Pencil necked bleeding heart libs should take cover as...


role player
Sep 20, 2004
Newt Gingrich has all but thrown his hat in the race in 2008. Unless GAMEFACE or bblight runs for president, he'll get my vote! Newt has the debating skills to completely dismantle anything the libs throw out there and he could rally this country like no one else, since Ronald Reagan. I am very excited about Newt in 08! Newt is one fine American!
Oct 21, 2004
Thats funny ... ONE FINE AMERICAN?

Gingrich was known to force oral sex with interns and reportedly cheated on two of his three wives. He even served his first wife with divorce papers while she lying in a hospital bed fighting cancer so that he could marry a mistress. Then, Gingrich divorced wife number two, reportedly for Callista Bisek, a much younger Congressional employee, and had sex with her in his Capitol Hill office during the Clinton witch hunt. As columnist Robert Scheer pointed out, “As House speaker, Gingrich had ultimate power over the woman’s career, raising questions of sexual harassment.” Gingrich married Bisek a few months after divorce number two was finalized in 2000. He got his second marriage annulled by the Catholic Church, even though Gingrich was not Catholic - Bisek was. That meant that the church declined to formally recognize the 19 years of Gingrich’s second marriage. How’s that for family values?

* A centerpiece of Gingrich's Contract With America was "securities reform." Passed in 1995 over President Bill Clinton's veto, the bill shielded outside accountants and law firms from liability for false corporate reporting, and made it more difficult for shareholders to bring suit against fraudulent reporting. A flood of corporate misstatements has followed.<!-- / message -->
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Oct 21, 2004
Naughty Newt Gingrich. Speculation surrounding the Newtle's recent decision to ditch his wife of 18 years, Marianne Ginther Gingrich, and cop to an affair with a woman 23 years his junior has made summertime in Washington even steamier than usual.Now that D.C.'s scandal-starved denizens have digested the scraps of the singularly unappetizing affaire Gingrich -- after boinking Callista Bisek, a 33-year-old congressional aide said to show a somewhat kinky resemblance to Hillary Rodham Clinton, for years, the former House speaker gave his weeping wife the heave-ho over the phone while she was celebrating her mother's 84th birthday in July -- they're struggling with a touch of dyspepsia over a few greasy details: Just when did Bisek (so adept at puckering up and blowing she plays horn in Virginia's City of Fairfax band) catch the eye of Newt (tongue of dragon)? And what really inspired the big-talking speaker to suddenly grow silent as a lamb and vanish into the night in the midst of the Clinton/Lewinsky cacophony?

While most press outlets have reported that Newtie and his cutie have been consorting for at least three years, whispers that the Gingster might have horned in on brassy Bisek more like five years ago have wafted Nothing Personal's way. Big deal? Well, it might be. If it turns out that the two were indeed nuzzling noses before the hard-blowing, nimble-fingered young lady was installed in her cushy $55,000 congressional aide job (sniff if you like, that's biggish bucks for a lowish-level government worker without a whole lot of prior Hill experience). Such timing would raise the same sort of ethical questions Clinton faced when it appeared his good buddy Vernon Jordan may have pulled some high-placed strings at Revlon on behalf of a certain unthankful thongstress.

What's more, NP has also gotten wind of some banter about blackmail on le Hill. Could it be that Gingrich's surprise decision to abandon his throne in the midst of the Monica madness (not to mention his uncharacteristic mumness on the matter) was not based simply on his weakening approval rating, but was a direct response to pressure from Republicans now running the show -- Reps. Dick Armey and Tom DeLay (the latter, it bears noting, an erstwhile pest-<WBR>control expert)? The Gingrich/Bisek affair is rumored to have been an open secret among House Republicans and could well have been used as leverage by Newt's power-hungry "friends" to rid him of his crown (leave town quietly or get slimed by scandal). After all, Mrs. Newt, whose divorce lawyers will likely put her hard-hearted hubby through an exhaustive deposition, claims to have been unaware of Gingrich's out-of-wedlock dalliance until he dialed her up to demand a divorce -- mere seconds before the story hit the papers. And we all know to what lengths politicians will go to protect their families from the truth ...
Oct 21, 2004
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- What a lousy campaign year. Neither party said what it meant or meant what it said.

Lacking either the courage of their convictions or just the convictions, themselves, Democrats did not dare whisper in public what they privately professed to believe: that basic fiscal sanity and fundamental social justice demand an immediate repeal of the future Bush tax-cuts for the Best-Off among us.

