cowboys showed they're spineless twits tonight in a way. D+ grade from rocco for patriotism. Everyone else, an F. You pay your taxes, you never rat, and you never shit on your country. Until the end.
when I am dead and gone this league will feel the wrath of what just happened and what will still come. I have seen a lot and this will have repercussions. People in this country will dump their seat licenses, ratings will go down, advertisers will stop paying as much for air time, and that is when the bullet hits the bone. It is a subpar product, lets face it. It is not as good of a game as it was in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and half the country no longer feel it to be "Americas Game".
Ignorant fucks are at the heart of this protest and unamericans like Kaperdinks muslim wife fueled this. This wasn't about unity as they say, it was a war on our president for most of them.
Most clearly they have not stated anything they want as an end game. Anytime there is protest in life, there should be a clear endgame; what are you wanting? Them wanting no more opression is stupid. Its like rocco walking into mcdonalds at 4:00 and demanding breakfast on one knee. The fucking manager would look at me and say we already do that you stupid italian bozo. And he would have every right to do so because they already do that.
Every unarmed black that was shot last year was investigated by Obama and his administration, so when Kap began the protest; there was already awareness. It is ignorant to the core and basically a BLM movement (which again is a dumb agenda started by Obama and many people of color bought into this). I am an old man and dont want to see the black power sign thrown up after a touchdown. Remember when 85 of the Bengals would score? He did river dance. He entertained rocco. Thats why we watch. We don't want race and politics brought into touchdowns.
These guys are wrong. If you aren't against it, you're part of the problem. They don't want unity. The Devil is alive and well and he wants to divide.
And dont blame POTUS. THis BS was a result of these guys doing this for far too long and the league doing nothing about it because the players union has them by the balls. The league manuals states you stand at the bench with your hand on your heart for the anthem. period.
Many here need to face that America as we knew it, is in deep shit. I am glad I am an old man and will die soon, because this is not america anymore. It is a fucked up battleground. Rocco to bed.