Now off the bench.......RIGHTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Sep 9, 2005
WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO LOL I'm back in baby. LOL After watching the usual retards ( CC, Doc, Nimue, Jinn and the rest) I can see the threads are all the same, same old rehashed bullshit. lol This is why the lefties never win shit just the same old stale shit day after day. CC we still don't think you left my great country cause Bush WON the election. You people just don't get it. Mid America does not want gay marraige, welfare for all, easy on the criminals. Than you tards just can't understand what happened when you lost. Then you claim the election was rigged just to make yourself feel better about being in the minority. Yeah the election was rigged yet none of the main stream media or anybody else that has a leg to stand on will take up that fight.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
TheRightSide said:
WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO LOL I'm back in baby. LOL After watching the usual retards ( CC, Doc, Nimue, Jinn and the rest) I can see the threads are all the same, same old rehashed bullshit. lol This is why the lefties never win shit just the same old stale shit day after day. CC we still don't think you left my great country cause Bush WON the election. You people just don't get it. Mid America does not want gay marraige, welfare for all, easy on the criminals. Than you tards just can't understand what happened when you lost. Then you claim the election was rigged just to make yourself feel better about being in the minority. Yeah the election was rigged yet none of the main stream media or anybody else that has a leg to stand on will take up that fight.

First thing, put doc on ignore - he can't be potty trained, so ignore him and his incessant puppy dog yapping. Then start working on the rest of them - they might be slow, but they eventually catch on!

And ya gotta admit, Cap'n is cute when he's pissed - and he makes such a good Canadian.

To bad they drove Joe C outa here -

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
The History of Crash Test Dummies
Part 1: Rightside and the family of crash test dummies


"The first crash test dummy was the Sierra Sam created in 1949. This 95th percentile adult male crash test dummy was developed by Sierra Engineering Co. under a contract with the United States Air Force, to be used for evaluation of aircraft ejection seats on rocket sled tests." - Source FTSS
GM Press Release March 19, 1997

In 1997, GM's Hybrid III crash test dummies officially became the industry standard for testing to comply with government frontal impact regulations and air bag safety. GM developed this test device nearly 20 years ago, in 1977, to provide a biofidelic measurement tool -- crash test dummies that behave very similarly to human beings. As it did with its earlier design, Hybrid II, GM shared this cutting-edge technology with government regulators and the auto industry. The sharing of this tool was made in the name of improved safety testing and reduced highway injuries and fatalities, worldwide. The 1997 version of Hybrid III is the GM invention with some modifications. It marks another milestone in the automaker’s trailblazing journey for safety. Hybrid III is the state-of-the-art for testing advanced restraint systems; GM has been using it for years in the development of front-impact air bags. It provides a broad spectrum of reliable data that can be related to the effects of crashes on human injury.....


New member
Mar 22, 2006
TheRightSide said:
WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO LOL I'm back in baby. LOL After watching the usual retards ( CC, Doc, Nimue, Jinn and the rest) I can see the threads are all the same, same old rehashed bullshit. lol This is why the lefties never win shit just the same old stale shit day after day. CC we still don't think you left my great country cause Bush WON the election. You people just don't get it. Mid America does not want gay marraige, welfare for all, easy on the criminals. Than you tards just can't understand what happened when you lost. Then you claim the election was rigged just to make yourself feel better about being in the minority. Yeah the election was rigged yet none of the main stream media or anybody else that has a leg to stand on will take up that fight.

Nice to see someone happy, even if he is a loon.

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