Obama opens up 15 point lead over McCain!


Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
Poll Gives Large Lead To Dukakis Over Bush

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<!-- .toolsRight -->By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: June 17, 1988
LEAD: Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Mr. Dukakis was supported by 49 percent of the registered voters in the poll, as against 34 percent for Mr. Bush, NBC News reported. Among men the split was 46 percent to 40 percent for Mr. Dukakis, but among women his margin was 52 percent to 28 percent.
The national survey of 2,014 adults was conducted June 9-12. Its result was similar to that of a Gallup poll, conducted June 10-12, that found a 14-point Dukakis lead. Two other polls early in June put the Massachusetts Governor's lead in single digits; others in May had Mr. Dukakis's lead as great as 16 points.
The margin of sampling error in the telephone survey was three percentage points.
The ''gender gap'' facing Mr. Bush also appeared in an ABC News-Washington Post poll last month, which suggested he trailed Mr. Dukakis narrowly among men but by a 2-to-1 margin among women. In another measure, the NBC-Journal poll yesterday found that only 38 percent of women said that Mr. Bush cares about people like them.
Poll respondents said by a 2-to-1 margin that it is time for the nation to change direction rather than follow the course set by President Reagan. And while 49 percent approved of the job Mr. Reagan has been doing as President, 39 percent disapproved

From 20 years ago, almost to the day.:howdy:


Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Poll Gives Large Lead To Dukakis Over Bush
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<!-- .toolsRight -->By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: June 17, 1988
LEAD: Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Mr. Dukakis was supported by 49 percent of the registered voters in the poll, as against 34 percent for Mr. Bush, NBC News reported. Among men the split was 46 percent to 40 percent for Mr. Dukakis, but among women his margin was 52 percent to 28 percent.
The national survey of 2,014 adults was conducted June 9-12. Its result was similar to that of a Gallup poll, conducted June 10-12, that found a 14-point Dukakis lead. Two other polls early in June put the Massachusetts Governor's lead in single digits; others in May had Mr. Dukakis's lead as great as 16 points.
The margin of sampling error in the telephone survey was three percentage points.
The ''gender gap'' facing Mr. Bush also appeared in an ABC News-Washington Post poll last month, which suggested he trailed Mr. Dukakis narrowly among men but by a 2-to-1 margin among women. In another measure, the NBC-Journal poll yesterday found that only 38 percent of women said that Mr. Bush cares about people like them.
Poll respondents said by a 2-to-1 margin that it is time for the nation to change direction rather than follow the course set by President Reagan. And while 49 percent approved of the job Mr. Reagan has been doing as President, 39 percent disapproved

From 20 years ago, almost to the day.:howdy:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EC9j6Wfdq3o&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EC9j6Wfdq3o&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

