Oh here we goooooo


Sep 30, 2012
To be clear... the oppressed Oakland Raiders protested to the tune of an average of $195,000 per player tonight. They will no show and kneel down again next week to continue showing how unfair the system is.

Nov 23, 2004
No, "these cops" are not out of control. I know a lot of cops, white and black who are more than fair and some who have lost their lives from in fact "not being out of control" and being afraid to brandish their weapon so the criminal shot and killed them. Whatever helps you sleep at night though, Hilary.

I never said ALL COPS ARE BAD. Read the thread. I'm friends with a bunch of cops as well. However you have to be willfully blind not to see the aggressive nature of these cops and quickness to use lethal force. I'm not even speaking to this as an issue of race. Did you see the white cop arrest the white nurse in Utah (i think it was Utah) for refusing to BREAK THE LAW by performing a blood draw on a man unable to give consent? The problem is when these issues with policing come up and we are able to identify the bad cops -- NOTHING is done to remove them from the job. And that is where the outrage stems from.

Go back and read the thread, I'm not a democrat and I could give a fuck about Hillary Clinton. Locker her up or indict her or whatever, but for fuck sake stop dwelling on it. Trump won the election. You can't defer every complaint/criticism of Trump with "whatabout Hillary! whatabout Dems?!" The office of President is a public office open to public scrutiny. The guy needs to start governing and by my watch he hasn't done a goddamn thing other than bloviate, sabre rattle, and verbally attack EVERYONE UNDER THE SUN with the exception of Putin and Russia.

Since you brought up 'no one likes to cheat more than a Democrat' -- How do you feel about members of the Trump campaign conspiring with known Russian officials/agents/FSB (aka KGB)? Because whether you accept it or not Robert Mueller IS a special prosector assigned to investigate Obstruction of Justice which means he can follow any evidence, to any other crimes, as deep as it goes and that includes collusion with Russia to disrupt/win/sway the election.

I was one who thought Hillary Clinton should have been disqualified for housing a private email server and not giving up all of her emails when requested by the FBI. I thought the Dems were donkey-punch stupid for nominating a candidate under FBI investigation/scrutiny/review.

Now, it looks like golden-boy Jared Kushner did the exact same thing: Setup a private email account to do govt business just a couple days after the election.

Sep 20, 2017
Lol....great question. Think CNN will cover this?
Black man shoots up white church. So, no they will avoid as much as possible. You can guarantee it will not be endless coverage like Dylan Roof. They avoided covering Kori Ali Mohammed and Fredrick scott who killed three and five whites. They always avoid the much more often black on white violence in favor of the less white on black

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Black man shoots up white church. So, no they will avoid as much as possible. You can guarantee it will not be endless coverage like Dylan Roof. They avoided covering Kori Ali Mohammed and Fredrick scott who killed three and five whites. They always avoid the much more often black on white violence in favor of the less white on black


Sep 30, 2012
They sure are succeeding in drawing attention to what babies they are. One man's 140 letter statements has destroyed a billion dollar industry!

Jun 21, 2017
cowboys showed they're spineless twits tonight in a way. D+ grade from rocco for patriotism. Everyone else, an F. You pay your taxes, you never rat, and you never shit on your country. Until the end.

when I am dead and gone this league will feel the wrath of what just happened and what will still come. I have seen a lot and this will have repercussions. People in this country will dump their seat licenses, ratings will go down, advertisers will stop paying as much for air time, and that is when the bullet hits the bone. It is a subpar product, lets face it. It is not as good of a game as it was in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and half the country no longer feel it to be "Americas Game".

Ignorant fucks are at the heart of this protest and unamericans like Kaperdinks muslim wife fueled this. This wasn't about unity as they say, it was a war on our president for most of them.

Most clearly they have not stated anything they want as an end game. Anytime there is protest in life, there should be a clear endgame; what are you wanting? Them wanting no more opression is stupid. Its like rocco walking into mcdonalds at 4:00 and demanding breakfast on one knee. The fucking manager would look at me and say we already do that you stupid italian bozo. And he would have every right to do so because they already do that.

