OK,Question of the day for you left wing,anti-war,anti Bush guys and gals>>


New member
Sep 20, 2000
OK, most of you hate GW Bush because he is not Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy,Jaques ChIraq, or Karl Marx. Some others because you are truly anti-war. With all your critisizem of GWB,
how would have you handled the situation with Irag given the fact that he was to comply immediatley with the 17th UN resolution as voted on 15-0 with the security council?...War not being your option.What would be your solution?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
In the late 90's the CIA was going to spike Saddam's Viagra that he gets from Jordon. True story, see this weeks Newsweek.

If that failed, I would send you to live with him. I'm sure after a week or two of listening to your constant patter of drivel, whining and all around bitching and moaning, Saddam would have committed suicide.

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
We should have pitched in and treated "Dubyah" to a free session with Miss Cleo!

Sure could use a trim

New member
Sep 21, 2004
no such thing as 'free' with Miss Cleo!

Naw, had the US killed Saddam we would have heard that it was illegal and criminal to do so, since the law was changed to prevent assassinations. Besides, there are far too many assholes, murderers and sadists who propped up this regime to let go of power so easily - that's a fairy tale that they'll just lie down peacefully if Saddam was given a dose of head lead. They won't and they are not.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Jazz i do believe the good guys will be able to clean it up, and the generel population will accept us.
"With all your critisizem of GWB,
how would have you handled the situation with Irag given the fact that he was to comply immediatley with the 17th UN resolution as voted on 15-0 with the security council?...War not being your option.What would be your solution?"

The same ways they're handling Isreal and their 50+ outstanding resolution violations - by giving them $10,000,000,000 (yes, billion) in aid for their "support" in the war.

UN inspections and inspectors ! The UN inspectors said they only needed 4 more weeks to conclude their search but shit that was stopped short by an ultimatum !

A wise man once said ! "If there's 1% chance of a peacefull solution that must be explored 100%"


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
First of all, I would have continued a top level dialog to solve the Palestenine issue (as Clinton was doing) and stop the carnage and genocide. 911 may also have been avoided if this were happenening.
2) I would have allowed the inspection process to continue and build a firm resolve amongst all nations, or at least the members of the security council. 3) I would have not allowed American companies to supply chemical weapons and biological material in the first place nor would I arm any dictators anywhere in the world.
4) I would not have gone to war without it being legal and ratified by the UN unless Iraq had directly attacked the USA or an ally (recently).
5) I would never have put Americans all over the world in the kind of danger they are in now nor would I have allowed us to become hated for defying the world as I beleve that "The voice of the world is the voice of God." We are one humanity after all. Even Bush, Saddam, Fat Frank, Patriot and Jazz.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
HO, that is a very good reason and I agree with the whole concept, but the reality is that the US does not trust the UN inspectors, and inspection have not worked in the past,and the only reason Irag has cooperated this much is because of the threat of war.I mean what would be the excuse in 4 weeks? There has been a cat and mouse game for 12 years, when evidence of real compliance would take about 10 days, to this point inspection have been a bad joke.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The USA had their agents in the inspection teams. I agree that Hussein never would have cooperated without extreme pressure.

The question is Did we need to go to war this month? Was it worth the loss of our young men and the slaughter of innocents?

But remember that the source of all of these problems is the Palestenian situation and it has escalated dramatically under Bush and Sharon...

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Schil, your top level dialog that Clinton was involved in resulted in Arafat tearing up a very good offer even the arab world was comfortable with.
2) your resolve that you mention was alredy built in to 15-0 resolution.
3) that is not a solution.
4)Should Bill Clinton be in UN cuffs now for the 5 times he by passed the UN to use military action?
5) read my tagline.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Shameless: with all due respect, and I'll find it today when I have the time, there is a long list of terrorist attacks against US interests and embassies throughout the duration of Clinton - he lobbed a few missiles at OBL back then as you'll recall in a half-hearted attempt. The logic blaming Bush for escalation is faulty because, and correct me if I'm wrong, the intelligence we have suggests the locating of these terrorist cells within the US and the planning for 9/11 took years - it didn't start with Bush's taking office.

