Anyone know why this is only at 81.5? I remember years past it was well over 100 because neither team played Defense. I haven't payed attention to the Pro Bowl in years but just curious if anyone's had an idea why it's so low.
I believe the highest total ever posted for any ProBowl was the 2014 opening total of 93 which closed at 90.5 at most books. This years total is either 2nd or tied for 2nd highest ever at 82.5 to open. Hope that clarifies. There were many years in the late 90's where the totals sat at 63-65 and were getting eclipsed by a good 20 points which is when totals tarted driving upward.Then when they went to the team captain format totals started to dip again and here we are back to the AFC/NFC format and a pretty hefty total.