New Season, so a new thread for the Fraud/Tout Matt Zylbert


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Ahh yes, the MLB season is fast approaching. And guess what??!! Matt Zylbert has already started his deceitfulness with the MLB season right around the corner.

It starts with his updated bio on the VI website. Who would have guessed that a Fraud/Tout would embellish and deceive people to try and get money from them? Well, lets see what tricks he has up his sleeve this year. SO lets break it down and see where all the half-truths and deceit come in.

Here is the BIO:

"Zylbert settled in to produce one of the most historic runs ever seen with over/unders - in any sport, for that matter - going a remarkable 169-99-16 (63.1%) from July 6 until the end of the regular season, which, as everyone knows, is as dominant as it gets when it comes to standard -110 bets over that large of a sample size"

Whoa whoa whoa.. wait right there..... "Most historic runs ever seen" ?? Seriously?? BUT WAIT!!!! Where is the mention of the HISTORIC 112-131 (46%) losing record for the ENTIRE first half? Why only mention the SECOND half, but not the first half? DECEIT!!! LIESS!!! AND where is the posted record for the PLAYOFFS?

"After all, it was in 2011 that Zylbert enjoyed his best season to date, going 366-270-42 (57.5%)"

YET another LIE... Where is this "record"?? Seems nobody can find it except him. Not posted anywhere for public view.

In addition, Zylbert has experienced success in football and basketball over/unders

Really....?? didn't he go NEGATIVE for every season he has posted? where is the "success"?

The Cat, the moniker he is often referred to as for his ability to scratch and claw with every game, is serious in his quest to post one of the best over/under records in the country once again, and 2014 should be no different

Here we go with the "Best in the country" bullshit lol... So going 55% for a season makes that record the "BEST" in the country? That's BARELY making any money. So in the whole entire country no one hit around 60%? No where from coast to coast? YET he claims its "One of the best"... More bullshit, lies and deceit.

going a remarkable 169-99-16 (63.1%) from July 6 until the end of the regular season, which, as everyone knows, is as dominant as it gets when it comes to standard -110 bets over that large of a sample size. Ultimately, Zylbert finished up 281-230-30 (55%%)

Notice he gives himself 63.1% for his second half record? YET when he posts his whole season record he gives himself a flat 55%? Want to guess why? Because its actually 54.9%... He rounds it UP so he isn't stuck in the 54% range (which would be honest ya know), so he ROUNDS IT UP to a flat 55%. Gee... a lying, fraus, tout, scumbag who lies and cheats his customers out of money... how funny!

New member
Aug 28, 2012
There are ALL TRUE facts about Matt Zylbert and his website, and how much money people who PAID him lost last year:


1. Cats admitted NO ONE bought his $500 a month 2nd half season package.

2. Cats record for the complete MLB Season 3/31/2013 to 11/29/2013 = 288-249-30 ( 53.6% , +1598 )

3. Players spend either $30 per day, $300 per month, or $500 per half of season (1st half sales only)

4. Best case scenario a player bought first half for $500, and then 3 months at $300 each (total spent $1400)

5. Worst case scenario player bought daily plays for $30, costing them $7200.

6. Cats made only +15.98 units total for the complete season

7. $10,000 Bankroll bettors wagering 1% per play only profited $198 FOR THE WHOLE SEASON!!! *only if they bought the optimal First Half season +3monthly --- SEE #27 if they didn't!!!

8. But cats says he has WHALES buying his picks.

9. $100,000 Bankroll bettors wagering 1% of bankroll per play only profited $1980 FOR THE WHOLE SEASON!!! ONLY 1.98% PROFIT! *only if they bought the optimal First Half season +3monthly --- SEE #27 if they didn't!!!

