1. The role of those elected to public office is: a. Public Administrator b. Public servant c. Public enemy d. Caesar
2. The U.S. Constitution was written to control: a. Government b. Citizens c. Criminals
3. To be concerned about your neighbor's welfare is: a. Humanism b. Patriotism c. Humanitarian
4. To be humanistic and humanitarian is the same: a. True b. False
5. According to U.S. Common Law in criminal trials by Jury, the facts and the Law are judged by: a. The Judge b. The Jury c. Facts by Jury, Law by Judge d. Facts by Judge, Law by Jury
6. The U.S. Constitution is based upon: a. English Common Law b. Bible Law c. Equity Law d. Roman Civil Law
7. A "Dollar" today is measured by: a. Gold or Silver b. Paper c. Debt
8. A license issued by the government agency is issued to: a. Protect the public b. Protect the licensee c. Control the licensee
9. The U.S. Constitution states that: a. Schools should keep God out b. Religion should stay out of government c. Government should stay out of religion
10. It is Constitutional for government to require a license of ministers to marry people: a. True b. False
11. The form of government established by the United States Constitution is: a. Oligarchy b. Monarchy c. Anarchy d. Democracy e. Republic
12. The Supreme Law of the Land is: a. U.S. Supreme Court b. U.S. Constitution c. U.S. Congress d. U.S. President e. United Nations
13. Senators are not required to take an oath of office to support the U.S. Constitution. a. True b. False
14. The "Higher Power" (Rom 13:1-7) of the United States is: a. The Supreme Court b. The governing officials c. The People d. The President e. None of these
15. Since Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar", who is Caesar in the U.S.A.? a. The President b. The Congress c. The Supreme Court d. The U.S. Constitution e. None of the above
16. The U.S. Constitution allows for a direct tax only by: a.Capitation b. Income c. Compensation d. non-Whites
17. American Common Law is based upon: a. Religious Law b. God's Law c. Supreme Court decisions d. County Sheriff
18. The following quotation is NOT in the U.S. Constitution: a."No State shall make any Thing but Gold and Silver Coin as Tender in Payment of debts." b. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be..." c. "No Tax or Duty shall be Laid on Articles exported from..." d. "Separation of Church and State shall be maintained"
19. The U.S. Constitution: a. Grants certain unalienable rights b. Guarantees our privileges c. Secures our rights d. Protects criminals
20. The Social Security System: a. Guarantees a sizable check to all upon retirement b. Assures us that government really cares c. Puts us under the Federal Government jurisdiction d. None of these
21. In the United States, WHO is to interpret the Constitution? a. The President b. The Supreme Court c. Lawyers and Attorneys d. Juries e. Law Schools ANSWERS:
1. The role of those elected to public office is: a. Public Administrator b. Public servant c. Public enemy d. Caesar
2. The U.S. Constitution was written to control: a. Government b. Citizens c. Criminals
3. To be concerned about your neighbor's welfare is: a. Humanism b. Patriotism c. Humanitarian
4. To be humanistic and humanitarian is the same: a. True b. False
5. According to U.S. Common Law in criminal trials by Jury, the facts and the Law are judged by: a. The Judge b. The Jury c. Facts by Jury, Law by Judge d. Facts by Judge, Law by Jury
6. The U.S. Constitution is based upon: a. English Common Law b. Bible Law c. Equity Law d. Roman Civil Law
7. A "Dollar" today is measured by: a. Gold or Silver b. Paper c. Debt
8. A license issued by the government agency is issued to: a. Protect the public b. Protect the licensee c. Control the licensee
9. The U.S. Constitution states that: a. Schools should keep God out b. Religion should stay out of government c. Government should stay out of religion
10. It is Constitutional for government to require a license of ministers to marry people: a. True b. False
11. The form of government established by the United States Constitution is: a. Oligarchy b. Monarchy c. Anarchy d. Democracy e. Republic
12. The Supreme Law of the Land is: a. U.S. Supreme Court b. U.S. Constitution c. U.S. Congress d. U.S. President e. United Nations
13. Senators are not required to take an oath of office to support the U.S. Constitution. a. True b. False
14. The "Higher Power" (Rom 13:1-7) of the United States is: a. The Supreme Court b. The governing officials c. The People d. The President e. None of these
15. Since Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar", who is Caesar in the U.S.A.? a. The President b. The Congress c. The Supreme Court d. The U.S. Constitution e. None of the above
16. The U.S. Constitution allows for a direct tax only by: a.Capitation b. Income c. Compensation d. non-Whites
17. American Common Law is based upon: a. Religious Law b. God's Law c. Supreme Court decisions d. County Sheriff
18. The following quotation is NOT in the U.S. Constitution: a."No State shall make any Thing but Gold and Silver Coin as Tender in Payment of debts." b. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be..." c. "No Tax or Duty shall be Laid on Articles exported from..." d. "Separation of Church and State shall be maintained"
19. The U.S. Constitution: a. Grants certain unalienable rights b. Guarantees our privileges c. Secures our rights d. Protects criminals
20. The Social Security System: a. Guarantees a sizable check to all upon retirement b. Assures us that government really cares c. Puts us under the Federal Government jurisdiction d. None of these
21. In the United States, WHO is to interpret the Constitution? a. The President b. The Supreme Court c. Lawyers and Attorneys d. Juries e. Law Schools ANSWERS: