<!--googleoff: index--> <!--googleon: index--> By TODD VENEZIA
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YES, NICE CAN: The red-blooded presidents of the US and France study a matter of international interest yesterday -- a 17-year-old junior delegate at the G-8 in Italy.
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<!--googleon: index--> Last updated: 11:34 am
July 10, 2009
Posted: 3:28 am
July 10, 2009
Baby got Barack!
The leader of the free world and his French counterpart were caught sneaking a peek at a the pink-satin-draped booty of a 17-year-old junior G-8 delegate just moments before the summit's official group photo was snapped in Italy yesterday.
Obama: Full Economic Recovery Is a Ways Away
Obama wasn't the only head of state getting Yankee Doodle randy.
The president got a show of support for his stimulus package from French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- whose wandering eyes also couldn't help but take in the view.
The beauty who prompted the president to channel his inner Bill Clinton was identified as Rio de Janeiro resident Mayara Tavares. The girl from Ipanema had been selected to attend a meeting of young people held in conjunction with the summit.
While Obama and Sarkozy were playing, their wives were enduring an awkward time. The summit host, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, was recently ditched by his wife because of a sex scandal, throwing social events for spouses into chaos.
Later, a video from ABC News, showed that Obama was turning to offer his arm to another woman who was coming down the stairs behind him. Sarkozy craned his neck in order to get a better view of the young woman's derriere.
<!--googleoff: index--> <!--googleon: index--> By TODD VENEZIA
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Click for photo gallery
YES, NICE CAN: The red-blooded presidents of the US and France study a matter of international interest yesterday -- a 17-year-old junior delegate at the G-8 in Italy.
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- http://www.nypost.com/topics/topic.php?t=Farrah_Fawcetthttp://www.nypost.com/topics/topic.php?t=Elizabeth_Taylor
<!--googleon: index--> Last updated: 11:34 am
July 10, 2009
Posted: 3:28 am
July 10, 2009
Baby got Barack!
The leader of the free world and his French counterpart were caught sneaking a peek at a the pink-satin-draped booty of a 17-year-old junior G-8 delegate just moments before the summit's official group photo was snapped in Italy yesterday.
Obama: Full Economic Recovery Is a Ways Away
Obama wasn't the only head of state getting Yankee Doodle randy.
The president got a show of support for his stimulus package from French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- whose wandering eyes also couldn't help but take in the view.
The beauty who prompted the president to channel his inner Bill Clinton was identified as Rio de Janeiro resident Mayara Tavares. The girl from Ipanema had been selected to attend a meeting of young people held in conjunction with the summit.
While Obama and Sarkozy were playing, their wives were enduring an awkward time. The summit host, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, was recently ditched by his wife because of a sex scandal, throwing social events for spouses into chaos.
Later, a video from ABC News, showed that Obama was turning to offer his arm to another woman who was coming down the stairs behind him. Sarkozy craned his neck in order to get a better view of the young woman's derriere.