10. Merrill Lynch Offers 6 Month CD rates with Deposits of $100,000 or more at 5.50%

11. The $100,000 Bankroll would have profited $5,500 Over 6 months, without having to pay any daily, monthly or season fee's - For a profit of 5.5%

12. The $1,000,000 Bankroll would have profited $55,000 Over 6 months, without having to pay any daily, monthly or season fee's - For a profit of 5.5%

13. Cats refuses to acknowledge that he LED the country and his company in LOSSES the first half or the season, and in the playoffs. That's an accomplishment

14. We know that the players who paid for his plays lost over 40% of their bankroll (+cost of the plays) the first half of the season... but Cats refuses to tell us how much he profited the first half by selling his picks.

15. According to Cats... there are HUGE bettors who paid for and followed picks by someone who appeared out of nowhere, with no real track record to follow. They just have to take him by his word on what he OBVIOUSLY wrote himself in his bio.

16. Lines do not matter to Cats, they are the same at EVERY book. So instead of picking lines from the same book for every play for the whole season, he chose different books for every play, instead of just picking the first one on the list.

17. Wont acknowledge that he cherry picked lines from offshore, Vegas, and online books. Knowing that if he played the lines from the same book over the whole season, his "profits" would be significantly less, or maybe negative for the season.

18. Cats ( Matt Zylbert ) Will continue to use this charade next season, and that a guarantee. HE WILL cherry pick lines from all over the country... HE WILL yet again barely break 53% for the season... HE WILL still laugh happily to the bank cause some idiot bought his plays.... HE WILL still only wager $10 a play himself when he feels like it.... HE WILL never acknowledge his huge losses, but will continue to only highlight certain periods when he was ahead.

19. I hope that someone who was thinking about purchasing his picks at least does a search on his name, and comes to this page. This way they can see the whole truth, and refrain from paying him (or anyone from the horrible tout site) any money. Going through that list, ALL of their touts on there are horrible, and barely made any profits for their customers.

20. Cats put money in his pocket the first half of the season, while his followers were getting burned, buried and raped. But Cats DID NOT refund them any money for the first half of a season on a failed product.

21. Cats had his followers pay him yet MORE money to chase the huge losses in hopes they would at least break even (which luckily only a handful did with a 1.98% profit)

22. As of right now AT THE end of the NFL 2013 season, I am more then DOUBLE the +profits, and have a DOUBLE DIGIT lead in win % then EVERY TOUT on Cats handicapper website!!

23. They charge hundreds and THOUSANDS of $$$ for their NFL plays, and yet.. .I don't charge ANYTHING. Why are they charging for a crap product, when people can get winners for free?

24. Professionals, like Cats, only sell plays to put money in their pocket, nothing else. Its because they wont make any money themselves betting on their plays, so they market and take advantage of new bettors, by selling them something they don't need, just so they can put money in their own pocket.

25. If Cats's plays were so great, and he was "god like"... Why isn't he simply betting his plays? He could make more money by doing that, instead of working for someone, and having to spend so much time marketing himself. Because he knows if he did, he would have bankrupted his bankroll first half of the season, losing almost HALF of it in just 3 months!!

26. Cats always feels the need to HIGHLIGHT and BOLD his second half of the season record..... YET, you don't see him EVER highlighting and BOLDING his first half, instead to him, it doesn't exist.

27. OTHER PLAYERS who didn't buy the optimal packages (1st season +3months) LOST between -5% and -47% of their bankroll!!! They got BURIED HARD!!!

Simple Facts about MATT ZYLBERT (so people can find on search engines) a so-called PROFESSIONAL handicapper. but in reality, Matt Zylbert, the whole website is just a SCAM to put money into their own pockets, without regard to the players who are paying them...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Odds that Matt Zylbert will use lines from 9.5 different books over the season

Over -500000
Under +350000

Almost ALL of professional bettors who bet for a living, place bet on an average at 3 different places... yet Matt Zylbert is able to bet at over a dozen over a season. Sometimes making plays at over 5 different books in a single day.

Matt Zylbert has admitted he has only 1 sportsbook account himself.

So why the need to pick from over a dozen sportsbooks when he posts his plays?

