Politico Blog Credited With Helping to Take Down Daschle


Mar 7, 2005
The 100-day sprint
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By JOSH GERSTEIN | 2/3/09 1:36 PM
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Daschle: 'I ... will not be a distraction'

By POLITICO STAFF | 2/3/09 1:22 PM
Obama and Daschle’s statements on HHS.
  • icon_bullet.gif
    Daschle pushed Hindery for Obama job
  • icon_bullet.gif
    Hoyer: Daschle tax trouble "an embarassment"
  • icon_bullet.gif
    Republicans stayed mum
  • icon_video.gif
    Daschle ‘tearful,' ‘overwrought’

Mar 7, 2005
Conservative blogs doing what our liberal Main stream media won't do.

Thank God the internet gives us a new alternative press corps.

Newspapers are so dead.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Conservative blogs doing what our liberal Main stream media won't do.

Thank God the internet gives us a new alternative press corps.

Newspapers are so dead.


It's not just the newspapers, it's all major forms of media in America.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Conservative blogs doing what our liberal Main stream media won't do.

Thank God the internet gives us a new alternative press corps.

Newspapers are so dead.


Sure, and you also want to regulate it as well.


Tell that no good mother fucking cocksucker James Sensenbren*ner from your home state that he is a piece of shit and a scourge to the district he represents. What a vile pile of shit. I would scrape that no good hatchet man off my shoe with a shovel. I hope he drowns in a pool of aids.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
MJ, you posted lots of links so perhaps I missed something. Can you point me to where there is anything to support your topic headline?

Mar 7, 2005
MJ, you posted lots of links so perhaps I missed something. Can you point me to where there is anything to support your topic headline?

It was all the buzz on the news that day...at the time I posted it.

Which lead me to check out Politico...thus the post as a timely service to this forum. :103631605

Mar 7, 2005
I guess I have to take your word for that, seeing that I cannot know what's on the American news and what "all the buzz" means to you.

I will admit I pushed some headlines during the crazy election process...just to get a rise out of some of you.

My side got kind of steamrolled...just trying to be a good soldier.

I'll play it more straight up now...I'm a little sick of the needless bickering.

Fair enough?

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
If he was one of us he be in jail.

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