne you tom brady dick sucker.