Oh D2 and others you were saying?


New member
Sep 20, 2000
Maybe its all wishfull thinking.I don't know.I hope.
It seems that your concerns and rightly so are over innocent deaths.Do you think it will improve or get worse if we leave now? If I thought going forward the best for all was to get out then i say get out.But I don't know.I think we should at least stay until the Iraqy govt. get its legs.To leave now would make failure complete.
Your answer probably is we shouldn't have been there in the first place.And I'm not saying thats wrong I'm just saying I don't think anyone will know until ten years from now.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Pat Patriot said:
It seems that your concerns and rightly so are over innocent deaths.Do you think it will improve or get worse if we leave now?

Hard to answer, since it's painfully clear that we're not being told what portions of the violence are attributed to AQ, Saddam loyalists, and/or sectarian violence. My *guess* is that the AQ-portion of the violence is much lower than we've been led to believe, and that little will change as a result of Zarqawi's death. So the question becomes, then, how much of the violence is Iraqi on American vs. Iraqi on Iraqi. If much of it is attributed to the former, then you should see a relatively dramatic slowdown in overall violence.

However, one thing we know for sure: if the US pulls out, the US will no longer be directly responsible for ongoing civilian deaths.

Your answer probably is we shouldn't have been there in the first place.

You're catching on. :>Grin>

And I'm not saying thats wrong I'm just saying I don't think anyone will know until ten years from now.

We'll know what, exactly, ten years from now? The death toll?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Your answer probably is we shouldn't have been there in the first place. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

You're catching on. :>Grin>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">And I'm not saying thats wrong I'm just saying I don't think anyone will know until ten years from now. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

We'll know what, exactly, ten years from now? The death toll?<!-- / message -->/QUOTE]

No, I said that was your answer.

...and no again....What happens if there is a peace toll ten years from now? What happens if the mid east is a better,safer less threatning place ten years from now?

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Pat Patriot said:
What happens if there is a peace toll ten years from now? What happens if the mid east is a better,safer less threatning place ten years from now?

What if it's the same? Or worse?

The fact remains that 100,000 innocent civilians have been killed because of a war that never needed to happen in the first place. No matter the outcome, you can't escape that fact.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
xpanda said:
What if it's the same? Or worse?

The fact remains that 100,000 innocent civilians have been killed because of a war that never needed to happen in the first place. No matter the outcome, you can't escape that fact.

100000 civilians? Source please.Nice round # though.

At least this way the killing will stop eventually.....cant say the same for life under Saddam and the UN.

How many were dying before we arrived? Hundreds of thousands. They are still digging them up X.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
100000 civilians? Source please.Nice round # though.

You can read the 100,000 figure at a host of sites, in various articles.

However, Iraq Body Count has the number at between 38,000 and 42,000. Those are reported civilian deaths. I will cite the IBC figure in the future.


How many were dying before we arrived? Hundreds of thousands. They are still digging them up X.

Half a million due to the sanctions.

Again, is it okay for me to kill you because I have knowledge that someone else is going to kill you tomorrow? Does that somehow absolve me of moral and legal responsibility for your death?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
[Half a million due to the sanctions.
What sanction? the food for oil sanctions that weren't?.you mean to tell me the money that Saddam made from the scandal he didn't use to feed his people?

Thanks for making our point.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Panda only cares about "innocent deaths" when the big bad imperial machine happens to accidentally kill one or two. She's oblivious to the rest. 150,000,000 million and counting, courtesy of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century alone.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Joe Contrarian said:
Panda only cares about "innocent deaths" when the big bad imperial machine happens to accidentally kill one or two. She's oblivious to the rest. 150,000,000 million and counting, courtesy of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century alone.

262,000,000 directly killed by gov'ts in the 20th century, if you include all of them, not just the dictators.

And that's not including war, another 40 million or so.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Jesus Christ! And those murders were initiated by the big bad imperial machine, isn't that right?


Notice the frame: "govts." You are so caught up in an abstract philosophical merry-go-round, with no end in sight. To describe it as 'spin' wouldn't do it justice. To describe it as brainwashing...well...that's closer but still not hitting the mark.

