Pino Safari wtf kind of deal is that???

Email this guy,he will make you laugh atleast...

he is looking to cash in on NAB debacle, I humored him and exchanged emails and he insults me..

If I wasn t so disgusted i`d be rolling on the floor laughing! /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif
listen gang he may be on the level, but basically he`s only offering cash back on your action, i told him i could give him 10k a week action he said he could send me 200 a month for that..

so I`m suppose to trust this guy with 10k a week in action for 200 a month for a year?


why doesn t he just explain himself on here next time, and save everyone emails /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Your Email
this is the best i can do for you..okay i work for the Rx, i have alot of friends on there, you send me my two dimes, i will promaote the hell out of your book, not only that i will send you the money back and double it i ll give you my neteller info , send me the 2 dimes , i ll come on the rx and sell the hell out of that deal, i m one of them , i have a following and i know for a fact many people personally who have been stuck by NAB..
if your legit and I m not saying you are not legit, but i ve never heard of you and i ve been playing for many can call grande olympic heritage, i have had many large balances with these three books in bail me out of my and i will not only double that i will sell the hell out of your book , that is if its what your telling me it is...

My Reply
You see the problem. I don't believe in that. I don't want you to promote the hell out of my book. I just finished telling my customers to be leery of that. What you are asking me is similar to advertising. Look what happened to you and many others that got hyped by Rx. I am looking for the honest player who is out a few bucks and I try to help out. I cut and pasted this from another email I received.
lost about 35K at NAB.
any suggestions for me?
i play about 15,000-20,000 of action per sat and sun combined, and about 10,000 during the week. average per game of 1500 - i love to bet most tv games.
please advise.

I replied that I can't do aything to help him. I don't get in over my head. If you are with Rx why were you posting up with a new unproven book???I can help you out in the manner i mentioned. If I give you $2000 up front but do not get $80000 in additional revenue for the month I dish out the $2000 I screw up my balances. I will not jeaperdize my balances for any one account. now if I was not doing any bail out this month and you came to me and offered to bring me XX$$ in business I could have worked out some deal with you but this month I am already commintted to about 20 NAB players.

Where is the humour. Don't bullship about your intenetion and at the end say you wourk for Rx. I don't care who you work for. I have nothing to hide. Unlike you I GUESS.
Journeyman, is that copy of your email to Pino accurate & complete?

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
As for the $10,000 per week I replied that I could give you the $200 for half that amount. My budget per player is $200 per month. Did I ask for a deposit minimum. NO. Did I ask for a rollover requirement. NO. I just asked what action you do. you reply that you do $10,000 per week. So therefore I could cover your $2400 loss. Again my max per player is $200 per month. you would take 12 month to get 2400. I did not force you to sign up at NAB. I just offered you a way to recoupe your loses. I am under no obligation to give you anything. You work at Rx. Don't you feel a little responsible fro hyping NAB.
My email
You can always read the posts but don't always trust the messenger especially if they are pushing some new advertiser. They have to make money. I can't blame them. They are in the business of selling ads. The posting forum is great but someone has to pay for it.
Your response wrote:
i trust the rx less and less each day!

Now who is misleading
At least I hid your email address.

THAT explains a lots!

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
/infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif
It's not that I mistrusted you but would like for him to own-up to it.

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
I must say you play with fire you will get burned.

looks like you might have been better off just trying to sell him a flier
Here we go again, Journeyman trying to use his "friends" again... I can't believe people fall for this guy...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I remain curteous. I would not post your email address either. But I do have the right to defend myself from stupid accusations. I don't buy praise. Never did. Never will. The truth always stands the test of time.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not standing up for Journeyman but:

Pino, disregard the email I sent you last night. I no longer wish to have anything to do with your sportsbook. Good luck to you sir.
>I no longer wish to have anything to do
>with your sportsbook

Pino's gain!

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
No problem. But I got many emails and have no idea which was yours. Hope you are not offended but if you want to post personel conversations with me post the facts. Not BS. I never hide from the facts. But should not have to defend myself against inaccurate info.

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