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Jazz is the man - The more I read the liberal posters the shorter my attention span gets and my long term memory starts to fade. Thanks for bringing things back to the forefront again.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Schill you know what personally I would have given the inspections another year if the UN was trully serious and gave firm deadline and was willing to donate their blood and money, but you heard the French loud and clear...Which made the question of Why now?To, what are we waiting for?
"Jazz is the man"

Jazz is one of the best posters in the forum. Despite out conflicting opinions, I have nothing but respect for Jazz because he always makes well thought-out arguments. I happen to disagree with his reasoning, but that's not the point.

If everyone (both sides ... ahem .. Satan & Outandup) would conduct themselves in the same manner as Jazz this forum would be a better place & we might actually learn something from each other.

"The more I read the liberal posters the shorter my attention span gets and my long term memory starts to fade. Thanks for bringing things back to the forefront again."
See above
First of all who says I hate George Bush? Patriot just because he is not one of your liberal boogiemen, does'nt mean I hate him.. First of all I would tell the truth, that this whole thing is about a personal vendetta between Saddam and the Bushes. Regime change is bull, there are a half a dozen Saddams around the world. Oil is another factor, I don't buy for a minute that Bush is saving the oil so the Iraqi people will have national resourses when this is over. That oil is headed at bargain basement prices for his right wing cronies in the oil industry. I guarantee you will not see any difference at the gas pump in the next 5 years because we saved Iraqi oil wells from being destroyed. I will tell what I would do to Iraq, nothing, just contain them, and continue to push for inspections that were never given a chance to work since they were reinstated. Cost is another issue, how much does GB need for the next month to run this useless war? 80 billion? Guess who is paying that tab. Not the so-called coalition, no, its the American taxpayer who are picking up the tab, so some already rich conservative billionaires can get even richer. American servicemen are brave and patriotic as usual, and continue to die and suffer the loss of family and home for this farce. The sad part is nobody, and that includes George himself can say when this thing will be over and how many from both sides will be in their graves. Not to mention how much deeper in debt the US government will be by the time this ends. Finnally who says the next "president" of Iraq will be any better than this one? Rumsfeld is on with his daily dose of propaganda, I guess I will listen, should be good for a laugh.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wilheim:
First of all who says I hate George Bush? Patriot just because he is not one of your liberal boogiemen, does'nt mean I hate him.. First of all I would tell the truth, that this whole thing is about a personal vendetta between Saddam and the Bushes. Regime change is bull, there are a half a dozen Saddams around the world. Oil is another factor, I don't buy for a minute that Bush is saving the oil so the Iraqi people will have national resourses when this is over. That oil is headed at bargain basement prices for his right wing cronies in the oil industry. I guarantee you will not see any difference at the gas pump in the next 5 years because we saved Iraqi oil wells from being destroyed. I will tell what I would do to Iraq, nothing, just contain them, and continue to push for inspections that were never given a chance to work since they were reinstated. Cost is another issue, how much does GB need for the next month to run this useless war? 80 billion? Guess who is paying that tab. Not the so-called coalition, no, its the American taxpayer who are picking up the tab, so some already rich conservative billionaires can get even richer. American servicemen are brave and patriotic as usual, and continue to die and suffer the loss of family and home for this farce. The sad part is nobody, and that includes George himself can say when this thing will be over and how many from both sides will be in their graves. Not to mention how much deeper in debt the US government will be by the time this ends. Finnally who says the next "president" of Iraq will be any better than this one? Rumsfeld is on with his daily dose of propaganda, I guess I will listen, should be good for a laugh.



A great post, eventhough I shouldn't ve surprised coming from a puck lover like yourself

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