In 1900, there was not a single liberal democracy with universal suffrage in the world, yet in 2000 an astounding 120 -- ONE HUNDRED TWENTY -- of the world's 192 nations, (62%) were such democracies -- which today is only growing. Now why do you suppose that is, Panda?

Read your history:

At the end of WW II , one nation had unprecedented power, had not suffered any damage to it’s industrial complex, had the greatest military force the world had ever seen: the United States. The rest of the world was war weary. The United States at the time was the only nation with the nuclear capability. They had “The Bomb.” Now, the United States for all intents and purposes, disarmed and made no effort to impose it’s will on any other nation at that time. (One massive intelligence failure once the Soviets stole their nuclear technology significantly altered this course, although, until Reagan, the US was reluctant to go on the offensive, dare not striving for military supremacy in earnest.) Can you honestly say in your heart, that had the Soviet Union been in a comparable position, or the red Chinese, – or any other non-member of the Anglo Axis – being the lone nation with such a technology, that the world would not have been totally conquered by such evil?

It is truly sad you cling to this bogus philosophy unwilling to see the world for how it truly is. The “ostrich defense system” is the less courageous policy, isn’t it? Make no mistake, I DO understand your longing for peace, because we all share that common humanity -- at least I think so, because you only post 'milestones' whenever the U.S. is involved and ignore the rest -- but honest to Christ, whoever said “ignorance is bliss” must have had the mindset of the average liberal in mind.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Base, why do you keep harping on folks using round numbers over the last few days?

This adds to the signifigance of things.

You act like liberals/people that are'nt exactly Bush happy, should treat the war like it's sacred and not discuss it.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Joe Contrarian said:
Jesus Christ! And those murders were initiated by the big bad imperial machine, isn't that right?

Ummm... I'm pretty sure I said "262,000,000 directly killed by gov'ts in the 20th century, if you include all of them, not just the dictators."

But, maybe I didn't. Let's check!

xpanda said:
262,000,000 directly killed by gov'ts in the 20th century, if you include all of them, not just the dictators.

Yup! I did!

(You should have been able to figure out, all on your own, that this staggering number fuels my anti-state views in general, not anti-US views in particular.)

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Sadly, it's been obvious for some time, you have flipped your noodle, because so long as other more, shall we say malignant powers, don't share your flowery never-never-land philosophy, a robust military industrial complex is absolutely necessary, in order to defend our values and keep the peace, against organized powers who encroach on their fellow man. Again, I'll ask you to read your history. Without the U.S., your world as you enjoy it today would not exist.

You say, "let the people fend for themselves and find their own way." Sounds great in abstract philosophical gibberish. Pragmatically, if individuals are under siege by other governments or outside influences (Darfur, for example; Iraq for example, before we got there) the civilized world is just supposed to sit back and do nothing? Allow the slaughter to continue infinitum with no end or hope in sight? What part of word 'oppression' don't you understand? These kinds of slums breed the kind of hatred and brainwashing that came to our shores on 9/11.

Unfortunately, when push comes to shove, you're all talk. As a single female you couldn't fend for yourself in a stateless society, if you even tried. You could live in a "gated community" sure, (although in a true free-market, I doubt you could afford it) but what would happen once you ventured outside into the world of anarchy? Would a Mike Tyson like entourage with hand grenade launchers need to accompany you to a Raptors game?

As I said before, you can replace "state" with non-statist terms such as "gated communities" and "tribunals." In the end, you're playing a game of semantics and back to the point where modern civilization began: THE STATE! (Surprise!)

Good thing lewrockwell didn't participate in drafting the constitution, because had he done so, we'd all be speaking German or living under the great centralized bread distribution model liberals affectionately call, 'Marxism.'

Democracies, as imperfect as they may be, are the way to achieve lasting peace, yes, but they don't happen haphazardly. They require a security blanket in order that may flourish, shielding them from those who wish to impose their will for the sake of power -- the way the Communists did in Eastern Europe or the Islamofascists have been doing forever in the ME, to name two examples.

It is beyond obvious you (as well as most other ACs towing the party line) have not remotely thought through your "anti-state" views, because had you done so, you would be able to answer some very simple practical realities I have placed on your plate. Instead, just like the ostrich, you ignore the realities that do not cozily fit into the 'Pandutopia' and solider on – sneering at and celebrating "anti-US milestones."

