Big panthers fan here and just a warning their oline is absolutely decimated right now. 2 undrafted rookies starting at left tackle and left guard. In fact the center kalil is the only guy on the oline who even was drafted everyone else starting tonight is undrafted guys. Left tackle right guard and left guard starters are all backups tonight. Chandler the starting right guard rates the lowest as well on PFF. On the flip side the defense is getting healthier so i do expect them to have a decent showing similar to last week. Keyword there being decent. Cutting Godfrey who was just getting abused and replacing him with Dockery as well as their cb Norman getting healthy seems to be just what the d needed and has greatly improved the pass d. If they dont get a rush on Brees he will kill them over the top as the deep ball has been a big issue for the panthers. I slightly lean to NO because of panthers oline injuries but historically they usually split with each winning at home so probably a no play for me. Just wanted to throw some info out there for everyone.