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Haven't seen him around since his denver SB prop of scoring both halves lost.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Haven't seen him around since his denver SB prop of scoring both halves lost.

Yeah, he ran away pretty quickly to hide. That's what touts do... but they are quick to call themselves"GOD" or "RECORD SETTING" when they have a nice run lol.

FYI, Ill be posting my O/U plays in MLB this year in the MLB forum. And I have no doubt I will mop the floor with him. He barely hits better then a coin flip. EXCEPT for that magical season a couple years ago that's not documented, BUT he has it on a spreadsheet.

I have a spreadsheet from my MLB O/U from 2 years ago as well, but I went 559-0 that season. SO I AM THE BEST GOD LIKE HANDICAPPER WITH THE BEST RECORD IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, WORLD AND UNIVERSE!
Apr 6, 2012

You are truly unbelievable. Time to end this once and for all, because the obsession you have over me, one of the few HONEST and GOOD people who partake in this, is beyond borderline creepy. I understand you despise ALL people who sell picks, and that’s understandable because MOST who do this are scammers who don’t give a shit (I 100-percent agree with you on that, as I’ve told you a thousand times, and it’s disgusting. But why do you group EVERYONE together?) but you do realize that ALL people do not fit that mold, right? Are all black people “thugs,” too? Do you know what a stereotype is?

But, since you have taken the time to once again write a novel about me - while reciting the same FALSE and DISTORTED points that you continue to make over and over and over and over for the past year-and-change (More proof of what a scumbag you must be in real life, since I’ve already debunked these same myths you continue to spout) - I’ll be happy to respond one last time…

1. You continue to LIE about what customers make off picks. You continue to ASSUME that people risk $100 on every game, which is hilariously absurd, even though these clients have a ton of money and risk much, much more than that. Why would people spend $30 per-day/$100 per-week/etc. to risk a measly $100 on a game? Again, for the 4927457th time, the final plus amount shown on my name IS ONLY THE NUMBER THEY WOULD BE UP IF THEY RISKED TO WIN $100 PER GAME. OBVIOUSLY THEY RISK MORE THAN THAT. If you took the time to actually do any reading, you’d realize that, as that’s how the site operates and grades plays as a fair scale to rank each handicapper. What other method do you recommend with how sites grade their workers on a fair scale?

2. Oh yeah, and concerning the prices, what exactly do I have to do with that? I work for the company. I’m merely just a pawn that works for a company. Aren’t we all? I don’t decide prices. I don’t decide packages. I just do my job every single night for seven months, putting in countless hours every single day to do what I love, which is break down every single pitching matchup, and whoever wants to invest based on those prices set by the company - not me - that’s their decision. It’s hilarious how jealous you are that I was given this opportunity and had a nice winning season (Despite your chagrin, which you should’ve learned from the first thread about this when I shut you up quite easily, didn’t I?)

3. Again, I didn’t hide from my first half performance; it’s clearly mentioned in my bio. Obviously, it had more to do with mindset, nerves, and pressure, which is exactly what most people feel - in ANY aspect of life - when they’re on a big national stage, especially at such a relatively young age (Much like in any occupation. How many athletes do we see struggle in their first taste of professional action? Or do you not realize this simple concept?). How many times have I said it? As I’ve said since my first day here, gambling is all mental. You, the gambler, are your only worst enemy - your feel and mindset is everything. I clearly didn’t have it, being nervous every night and needing a little while to get used to the process and being depended on by other people. Predictably, I barely made anything in the first half. Most of my sales were obviously, and predictably, done in the second half when I went on my historic three-month run. Then I had a poor playoff showing thanks to lots of bad luck, if you remember how that playoffs played out (STL/PIT game 5, STL/BOS game 1, etc.). What do you want me to do? Every gambler understands that’s part of the conquest. You, if you’re a real sports gambler, should know that.

