kingbill how is vancouver on diversity issues like this? as you know, vancouver is one of the spots i'm considering in 2010. i'm not gay or anything, trying to get the idea of the social climate there though.
Vancouver is very socially diverse, it's a very liberal city. People are for people, there is usually a gay bashing that gets tonnes of media coverage every couple years because it's not tolerated by the people or the government. Here is the latest, the guy is getting charged with a hate crime
Not really any racial tension, We have tonnes of Chinese and Indians (Dot not Tepee). Most of the murders are either Domestics or gang related so if you don't have a bad family, Marry wrong or get into the drug trade you're gonna be pretty safe.
The problem with it is it's very expensive to live here. The condo I'm in is in the first suburb east. 15 minutes downtown by train. It's two bedrooms 800 square feet and it sells for $279,000. It would be 3x that if it was downtown. But to be fair there is lots of money to be made in Vancouver.
Our liberal government is very pro business but they are also conscious of peoples social needs. I don't see them losing power for a long time.