Revisionist and cowardly Republicans spent the year waist-high in Denial, fruitlessly rewriting history to insist that the word "privatize"-- as of Social Security -- had never passed their craven lips. Of course, "privatize" had been the exact term favored by many Republican pols ... until GOP pollsters discovered that voters, after watching the Dow-Jones drop like a rock, did not react positively to the idea of "Kenny Boy" Lay and his merry men of Enron managing their retirement savings.

What had been an undistinguished political year looked absolutely noble when compared to the dishonorable character defects of the resigned Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, R-Georgia, nationally televised on the October 27 "Meet the Press."

For calculated deceit and deliberate dishonesty, the former speaker showed he is still a master of that sinister art. The program was only two days after the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minnesota, and his wife and five others in a plane crash while on a re-election campaign trip. Former Vice President Walter Mondale was being urged to run for the Wellstone seat.

Here is what Newt Gingrich had to say: "Walter Mondale chaired a commission that was for the privatization of Social Security worldwide." Added Gingrich, "He chaired a commission that was for raising the retirement age dramatically. ... If you want to raise your retirement age dramatically and privatize Social Security, Walter Mondale is a terrifically courageous guy to say that."

This is vintage Newt. You begin with one true fact: Mondale did chair a commission at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a respected and thoroughly bipartisan Washington think tank that wrestles with global issues. And, yes, the commission did recommend "market based financing" for retirement programs for the industrial nations in place of pay-as-you-go.

But here is where it gets ugly. Mondale led the dissent from the majority views of the commission and "strongly opposed (because) some of the commission's findings and recommendations could be interpreted as mandates to fundamentally change Social Security and Medicare."

Mondale's dissent rejected any commission plan "that might result in the dismantling of social insurance programs and their replacement with funded (e.g. stock market) schemes." Gingrich deliberately and totally misrepresented Walter Mondale's clearly stated position on privatization of Social Security. The former speaker is undeniably bright. What he must have been seeking to do by his Big Lie was to poison the reputation of Mondale and thereby drain the enthusiasm for his candidacy from the army of Wellstone volunteers.

This is the same Gingrich who days before the 1994 election chose to exploit the horror of Susan Smith, the South Carolina woman who had drowned her two toddlers in the backseat of her car.

"How a mother can kill her two children,14 months and 3 years, in hopes that her boyfriend would like her is just a sign of how sick the system is," observed Gingrich, "and I think people want to change. The only way you get change is to vote Republican."

Four years later, Speaker Gingrich led a "family values" House Republican lynch mob bent on stringing up and impeaching the faithless and lying husband who was the president of the United States and a Democrat.

It later became public that for more than five years, the married Gingrich had been carrying on a torrid affair with a younger, unmarried Capitol Hill staffer. And to think that Gingrich used to charge his political adversaries were "the enemy of normal Americans."

He has distorted facts and damaged reputations, none more than his own. In his wake Gingrich has left lies, smears and distrust.

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Gingrich broke the backbone of the demi's in 94 with the Contract with America. Yes, Newt is greatly hated by the libs which makes him that much more the obvious choice for the country.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I'll support Newt, Clintoon set the stage that a little extra sex means nothing. I'm very excited about Newt running.

New member
Oct 21, 2002
I wouldn't get my lingerie in a bundle if your a Newti. He's just playing you twits to sell books.

role player
Sep 20, 2004
JinnRikki said:
I wouldn't get my lingerie in a bundle if your a Newti. He's just playing you twits to sell books.
Since when do authors plan visits to Iowa and New Hampshire to sell books?

Be afraid, be very afraid. Newt's ideas will be heard in '08, loud and clear. Count on it!

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
I'll support Newt, Clintoon set the stage that a little extra sex means nothing. I'm very excited about Newt running.

Newt has no shot of winning

New member
Oct 21, 2002
I have NO FEAR. By the time bush and co. get done a republican won't get elected dog catcher.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004

Americans are sick of RINO's, this opens the door for Newt.

i'm sure we can field a stronger candidate.

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Rudy is not for a ban on abortion - that doesn't bode well in Jesusland. Rudy is socially liberal on a lot of issues and that would hurt him bad in some red states. I can't see Hilliary taking one red Bush vote away from Newt. The witch could take a bunch of Bush votes away if Rudy was her opponent.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I doubt it, who? Too many Republicans in name only, RINOs. Rice, McCain or whoever. I don't see it. IMO Rice could win, but she's way too liberal. Liberalism is the main problem. Bush is liberal, but not radical liberal enough for these whackos.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Rudys out, pro-choice, may have too many bomb shells like the Kerik deal.

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