And so we see the face of diplomacy finally melded with the face of America. Chavez has his issues as do all men in power, but who are we to challenge the sovereignty of Venezuela?
I think that this is just another example that the world didn't take issue with the US as a whole, but more so with the personality of Bush, the failed president.
It's been a long time coming, but it took the U.S.A 8 years to realize what the rest of the world knew. Thank God we have a man of intelligence and character in the White House, change has come to America.
Saying that Chavez has issues with being in power is like saying Hitler kind of had a problem with the Jews. Chavez is basically taken over that whole country by siezing private assets and making them government owned. He has basically shut off any news outlet that is not government owned.
That is my point to this whole thread. GW was a disaster when it came to meeting with foreign leaders and i thought Obama was supposed to be a man of change. Only change i see is that the person in charge has a (D) next to his name as opposed to an (R). What Bush did at the white house with the saudi's was a complete joke, but you are telling me what Obama did was any better? That is my point, nothing is changing. Everything is the same. As far as Chavez goes, I think the guy is the scum of the earth and constantly wants to challenge the US. Whether it is allying himself with Iran or North Korea, allowing the Russians to partake in Naval war games in this hemisphere, or wanting to wage war with Colombia. We have a right to challenge any sovereign nation if they threaten our nation, way of life, or our allies.
As far as intelligence and character goes, I hope you are right. I hope that Obama is the 2nd coming of JFK, the dow returns to 14k, the world loves us again, the USA wont be attacked by terrorists, and we all can hold hands and sing Kumbaya together. I am skepitcal though since it seems whenever he is away from the teleprompter it is a disaster.