well i felt a good night was coming .. 4-2 on the night and +3.62 units...too bad lakers failed to cover for a monster night...also dissapointed on bulls barely winning against a weak team.
well i felt a good night was coming .. 4-2 on the night and +3.62 units...too bad lakers failed to cover for a monster night...also dissapointed on bulls barely winning against a weak team.
well i felt a good night was coming .. 4-2 on the night and +3.62 units...too bad lakers failed to cover for a monster night...also dissapointed on bulls barely winning against a weak team.
Great night that should have been better if the Bulls could have done there part. In case you did not know the Bulls were up by 7 with about a minute to go and fell apart. Our victory was in sight but that's how it goes sometimes.
hey guys...wanted to say that today i will be busy so im not sure if i can post in time for 7 ET games but i hope i will...if not i will deff post for late games.