New member
Nov 6, 2007
Poll Gives Large Lead To Dukakis Over Bush
  • <FORM id=emailThis name=emailThis action=http://www.nytimes.com/mem/emailthis.html method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=type><INPUT type=hidden value=http%3a%2f%2fquery%2enytimes%2ecom%2fgst%2ffullpage%2ehtml%3fres%3d940DE4DF1F3DF934A25755C0A96E948260%26sec%3d%26spon%3d name=url><INPUT type=hidden value=%20Poll%20Gives%20Large%20Lead%20To%20Dukakis%20Over%20Bush%20 name=title><INPUT type=hidden value=%20LEAD%3a%20Gov%2e%20Michael%20S%2e%20Dukakis%20held%20a%2015%2dpoint%20lead%20over%20Vice%20President%20Bush%20in%20an%20NBC%20News%2dWall%20Street%20Journal%20poll%20released%20yesterday%2c%20largely%20on%20the%20strength%20of%20overwhelming%20support%20for%20Mr%2e%20Dukakis%20among%20women%2e%20%20%20 name=description><INPUT type=hidden name=asset_id><INPUT type=hidden value=" 19880617 " name=pub_date><INPUT type=hidden value=By%20THE%20ASSOCIATED%20PRESS%20 name=author><INPUT type=hidden name=col_name><INPUT type=hidden value=The%20New%20York%20Times name=source><INPUT type=hidden value=%20National%20Desk%20 name=section><INPUT type=hidden value=www%2enytimes%2ecom%2farchive%2farticle%2fus name=adx_setup_tag><INPUT type=hidden value=TopAd%2cTop5%2cBar1%2cPosition1%2cMiddle1C%2cFrame4A%2cFrame5%2cMiddleRight%2cRight%2cRight5A%2cRight6A%2cRight7A%2cRight8A%2cSponLink%2cSponLinkA%2cMiddle5%2cCircBottom%2cBottom7%2cBottom8%2cBottom9%2cInv1%2cInv2%2cInv3%2cADX%5fCLIENTSIDE name=adx_keywords><INPUT type=hidden value=MiSspruvaObucfz5TaXjyA name=encrypted_key></FORM>
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<!-- .toolsRight -->By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: June 17, 1988
LEAD: Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Mr. Dukakis was supported by 49 percent of the registered voters in the poll, as against 34 percent for Mr. Bush, NBC News reported. Among men the split was 46 percent to 40 percent for Mr. Dukakis, but among women his margin was 52 percent to 28 percent.
The national survey of 2,014 adults was conducted June 9-12. Its result was similar to that of a Gallup poll, conducted June 10-12, that found a 14-point Dukakis lead. Two other polls early in June put the Massachusetts Governor's lead in single digits; others in May had Mr. Dukakis's lead as great as 16 points.
The margin of sampling error in the telephone survey was three percentage points.
The ''gender gap'' facing Mr. Bush also appeared in an ABC News-Washington Post poll last month, which suggested he trailed Mr. Dukakis narrowly among men but by a 2-to-1 margin among women. In another measure, the NBC-Journal poll yesterday found that only 38 percent of women said that Mr. Bush cares about people like them.
Poll respondents said by a 2-to-1 margin that it is time for the nation to change direction rather than follow the course set by President Reagan. And while 49 percent approved of the job Mr. Reagan has been doing as President, 39 percent disapproved

From 20 years ago, almost to the day.:howdy:


This isnt Dukakis...sorry.

Sep 21, 2004
When McCain selections Mitt it be over. This race is not even close. Obama can't carry the proper States and he has to much baggage and small hands. This is what I think about this here issue!


Mar 7, 2005
Poll Gives Large Lead To Dukakis Over Bush
  • <FORM id=emailThis name=emailThis action=http://www.nytimes.com/mem/emailthis.html method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=type><INPUT type=hidden value=http%3a%2f%2fquery%2enytimes%2ecom%2fgst%2ffullpage%2ehtml%3fres%3d940DE4DF1F3DF934A25755C0A96E948260%26sec%3d%26spon%3d name=url><INPUT type=hidden value=%20Poll%20Gives%20Large%20Lead%20To%20Dukakis%20Over%20Bush%20 name=title><INPUT type=hidden value=%20LEAD%3a%20Gov%2e%20Michael%20S%2e%20Dukakis%20held%20a%2015%2dpoint%20lead%20over%20Vice%20President%20Bush%20in%20an%20NBC%20News%2dWall%20Street%20Journal%20poll%20released%20yesterday%2c%20largely%20on%20the%20strength%20of%20overwhelming%20support%20for%20Mr%2e%20Dukakis%20among%20women%2e%20%20%20 name=description><INPUT type=hidden name=asset_id><INPUT type=hidden value=" 19880617 " name=pub_date><INPUT type=hidden value=By%20THE%20ASSOCIATED%20PRESS%20 name=author><INPUT type=hidden name=col_name><INPUT type=hidden value=The%20New%20York%20Times name=source><INPUT type=hidden value=%20National%20Desk%20 name=section><INPUT type=hidden value=www%2enytimes%2ecom%2farchive%2farticle%2fus name=adx_setup_tag><INPUT type=hidden value=TopAd%2cTop5%2cBar1%2cPosition1%2cMiddle1C%2cFrame4A%2cFrame5%2cMiddleRight%2cRight%2cRight5A%2cRight6A%2cRight7A%2cRight8A%2cSponLink%2cSponLinkA%2cMiddle5%2cCircBottom%2cBottom7%2cBottom8%2cBottom9%2cInv1%2cInv2%2cInv3%2cADX%5fCLIENTSIDE name=adx_keywords><INPUT type=hidden value=MiSspruvaObucfz5TaXjyA name=encrypted_key></FORM>
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<!-- .toolsRight -->By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: June 17, 1988
LEAD: Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Mr. Dukakis was supported by 49 percent of the registered voters in the poll, as against 34 percent for Mr. Bush, NBC News reported. Among men the split was 46 percent to 40 percent for Mr. Dukakis, but among women his margin was 52 percent to 28 percent.
The national survey of 2,014 adults was conducted June 9-12. Its result was similar to that of a Gallup poll, conducted June 10-12, that found a 14-point Dukakis lead. Two other polls early in June put the Massachusetts Governor's lead in single digits; others in May had Mr. Dukakis's lead as great as 16 points.
The margin of sampling error in the telephone survey was three percentage points.
The ''gender gap'' facing Mr. Bush also appeared in an ABC News-Washington Post poll last month, which suggested he trailed Mr. Dukakis narrowly among men but by a 2-to-1 margin among women. In another measure, the NBC-Journal poll yesterday found that only 38 percent of women said that Mr. Bush cares about people like them.
Poll respondents said by a 2-to-1 margin that it is time for the nation to change direction rather than follow the course set by President Reagan. And while 49 percent approved of the job Mr. Reagan has been doing as President, 39 percent disapproved