4. Wow, again with the lines thing again. How many times do I have to explain it? THE HANDICAPPER DOESN’T RANDOMLY CHOOSE WHAT BOOK THE LINE COMES FROM… THE SITE DOES. It’s called advertising. They promote other sports books. That’s how it works in the website business. It’s a simple concept. And with baseball over/unders, which is the ONLY THING I DO, all the lines are basically the SAME. It’s not utilizing the “best” line when ALL THE LINES ARE THE SAME. You know I’ve explained that to you, yet you continue to recycle a fake point on your part. Therefore, this does not apply to me when the “best” line is almost always the same line everywhere. If Yu Darvish vs Ivan Nova is over/under 8, it’ll be over/under 8 everywhere most of the time. And guess what line I’m graded by? 8. Maybe you have a point for OTHER people who do moneylines, and therefore some people will get a -130 that might be -150 for someone else, but that doesn’t apply to me because I only do -110 over/unders. Thus, hopefully you’ll finally shut up about that, since you always love to bring it up, even though it doesn’t apply to -110 over/unders, which, again, is the only thing I do. I’m an over/unders guy in baseball and nothing else. You can’t be that dumb.

5. Again, you continue to ignore the FACTS: What was my final record for the regular season? A very respectable 281-230-30 (55%). Then I went an embarrassing 7-18 (28%) in the playoffs thanks to mostly bad luck (By the way, there is not a person in the industry who combines their regular season record and postseason record; two completely different beasts, which is why, since my first day here and prior, I’ve always kept them separate so stop saying it’s some “marketing” strategy). Poor stretches happen in small sample sizes, what else do you want? But even with that unfortunate playoff stretch, I was still up for the season. If you risked to win $100 per game during my regular season, you were up over $3,000. Is there something wrong with that?

6. You continue to claim my 2011 work was “fake,” even though:
A)I have all the 27 pages of documentation and have offered to e-mail them to you/take pictures of each page to show you.
B)My in-depth over/under record with each pitcher and team from 2011 was even posted on here in an extensive thread on here detailing why it’s genuinely crucial to examine your own work as deep as possible, in order to know your strengths and weaknesses (Ex. In regards to over/unders, it’s critical to know your record with each pitcher so you know who you have a good beat on. For example, I’m amazing with Bud Norris over/unders, but I suck with Hiroki Kuroda over/unders)
C)You continue to ignore the fact that my 2011 performance was the reason I came here to The RX in the first place, and ultimately what helped me get hired for a nationally-renowned company like Vegas Insider in the first place, since they verified everything. Why else would a nationally-renowned company that is known everywhere in the country hire a then-27-year old guy?

7. You said I’ve never posted a successful season on here, despite the fact that:
A)You conveniently leave out my 2012 NFL season, which was posted on here in its entirety and had a nice winning percentage of 56.5% and was up several hundreds.
B)The other couple of seasons on here were all above the break-even point of 52.3% in terms of record. I’ve never even had a losing record. I was only down in 2013 NFL because of -130 teasers and props… well, guess what? With the REAL -110 stuff, I was up with my over/unders, which is the only thing you can offer at these companies so that wouldn’t even apply. In actuality, I was down for 2013 NFL overall, but based on the only things you can offer, over/unders and spreads, I was up in those two things. But what does that have to do with professional handicapping when I only do baseball for them? So football doesn’t apply to any point you’re trying to make about the “paying for picks” concept.

8. You continue to claim Vegas Insider, and all the other sites in the business, are scams. One, again, I agree with you that MOST indeed are. Take a look at Covers (aka the REAL scamdicappers you should be going after), for example. Browse through all their handicappers and try and find their records… exactly, YOU CAN’T because they don’t let you access them. They only highlight their “hot streaks” or “recent strong runs” without letting visitors look at their handicappers’ full record. Is that a fucking joke or what? Unfortunately, most sites are like that, I believe. With us on Vegas Insider, everything is automated and can be tracked with any date, time period, etc. to a tee. That’s the most in-depth coverage of any handicapper you’ll find anywhere, and that’s exactly how it SHOULD be done. Why do you think Vegas Insider, according to the Alexa web traffic site, is No. 1 in the industry? Most sites ARE out to steal people’s money, but Vegas Insider obviously is not one of those.

