Partypoker...Is it only me?


New member
Sep 25, 2004
At first when I was playing there...I was just taking it on the chin like its any other pokerroom...bad beats are bound to come...

but ...I kid you not...tonight has done it for me...

EVERYTIME I play a sit n go, or tourney....I get rivered....and I am not talking one time, two times....I am talking EVERYTIME....

if I have a set, the other persons rivers a higher set...if I have a flush on the flop....the other guy rivers a higher flush....

I mean this has happened NO LESS than 6 times knocking me out of tourneys there...

I play at a few other rooms, and I have NEVER got beat up that much, on a CONSTANT basis.....I do OK on the cash tables....but their tourneys are ABOSLUTE crap for me

is it only me?

New member
Mar 3, 2005
The answer is both yes and no.

No, it's not just you, at least in the sense that Party is a place where everybody seems to play loose. They hang around and catch up to you every now and then even though you were way ahead up until the last card falls. In a cash game you can make them pay by continuing to play a good game and take your money back the next time they chase you. But in a tourney sometimes it can be the end of the game when it happens, so you never get a chance to recoup.

But yes, it probably is an individual problem in the sense that you may be contributing to your own downfall. You didn't post any hands, so remember that this is just some wild-eyed guess on my part. Go back and look at the hands and check for the following:

With a made hand, did you bet enough on every street to prevent the villain from having the proper odds to chase?
Did you have a vulnerable hand on a coordinated board and gamble for your tourney life anyways?
Did you get trapped into playing a hand in the blinds because it was cheap and then get killed because your position was so bad?

Those are the mistakes that I have to guard against because I've made them so often. Post the hands here and you'll get some opinions on whether you played them well. I think you probably just got caught on the wrong side of varience. I give credit to anybody that has the temperment to play a steady diet of tourneys; this kind of stuff makes me crazy.

New member
Sep 22, 2005
I have played mostly at party poker throughout the last 4 years and overall I am extremely satisified with what they offer. I will agree with you though that at times it gets frustrating the amount of bad beats you can take and times when you think nothing will go your way. That is cards though, it is not the site. Sometimes things won't go your way. I will say that althought I have had times when it is rediculous and I get bad beat so often I can't believe it.......I have also had times on Party Poker where whatever you do looks absolutely fantastic. Chase draws, knowing you will hit, call down medium pairs with fantastic results. Basically playing cards against all logical mentality but achieving wonderful results. You must consider poker over the long haul, don't let the short range bad beats interrupt your vision. If it helps I would start an account at multiple sites, if you are recieving an enormous amount of bad beats, take your action to another site for a while and come back another time. Don't let compounding bad beats dictate your play, often times you will make bad decisions because of past hardships rather than the play at hand. Good luck in your ventures.......

New member
Sep 6, 2005
I have cashed out of party .. at least untill they send the $20 to get me to come back. the beats on the cash tables and in tourneys are just too crazy to believe. Other sites i play are much more like "normal" play. I am not convinced its fixed in any way , although it has crossed my mind.

my therory is that it has become so wildly popular that it atracts gamblers not poker players. people who chase against odds and pay no attention to the math of the game.


New member
Oct 3, 2005
let me offer some advice

Secret successes to poker # 139

The Donk Factor: Playing at a table with 10 people.

one donk at table: identify the donk by watching the cards they have to show make a note and crush them later.

two donks at table: Now that you know one Donk is at the table its time to play patiently and see if there are any more. Follow strategy for one Donk at table.

3 Donks or more at table: Pick up your chips and leave or if you are in a tourney and cant leave......... go find a new poker place because your poker site has been donkified.

Party Poker has been Donkified IMHO
Sep 20, 2004
Aren't donkeys the reason that you can make money online or in poker? You keep getting your money in with a 4-1 advantage and those odds are going to crush those donks in the long run.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
ConansHammer said:
3 Donks or more at table: Pick up your chips and leave or if you are in a tourney and cant leave......... go find a new poker place because your poker site has been donkified.

Party Poker has been Donkified IMHO

Here is what you should do if you have 3 total donks at the table. Don't leave!!!!! Why in the world wouldn't you want bad players, does anyone here know how you make money at poker? You make money off of other's mistakes. A donk makes a bunch of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New member
Oct 3, 2005
I find 3 or more Donks at a table lessen the chances of making money myself. Everything is ok and profitable if they make bad calls and they dont catch anything.............but......... Donks catch.

A good player with chips will fold because they will reason that their chances of winning the hand is 30% for example.

A donk will call! More then 3 donks at the table and I think the math changes so that its better to play somewhere else.

Have you ever played in a DONKFEST and consistently done well? I doubt it.... but I bet when the other players at the table are all reasonable your winning stats are better.

New member
Mar 3, 2005
ConansHammer said:
I find 3 or more Donks at a table lessen the chances of making money myself. Everything is ok and profitable if they make bad calls and they dont catch anything.............but......... Donks catch.
They catch in proportion to their chances of catching. You profit from other's bad calls. Not every time, of course, but you have the advantage.

ConansHammer said:
A good player with chips will fold because they will reason that their chances of winning the hand is 30% for example.
Not always. What if the good player has a 30% chance to win and is only required to pay 10% of the pot to see a ahowdown?

ConansHammer said:
A donk will call!

ConansHammer said:
More then 3 donks at the table and I think the math changes so that its better to play somewhere else.
Nope. But you aren't alone in your thinking. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard people say that they are going to move up in stakes so the other players "...will respect my raises." Of course, that is exactly the opposite of a profitable plan.

ConansHammer said:
Have you ever played in a DONKFEST and consistently done well? I doubt it....
Yes, I have.

ConansHammer said:
but I bet when the other players at the table are all reasonable your winning stats are better.
No, they're not.

New member
Feb 7, 2006
Those tuffs

It can work with multiple donks at a table if one has great patience. Sometimes it only takes one good hand to take everything they have. I used to leave when there was more than one at a table, but have found that the patience thing is extremely profitable...

New member
Aug 16, 2005
Hey Conat:howdy:

Am I the only one that DIDN'T take their balance from intertopspoker and open one at PartyPoker:puppy: . Donkeys with monkey cards:lolBIG:

Sry, had to say it.

New member
Oct 3, 2005
They gave me a bonus

Party gave me a bonus as well as my intertops balance if i transferred over there.

I spent the bonus but split before touching my cash.

I found a new place that was profitable from the get go. Gotta love the poker places that under suscribe their guaranteed tournies.

Right now i am sitting in a 1000 dollar guaranteed. Its a 10+1 with only 63 people in it.

I would say the name but whats the point:icon_conf


"Deserves got nothin to do with it"
Nov 19, 2005
I play at bodog. Lost 4 tournies in a row today with 80% or great chance when the money went in. i.e AA vs KQ, QQ vs 66, AK vs AJ

But at the end of the month I m always in the PLUS!!!

New member
Jan 6, 2005
I have a math wizz that claims that online games are keeping weaker players in by delivering more flushes and straights than the math says there should be

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