From 20 years ago, almost to the day.:howdy:


Great Find...the Kerry Polls were the same way too.

Manufactured by our "unbiased" media. :lol:

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
<object height="344" width="425">
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EC9j6Wfdq3o&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="344" width="425"></object>

Ayuh....In 1988 the Republican BoogeyMan was a Black Homicidal Maniac running loose in your community

Lock up your daughters, Lock up your wives!!

In 2008, the new Republican BoogeyMan is a Kinda Black Bearded Mideastern Maniac set to detonate a nuke in your community

Take off your shoes please and place your shampoo bottles in the trash can to your left please.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Those were different times, you have to admit W was much better than old Johnny.

Johnny just does not have what it takes.

Have you seen grandpa monster talk?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
For now, however, Obama is running much stronger at this point in the race than his two most recent Democratic predecessors, Sen. John Kerry and Vice President Al Gore, who both failed in their bids to win the White House. In a July 2004 NEWSWEEK Poll, Kerry led Bush by only 6 points (51 percent to 45 percent). In June 2000, Gore was in a dead heat with Bush (45 percent to 45 percent)—which is essentially where he ended up when that razor-thin election was finally decided.
Oct 21, 2004
I parlayed the following:

Obama -12 pts
Mr MJ completing that High School Diploma by 8-30

$5000 bets pays back $45,000 (Trust me .... MJ is the one I am
holding my breath on !!)

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Poll Gives Large Lead To Dukakis Over Bush

