I'll put on the RNC. Believe it or not. I do want to hear what everyone has to say.
The conventions more or less just strengthen the base and take a shot at swing voters.
But you have to admit, ultra conservative ORielly intervieweing democrat Obama. That's going to be a good show.
LOL ULTR conservative. What planet on you on. With every post you put in this forum you show that you just are not a very smart person. How do you ever find the door to go outside.
Bill has ripped the righties also. He is a traditionalist that believes America is good. He also see what the lefty loons are doing to this country.
Whatever happened to the Democrats where have they been? Where did they go? When did the people like Michael Moore and the lonny hollywood people take over this party. Most people that tell me they are voting for Obama I ask them why. LOL They have no answer except the line of change and hope.
I always ask them what that means and they just say something different than what we got. Than I ask them if the same applied to congress and they just shake thier head not knowing what to say.
Fine I want change also. I want all the old timers from the left and the right to go. I want people with good ideas and not just to follow along with Pelosie and all the other moonbats. Harry Reid has done damage to my own stte. What does he have to do with the business ion Michigan. Oh thats right he was against a bill to let casinos thrive in Michigan. Fuyck him too.
What has the dems (llony libs) done for the auto industry in my state. They have killed this state. Yet the dumb union people keep voting in these morons. That makes them idiot losers in my book. The loons are all for 5.00 a gallon gas. They like this. Yet they do nothing about it. I am so sick and tired of hearing that drilling won't help. Well it would have helped right now if they would have not vetoed that shit years ago.
Fuck the union idiots that are stupid to fall in line with the loony left. Right there makes them the dumbest people I have ever met. LMAO I hope they all lose thier house thats what they get. They are idiots.
LOL Hows that rant.
Sorry Funkster I just don't think you are very smart. Thats why you are a liberal you need the government to do your thinking.
Is there anything that you agree with the Repubs on? Anything at all?
I know that I agree on a few things with Obama. Can you say the samething? I doubt it, that would consist of thinking for yourself.