Actually, Primerica was originally started by Art Williams, who founded AL Williams which I posted about earlier today in the Citi thread. Art wrote a book called, "Common Sense." The theory was, instead of buying Whole or Universal Life Insurance [which IS A SCAM where when you borrow on the policy you are paying interest to ripoff companys by BORROWING YOUR OWN MONEY], you should buy pure term insurance and invest the difference.
AL Williams made it's bones by targeting ripoff firms like Prudential, who were selling horrible Whole Life policies to consumers. My friends quote was, "When you buy a Whole Life policy, your insurance company turns around and buys a term life policy on you." The only true insurance is term.
This is to everyone in here who has a wife and kids. If you've never learned anything from this forum -- If you have life insurance and it is not term you are getting ripped off!