  • <form method="post" name="emailThis" id="emailThis" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action="http://www.nytimes.com/mem/emailthis.html"> <input name="type" value="1" type="hidden"><input name="url" value="http%3a%2f%2fquery%2enytimes%2ecom%2fgst%2ffullpage%2ehtml%3fres%3d940DE4DF1F3DF934A25755C0A96E948260%26sec%3d%26spon%3d" type="hidden"><input name="title" value="%20Poll%20Gives%20Large%20Lead%20To%20Dukakis%20Over%20Bush%20" type="hidden"><input name="description" value="%20LEAD%3a%20Gov%2e%20Michael%20S%2e%20Dukakis%20held%20a%2015%2dpoint%20lead%20over%20Vice%20President%20Bush%20in%20an%20NBC%20News%2dWall%20Street%20Journal%20poll%20released%20yesterday%2c%20largely%20on%20the%20strength%20of%20overwhelming%20support%20for%20Mr%2e%20Dukakis%20among%20women%2e%20%20%20" type="hidden"><input name="asset_id" value="" type="hidden"><input name="pub_date" value=" 19880617 " type="hidden"><input name="author" value="By%20THE%20ASSOCIATED%20PRESS%20" type="hidden"><input name="col_name" value="" type="hidden"><input name="source" value="The%20New%20York%20Times" type="hidden"><input name="section" value="%20National%20Desk%20" type="hidden"><input name="adx_setup_tag" value="www%2enytimes%2ecom%2farchive%2farticle%2fus" type="hidden"><input name="adx_keywords" value="TopAd%2cTop5%2cBar1%2cPosition1%2cMiddle1C%2cFrame4A%2cFrame5%2cMiddleRight%2cRight%2cRight5A%2cRight6A%2cRight7A%2cRight8A%2cSponLink%2cSponLinkA%2cMiddle5%2cCircBottom%2cBottom7%2cBottom8%2cBottom9%2cInv1%2cInv2%2cInv3%2cADX%5fCLIENTSIDE" type="hidden"><input name="encrypted_key" value="MiSspruvaObucfz5TaXjyA" type="hidden"></form>
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<!-- .toolsRight -->By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: June 17, 1988
LEAD: Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Gov. Michael S. Dukakis held a 15-point lead over Vice President Bush in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released yesterday, largely on the strength of overwhelming support for Mr. Dukakis among women.
Mr. Dukakis was supported by 49 percent of the registered voters in the poll, as against 34 percent for Mr. Bush, NBC News reported. Among men the split was 46 percent to 40 percent for Mr. Dukakis, but among women his margin was 52 percent to 28 percent.
The national survey of 2,014 adults was conducted June 9-12. Its result was similar to that of a Gallup poll, conducted June 10-12, that found a 14-point Dukakis lead. Two other polls early in June put the Massachusetts Governor's lead in single digits; others in May had Mr. Dukakis's lead as great as 16 points.
The margin of sampling error in the telephone survey was three percentage points.
The ''gender gap'' facing Mr. Bush also appeared in an ABC News-Washington Post poll last month, which suggested he trailed Mr. Dukakis narrowly among men but by a 2-to-1 margin among women. In another measure, the NBC-Journal poll yesterday found that only 38 percent of women said that Mr. Bush cares about people like them.
Poll respondents said by a 2-to-1 margin that it is time for the nation to change direction rather than follow the course set by President Reagan. And while 49 percent approved of the job Mr. Reagan has been doing as President, 39 percent disapproved

From 20 years ago, almost to the day.:howdy:


Isn't this like clockwork knowing the righty's are digging at the bottom of the barrell? You knew they'd come with this. Lets dig into this a little further.

  • Michael Dukakis was running against a 3rd Reagan term e.g. incumbant VP George Bush.
  • Dukakis campaign was no where near a campaign as massive and as organized as Barack Obama's. We won't even start with the money raised.
  • The approval rating of the incumbent party today is for shit unlike the status of president Reagan's administration back in the 80's.

Please come with substance next time.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
Isn't this like clockwork knowing the righty's are digging at the bottom of the barrell? You knew they'd come with this. Lets dig into this a little further.
  • Michael Dukakis was running against a 3rd Reagan term e.g. incumbant VP George Bush.
  • Dukakis campaign was no where near a campaign as massive and as organized as Barack Obama's. We won't even start with the money raised.
  • The approval rating of the incumbent party today is for shit unlike the status of president Reagan's administration back in the 80's.
Please come with substance next time.

And Dukakis didn't have the most liberal voting record in the Senate.

And Dukakis didn't have a minister like Rev. Wright.

And Dukakis didn't have a best bud who was a Weatherman.

Just saying.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
And Dukakis didn't have the most liberal voting record in the Senate.

And Dukakis didn't have a minister like Rev. Wright.

And Dukakis didn't have a best bud who was a Weatherman.

Just saying.

And with all that said, Obama's still wiping the floor with Mccain and leading handedly. So whats you point again?
Oct 21, 2004
Obama has the Most Liberal voting record in the Senate?

according to who ? FOX NEWS??