Listen, pal, I’m not denying that MOST PEOPLE IN THIS INDUSTRY ARE SCAMMERS. It’s a fucking disgrace. When have I ever disagreed with you on that? Please find where. Because I’ve ALWAYS AGREED WITH YOU on that. It’s fucking embarrassing that there are people like Brandon Lang that exist. It’s a fucking joke. Me and you are fully together on that. But does this mean ALL people in the business suck? Obviously not. I don’t know why you continue to lump people all into one stereotype. By your logic, “ALL” black people are thugs and thieves. “ALL” jews are cheap and only care about money. Is that really the type of person you are? Seriously?

And how many times have I said that if I ever turned into a losing player, I would quit instantly? Yeah, that’s another point you continue to conveniently ignore. I have no respect for those other people who lose their clients money regularly and keep doing what they do with no remorse. It’s disgusting. And guess what? If I finished with a losing season last year, guess what, I would have quit. I already told you that. What else do you want from me? So it’s wrong for a winning player to give people the option to invest in them? Why? Please elaborate.

Enough is enough, man. Is it jealousy or something? You continue to brag about your own accomplishments, as you managed to do a nice job patting yourself on the back there a bunch of times for your NFL work, and I think I counted you mentioned your Hilton winnings about five times in there, so apparently, this has something to do with you wanting to be hired by a website so you can make money off your picks… well, go ahead and go for it. Not sure why this has to involve me because I couldn’t care less; I’m not stopping you. If you have the mental mindset to handle it, then you’ll do just fine, but handicapping is completely different when you have other people investing a lot of money into you. I know you put in a ton of work like I do so I certainly respect the effort and dedication because it mirrors my own. But if you want to sell your picks, go right ahead and find a place that will hire you.

Anything else? Seriously, it’s ridiculous. I’ve always been one of the nice and honest ones on here, always willing to help anyone and everyone that wanted my assistance on a game. Just give it up already. Your intentions are 100-percent right, as I've said a thousand times I AGREE WITH YOU IN GENERAL, but for once in your life, you need to comprehend that every single person does not fit a certain stereotype.

Seriously, anything else you want me to address?

Feb 10, 2009
Honestly, (as a member not a mod) I wouldnt say Cat is a scammer. think that should be reserved for true scammers. Cats definitely can be naive at times, and he does bring a lot of this on himself, but a scammer it too far.
Apr 6, 2012
Haven't seen him around since his denver SB prop of scoring both halves lost.

What's up Stax! Yes, I'd rather forget that particular -100000 bet just to win $10 or whatever it was lol ruined all my nice playoff work. I was certainly in an awful mood that night. I mean, the greatest offense in the history of professional football (Literally. Not even any hyperbole in that statement) can't score in the first half of the Super Bowl? The worst part was that they were in actually well in FG range at the end, but decided to go for it on 4th-and-4, I believe it was, instead of taking the easy three points at your opponent's 20-yard line only down 22-0. I'll never understand why Fox decided to go for it there. ANY coach would take the points there in that situation with that type of offense that could make up any deficit in the second half. But alas, it was understandably a painful loss, and a valuable learning experience not to do those laughable -100000 bets just for a quick buck, in addition to the real bets (Spread, over/under, etc.) you have on a game. I hope others were able to learn from that as well.

Yeah, he ran away pretty quickly to hide. That's what touts do... but they are quick to call themselves"GOD" or "RECORD SETTING" when they have a nice run lol.

FYI, Ill be posting my O/U plays in MLB this year in the MLB forum. And I have no doubt I will mop the floor with him. He barely hits better then a coin flip. EXCEPT for that magical season a couple years ago that's not documented, BUT he has it on a spreadsheet.