Every unarmed black that was shot last year was investigated by Obama and his administration, so when Kap began the protest; there was already awareness. It is ignorant to the core and basically a BLM movement (which again is a dumb agenda started by Obama and many people of color bought into this). I am an old man and dont want to see the black power sign thrown up after a touchdown. Remember when 85 of the Bengals would score? He did river dance. He entertained rocco. Thats why we watch. We don't want race and politics brought into touchdowns.

These guys are wrong. If you aren't against it, you're part of the problem. They don't want unity. The Devil is alive and well and he wants to divide.

And dont blame POTUS. THis BS was a result of these guys doing this for far too long and the league doing nothing about it because the players union has them by the balls. The league manuals states you stand at the bench with your hand on your heart for the anthem. period.

Many here need to face that America as we knew it, is in deep shit. I am glad I am an old man and will die soon, because this is not america anymore. It is a fucked up battleground. Rocco to bed.

Mar 5, 2009
LMAO. I can't you guys are racist and nothing will ever change your mind, its okay.

Are you aware that black men make up 6% of the black male population in the USA? Are you aware that statistically speaking, yes more white people are killed by cops but when you look at it proportionally that black males are killed 3x more by cops considering the while male population is a lot bigger than the black male population?

Are you aware that more white people kill cops than black people do?

Are you aware that white people commit more mass murders than black people do?

Oh please, please do NOT let the facts get in the way of what you want to hear, see and believe
You're wrong in your stats but it doesn't matter....Do you know why they are 3x more likely to be killed by a cop? Because they're committing a way higher percentage of the crimes.

And I got news for you....it's not because they're black...it's a social economic problem. They live in high crime areas, with poor education, and no parenting (vacant fathers).

Its starts at home, then the school grows your knowledge, then these black males will make better decisions with their lives.

New member
Sep 24, 2016
You're wrong in your stats but it doesn't matter....Do you know why they are 3x more likely to be killed by a cop? Because they're committing a way higher percentage of the crimes.

And I got news for you....it's not because they're black...it's a social economic problem. They live in high crime areas, with poor education, and no parenting (vacant fathers).

Its starts at home, then the school grows your knowledge, then these black males will make better decisions with their lives.

Yep, this is exactly right. But the Dems continue to push the narrative that it's American society's systemic racism that causes it. Obama did it for 8 years. It's a total joke. Keep them down and keep them voting Democrat. But alot of people are WAKING UP.

Nov 23, 2004
Question: where was all this patriotism and outrage when candidate Trump said this about John McCain?

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


Dain Bramaged
Mar 21, 2008
You're wrong in your stats but it doesn't matter....Do you know why they are 3x more likely to be killed by a cop? Because they're committing a way higher percentage of the crimes.

And I got news for you....it's not because they're black...it's a social economic problem. They live in high crime areas, with poor education, and no parenting (vacant fathers).

Its starts at home, then the school grows your knowledge, then these black males will make better decisions with their lives.

I strtd this post and can't imagine what is in here after seeing 6 pages face)(*^% and I dont need to read anything but this post right here. Maybe that's what the players should be focused on ya think?!?! Well said :toast:
(that was rhetorical so refrain from flippin out) :103631605

Sep 30, 2012
Any viewers? Sounds like another terrible product from those oppressed millionaires. Woulda thought they would have been extra sharp from the extra two minutes of rest where they don't stand for the anthem.

Sep 30, 2012
Defenseless receiver being held by a pile cheapshot to the head. But don't call him a thug you racists!

Jun 4, 2015
Any viewers? Sounds like another terrible product from those oppressed millionaires. Woulda thought they would have been extra sharp from the extra two minutes of rest where they don't stand for the anthem.

Defenseless receiver being held by a pile cheapshot to the head. But don't call him a thug you racists!

Clearly you have been watching every second of the game though. You probably cover your eyes when a naked woman appears on tv too.

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