Oct 21, 2004
a best bud who was a Weatherman????

Mr. Ayers is listed as a member of the nine-member board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, an offshoot of the Woods Charitable Fund, founded in 1941 by a prominent lawyer and telephone company executive. According to the fund's Web site, it has focused in recent years on "issues that affected the area's least advantaged, including welfare reform, affordable housing" and "tax policy as a tool in reducing poverty."
For a time, Mr. Obama was on the board with Mr. Ayers, though he no longer has a formal association with the group. At the debate, he described Mr. Ayers as "a guy who lives in my neighborhood," but "not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis." Mr. Obama said he was being unjustly linked to "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old."
Oct 21, 2004
MamaTried .... lets see ... where does your "claim" of Obama being the Most Liberal Senator come from?

Anatomy of a Right Wing Smear IV: Steve Doocy: Obama could be the most liberal Senator
By: John Amato on Thursday, June 5th, 2008 at 12:20 PM - PDT <script type="text/javascript"> digg_url = 'http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/06/05/anatomy-of-a-right-wing-smear-iv-steve-doocy-obama-could-be-the-most-liberal-senator/'; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> digg_title = 'Anatomy of a Right Wing Smear IV: Steve Doocy: Obama could be the most liberal Senator'; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> digg_skin = "compact"; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function() { var ds=typeof digg_skin=='string'?digg_skin:''; var h=80; var w=52; if(ds=='compact') { h=18; w=120; } var u=typeof digg_url=='string'?digg_url:(typeof DIGG_URL=='string'?DIGG_URL:window.location.href); document.write("<iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u="+escape(u)+(typeof digg_title=="string'?('&t='+escape(digg_title)):'')+(typeof digg_bodytext=='string'?('&b='+escape(digg_bodytext)):'')+(typeof digg_topic=='string'?('&c='+escape(digg_topic)):'')+(typeof digg_bgcolor=='string'?('&k='+escape(digg_bgcolor)):'')+(ds?('&s='+ds):'')+"' height='"+h+"' width='"+w+"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>"); } )() </script><iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u=http%3A//www.crooksandliars.com/2008/06/05/anatomy-of-a-right-wing-smear-iv-steve-doocy-obama-could-be-the-most-liberal-senator/&t=Anatomy%20of%20a%20Right%20Wing%20Smear%20IV%3A%20Steve%20Doocy%3A%20Obama%20could%20be%20the%20most%20liberal%20Senator&s=compact" frameborder="0" height="18" scrolling="no" width="120"></iframe>
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I’ve been doing a series for C&L about the myth that will overtake FOX news and other right wing outlets which will try to scare people into keeping both hands on their wallet.. Howie wrote a post called: Anatomy of a Right Wing Myth: Obama is the most liberal Democratic Senator.
Doocy: And in fact there’s going to be a real choice because we’ve looked at the studies which suggest that Barack Obama could be the most liberal Senator, in the US Senate, and meanwhile while John McCain—more in the middle. Would you have a guy to the right or more in the middle?
Doocey screws up his question, but that’s OK. You’ll see phrases like “could be” and “it’s quite possible” and “suggest that” he’s the most liberal Senator in Congress. The only study I’ve seen is the very flawed National Journal one so I wonder Steve will reveal what other studies he has. Is it so hard for the media to tell the simple truth about his voting record. Here’s Howie..
If only! Actually there are 39 Democrats with more liberal voting records, although Obama does at least beat perennial Bush rubber stamps Holy Joe Lieberman (CT), Ben Nelson (NE) and Mary Landrieu (LA). His voting record– however you slice it, however you dice it– points to a solidly mainstream centrist– and, to be honest, considerably less liberal than… sssshhhhhhh… Hillary.

So how do CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC all allow the paid GOP shills to get away with their Big Lie? Good question. There’s oneNational Journal “study” that these clowns keep referring to cooked up – yes the same cloddish National Journal that criticized its own ranking of John Kerry as “the most liberal senator” in 2004...read on

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