I have a spreadsheet from my MLB O/U from 2 years ago as well, but I went 559-0 that season. SO I AM THE BEST GOD LIKE HANDICAPPER WITH THE BEST RECORD IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, WORLD AND UNIVERSE!

Really? I ran away? Last I remember, every year I've been here at The RX, I always take time off from posting after the NFL season because, uh, there's no other picks to post (Since I do NBA just for fun amongst myself). Man, you love taking shots at people when they're not even here. Takes a lot of class to be that kind of person, I guess. And what am I hiding from? Do I charge people for football picks or something? Have I ever?

The amount of time you spend towards thinking about me/writing about me/analyzing me/thinking you know me - especially when I'm not even here - is really just unhealthy and creepy. The worst part is, I've never disagreed with you about any of your general sentiments about the many people out there who DO scam people. For the thousandth time, I'm not one of them - because the year I ever have a losing record is the year I'm done.
Apr 6, 2012
Honestly, (as a member not a mod) I wouldnt say Cat is a scammer. think that should be reserved for true scammers. Cats definitely can be naive at times, and he does bring a lot of this on himself, but a scammer it too far.

Thank you, Defying. I genuinely appreciate that. And I absolutely assure you that your thoughts on me are absolutely 100-percent correct. It's also very appropriate that you use the word "naïve" because if you knew me real life also, that's a very correct trait that I possess. Anyone who knows me personally would probably say the same thing about me, so you are an excellent reader of character. Honestly, I've learned quite a bit from yourself, Betall, and the rx member Biz (One of the most intelligent posters here), which is why my attitude and demeanor on here changed greatly from the very beginning of football season (And from last season).

Man, the worst part is, I have ALWAYS AGREED WITH NFLTRENDS. His intentions are absolutely guided in the right direction, which is why it's hard for me to even argue with him. I respect the man's effort and his results - never hated on him - especially his effort because in that regard, we come from the same breed of being so extremely passionate. The root of what we do involves our love for this more than anything else - just digging our teeth into any given game, or at least in my case, into any given pitching matchup because I truly love that more than anything else - and we share the same disgust over the fact that there are so many people, the Brandon Langs of the world, who get away with their shit of scamming people without a care at all.

Trends, seriously, just finally realize already I'm not one of those people. Yeah, maybe it's a small percentage that are honest and good, but clearly, I am featured in that small percentage, whether you want to believe it or not. Stereotypes are stereotypes because they classify all as one. But finally, just understand that not everyone fits a stereotype, as small as that percentage may be... And as I've said, what if I were to start producing a losing record? Then guess what, I'm done. I quit. I'm out of the hobby. I wouldn't be able to continue going on with that on my conscience. Honestly, I don't know how all these other scumbags are able to do what they do and still feel good about themselves. It's absolutely disgraceful. But to classify me into that group? If I could channel Cris Carter here, C'mooonn Mannn. You should know by now that is not me at all. Seriously.
Oct 12, 2013
My favorite soap opera is back and right before baseball starts. Zilbert you say you only bet -110 over/unders. The LA/SD game is 6 1/2 (over-120). Do you pass on these games or if you take the over do you just grade it -110? A nice way of getting an extra .10 on the game.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
How does Vegas Insider advertise for these places that ARENT online where you get your lines from like:

Station Casinos

Its agasint the LAW here in the state of Nevada for Physical Sportsbooks to Advertise on online gaming portal sites like VI. As the Gaming Commission stated it was a conflict of interest.

AND why do you have to use different books on the same day... why not just 1 book for all your plays on that day? Cause there are a lot of days where you had several plays, all from different books. Does VI FORCE you to make that many plays to advertise all those books on a certain day? So if you had only 1 play that day, they say "We are promoting 5 sportsbooks today, so you need to put out 5 plays and use a line from each book"

You know that "They make us use certain sportsbook are BULLSHIT... you just use the book that's giving you the best line on the game you are playing.... ADMIT IT.