Such courage and wisdom. Just tell me where I sign up? :lolBIG:

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Joe Contrarian said:
Sadly, it's been obvious for some time, you have flipped your noodle, because so long as other more, shall we say malignant powers, don't share your flowery never-never-land philosophy,

Mmmhmm. And if you've been paying attention there isn't one instance in which I state that a full-out stateless society would be desirable so long as some states still exist. (Existing megastates, that is, not city-states.)

Though the way you write it it's as though you are a little confused by the fact that states would never vote themselves away. I'm not delusional about this; I fully realise that a stateless society will come about as a result of people relying less and less on gov't and more on individual responsibility. A slow death of the state, if you will.

a robust military industrial complex is absolutely necessary, in order to defend our values and keep the peace, against organized powers who encroach on their fellow man.

I notice that you state 'powers who encroach on their fellow man' and not 'powers who encroach on us.' No military industrial complex is needed to police the world, except in the minds of people in love with that kind of power-overreach. It exists, yes, but it's not necessary. Humans survived millenia without either the state or global hegemons.

Again, I'll ask you to read your history. Without the U.S., your world as you enjoy it today would not exist.

Technically, I would not exist were it not for the US. My grandfather was born there, and my parents both met at a dance stateside. Your butterfly effect position doesn't provide justification for the existence of a state, it only demonstrates that things would be different if the state did not exist. I'm pretty well aware of that fact.

You say, "let the people fend for themselves and find their own way." Sounds great in abstract philosophical gibberish. Pragmatically, if individuals are under siege by other governments or outside influences (Darfur, for example; Iraq for example, before we got there) the civilized world is just supposed to sit back and do nothing? Allow the slaughter to continue infinitum with no end or hope in sight? What part of word 'oppression' don't you understand? These kinds of slums breed the kind of hatred and brainwashing that came to our shores on 9/11.

Still not sure how this supports your view that the existence of the state is a moral imperative since all these horrors that you list are the result of the existence of the state in the first place. Your 'solution', more state power to counter wayward state powers, is the same justification socialists use to expand the gov't. If it's broke, we need more gov't!

Unfortunately, when push comes to shove, you're all talk. As a single female you couldn't fend for yourself in a stateless society, if you even tried. You could live in a "gated community" sure, (although in a true free-market, I doubt you could afford it) but what would happen once you ventured outside into the world of anarchy? Would a Mike Tyson like entourage with hand grenade launchers need to accompany you to a Raptors game?

Let's flip this around: in your stateful world, how protected am I, as a single defenseless female? In my lifetime, I've been raped, had an abusive mother, and have had more than one male take a swing at me. Glancing around quickly through these events, I saw no state-funded security to help me. I was on my own anyway.

If things are so hunky-dory, from a security standpoint, why do gated communities exist in the first place? And why do you presume that they would be more expensive in a free market? Isn't it true that most prices fall when the gov't takes their paws off of it?

As I said before, you can replace "state" with non-statist terms such as "gated communities" and "tribunals." In the end, you're playing a game of semantics and back to the point where modern civilization began: THE STATE! (Surprise!)

You are confusing a small community, where people are voluntarily members (once they reach adulthood, anyway) with the megastates, where leaving is a long, drawn-out process.

It is beyond obvious you (as well as most other ACs towing the party line) have not remotely thought through your "anti-state" views, because had you done so, you would be able to answer some very simple practical realities I have placed on your plate. Instead, just like the ostrich, you ignore the realities that do not cozily fit into the 'Pandutopia' and solider on – sneering at and celebrating "anti-US milestones."

I'm not too sure how many times I need to state this, but I'm not well-versed enough on the philosophy to answer all of your questions. I've given you all kinds of links which answer some of the basic things you bring up (to which you guffawed) and advised that you present your views to Phaedrus, who has far more than two years worth of reading on the topic behind him. Apparently you aren't really as interested in learning about this (which would indicate some sort of objectivity) as you are in fighting with me. I notice, still, that you never, not once, have poked at him for holding the same views. Why is that, I wonder?

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