Go shoot yourself in the head! You are nothing more then a kool-aid drinking communist if you think that Obama is the answer...His marxist ways will never happen in this country, not on my watch or any real american for that matter....Get ready for civil war peeps, its comin within 3 yrs mark my words....Either a race war, or a resistance war against the government, Call me crazy now but when it starts happenin you will all remember this post
the free market high degree of freedom near anarchist moonbats of the ron paul variety that hates all government (well of current form both left and right big government whores) vs. the obama commies that thinks more government, and more regulation, and more government spending, and giving the federal reserve any powers it wants is gonna save us....when history has proven it has done nothing but fuck us for years and years....
lets get it on!!!
the neocons are a dieing breed its up to us moonbats to help their sheep followers see the light to fight the battle with the obama commies
the funniest part about this whole shit
is when i was doing all the ron paul campaign shit alot of obama commie supporters liked him the more than hillary.....
it makes absolutely no sense as obama and ron paul are pretty much polar opposites
i guess its that "change" thing....while obama is fake change....or change for more communism....which has been building unimpeded since the 30s......obama FDR part 2
hopefully over time they too see the light....