Such BS from a scamdicapper lol
Apr 6, 2012
My favorite soap opera is back and right before baseball starts. Zilbert you say you only bet -110 over/unders. The LA/SD game is 6 1/2 (over-120). Do you pass on these games or if you take the over do you just grade it -110? A nice way of getting an extra .10 on the game.

Nope, you misunderstood what I said. When I said "-110 over/unders," that's basically what everything evens out to in the end. You could even look through my entire game log, spanning any timeframe - every over/under I've taken ranges from +105 to -125, hence how it averages out to -110. Plus, we don't grade our own stuff. It's a pretty cool system where everything that is turned in is automated and graded that way. This is how it SHOULD be done, but unfortunately, scam sites like Covers don't even let you look at their handicappers' history; only their "hot streaks." You can't even view their game log ugh

How does Vegas Insider advertise for these places that ARENT online where you get your lines from like:

Station Casinos

Its agasint the LAW here in the state of Nevada for Physical Sportsbooks to Advertise on online gaming portal sites like VI. As the Gaming Commission stated it was a conflict of interest.

AND why do you have to use different books on the same day... why not just 1 book for all your plays on that day? Cause there are a lot of days where you had several plays, all from different books. Does VI FORCE you to make that many plays to advertise all those books on a certain day? So if you had only 1 play that day, they say "We are promoting 5 sportsbooks today, so you need to put out 5 plays and use a line from each book"

You know that "They make us use certain sportsbook are BULLSHIT... you just use the book that's giving you the best line on the game you are playing.... ADMIT IT.

Such BS from a scamdicapper lol

I'll tell you exactly how it works. We have a site set up through which we insert our plays. All the games are featured in a dropdown menu. Of course, you simply click on the game you want to suggest and write about, and when you go to that game's page, it has all the lines (Moneyline, runline, over/under) with a sportsbook listed next to it. It's not "picking and choosing" where the very best line in the world is; whatever is listed there (As in, ONE book) is the only way we can offer it. And for me, again, this does not apply because over/unders are generally the same anyway. If the line is 7 in one place, most likely it's 7 everywhere else, and obviously, I can only offer the game with the line being 7. Don't you think customers would be outraged if they were given a line they couldn't even get? Did you ever think about that?

I just gave you the biggest crook site out there - Covers .THAT is the place you should be going after because, apparently, they're just mostly scamdicappers. Click on their "Experts" page, then click on any of the names listed there, and see what you find... exactly, you can't even view their game logs! Seriously, how bogus is that? In other words, when their guys aren't attracting any clients, they can fudge their statistics as much as they want, and nobody will know because their game log is never in view! There's no rankings or standings either, so nobody would be able to notice it! It only shows their "last ten games," which is ridiculous... why do they hide their full season performance at all times? Again, THOSE are the type of people you should be going after. And again, it's all the MORE PROOF why I agree with you about most people concerning this topic... but, as Defying even said, and for the 82742nd time, I'm not one of those scumbags, which you should clearly be able to tell by now.

Let me know what you think of Covers' "Experts" page when you get the chance to look at it.

New member
Mar 19, 2014
LOL Touts all are liars ...... always see the ad WE ARE ON FIRE 25- 7 last week hit 3 5 stars last night etc...

Jul 4, 2012
I can't believe this clown shows his face after the horrific run to end the NFL season.

I also find it funny that he seems to think that nobody has ever seen point buying to try and inflate records (Right Angle Sports basically does this and notice their Bonus Plays in March CBB have been comically bad).

Oh well, I look forward to the MLB implosion by this fraud.
Oct 12, 2013
Zilbert. I did not misunderstand, that is what you wrote. I know over/under bets are around -110 and may average that through out the season but the line differs. When you use the word "ONLY" that is what I take it to mean. I bet Baseball totals here in Vegas. I am a limit player and I am one of the best. I know my Totals, not many people do.
Apr 6, 2012
Zilbert. I did not misunderstand, that is what you wrote. I know over/under bets are around -110 and may average that through out the season but the line differs. When you use the word "ONLY" that is what I take it to mean. I bet Baseball totals here in Vegas. I am a limit player and I am one of the best. I know my Totals, not many people do.

