I honestly don't know how any Jew in their right mind could support him...He finally did what former Obama supporter& Democrat Mayor & fellow Jew Ed Koch of New York said he would do, he officially threw Israel under the bus today with his proposal that Israel goes back to the pre 67 borders which is exactly what the Palestinians were negotiating for. He gave the Arabs what they have hoped for without negotiating or proposing anything tangible in return. No president either republican or democrat, not even Jimmy the Jew Hater(Israel is an Apartheid State) Carter has recommended such lunacyBy doing this he has torn up the 2005 security agreement that george Bush signed with israel meaning that neither Israel nor any one of our allies can trust any agreement signed with us. Israel was assured 2 days ago that there would be no middle east policy announcements prior to Netanyahu's visit. and then dumped this on them. President Obama said that we have to think differently regarding our dealings with Muslims(appease), thus Obama standing solidly for the Palestinians' demands to have the 1967 borders observed...Fatah and Hamas have merged. these two radical Muslim terrorist organizations will never put down their guns or support the Jews right to a homeland no matter how much land Israel gives up. Obama, the UN and all Arab nations are not in alignment in regards to Israel's borders. There is no way for Israel to defend its borders if this happens, and they will lose many of the Holy Sites that they now worship. There will be borders that leave Israel with only 8 miles of land to defend and displace hundreds of thousands of Israelis. No non Jewish state has ever been asked to give up security. They are surrounded by people that want them destroyed yet are treated constantly as the bad guys despite the fact that they are the only democracy and ally in the region. Does any one think that what ever land Israel gives upis going to satisfy Hezbollah, Hamas and their new partner Fateh?They want all Jews dead or out of the region. That has always been the motive of Arabs since the days of Mohammad. They are closer now to their goal then at any time in our lives other than the Yom Kippur war in 73 when Israel was nearly defeated.This is a major victory for the enemies of Israel. This is further evidence for Arabs that they have a good friend in the White House and will insight & embolden them in their quest to annihilate Israel..He wants them to give up their security and land, and in return he asks the Palestinians for nothing, nada, not even an admission of Israel's right to exist. He brought up the fact that the Palestinians don't recognize Israel's right to exist but didn't demand it as part of the negotiations. He just arbitrarily gave Israel's land back to the perpetrators of violence against Jews. They will lose the Golan Heights which sits high above the Sea of Galilee and would give Syria a strategic imperative to Israel's security and that would be impossible for Israel to defend. Go to any pictures of the Golan heights and you will see what I mean. He made these statements today as a preemptive strike to Netanyahu's arrival and before the Israeli president could speak to the Congress. He has treated Netanyahu as an enemy while he has bowed to and kissed the hands of and appeased Arab leaders. Any Jew that supports this policy is supporting the demise of their homeland. Israel is surrounded by people that don't care what the borders are. They want Jews massacred and driven into the sea. Why now with such instability in the region, Iran close to having nuclear weapons & calling for Israel's destruction and the uncertainty of the face of the region in the next 6 months. I don't care what your politics are, this is an outrage against the Jewish homeland...