Yeah I guess my wording was a bit off there, point taken. Regardless, it's nice to meet another strict baseball over/unders player... you and I have a real gem that most people still don't comprehend. I hate the general consensus that most people dislike betting baseball, but if you put the time and effort in every single day over a full season and acquire the feel for it, over/unders are very winnable, as you and I both very well know. To me, it's just a very distinct type of bet compared to any other sport that is easier to get a feel for it. That's what it's all about, in my opinion.

Good luck this season.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Here is the email I received from VI this morning when I asked them about why so many lines... they themselves says ITS NOT for advertising and its in FAVOR of the scamdicappers:

Dear Xxxxxx

Our system assigns the best line available at the time they post their pick and have no control of the line source. We show a diverse amount of sports books to give our handicappers the ability to get the best line available.

Good Luck,
Marketing Coordinator


From: Xxxxxx Xxxxx []
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 8:28 AM
Subject: Question about line the handicappers use

Why do the handicappers use lines from all over the place? One handicapper I was looking at for the MLB season picked lines from every sportsbook imaginable from all over the world. Some online and some in vegas, even the Atlantis casino which is in the Caribbean.
Why so many different books? Several of these different bets were placed on the same day at 5 different books.
Is it because your handicappers are forced to use certain books cause you have to advertise them? Or do they choose them at their own free will?
Im confused, and I only use 2 books myself. Just trying to see what the logic is.
Oct 12, 2013
Well MZ I don't just bet totals. I bet sides as well. People lose at sportsbetting and Baseball is not good for them. With almost 10x the amount of games that pro football has people go broke faster. I like Baseball because in 1 season I get almost as many games as 10 seasons of the NFL.
Apr 6, 2012
Well MZ I don't just bet totals. I bet sides as well. People lose at sportsbetting and Baseball is not good for them. With almost 10x the amount of games that pro football has people go broke faster. I like Baseball because in 1 season I get almost as many games as 10 seasons of the NFL.

Valid point. And that's just part of it; I love the fact that there are 15 games just about every single day, since every team is playing almost every day. If you've developed the discipline, that's definitely something that could really be used to your advantage, if you know how to be selective and patient enough to wait for those one or couple of pitching matchups a day, if not more, that just really stick out compared to the others. In other words, it's somewhat easier to get that necessary feel (In my opinion, *the* most important tool any handicapper can have in his arsenal; more important than any statistic), especially if you do this every single day. I haven't taken a day off during the baseball season since 2010 when I was still tweaking my routine and technique.

As for sides, I rarely take them, and if I do, I just keep it to myself. I don't even keep track of my record with sides because I do them so infrequently, and to me at least, it's not even worth investing a lot in because I'm only decent when it comes to sides. Hence when I initially look at the daily slate every night the night before the games for two hours, I'm always only thinking of the over/under and nothing else. For those that are consistently good with sides, I tip my hat to them. That's considerably tougher to be consistent with, I believe. That's why I'm only over/unders and nothing else (A few years ago, I tried doing first-inning bets every single day... those are a waste of time lol almost impossible to anticipate consistently on a daily basis).

Is Zylbert picking up where he left off last year. Oct 2013 totals 9-19 32%.

Lol not sure where you got that number from but I can only hope I've picked up where I left off last season, considering 169-99-16 (63.1%) runs don't exactly grow on trees (That doesn't include my awful playoffs, which is always separate from regular season performance, of course), ya know. I'm 2-1-1 to start my 2014 campaign, but regardless, the first couple dozen games or so should never be overemphasized. Any current run is no different from any other run during the season; it just sticks out more because it's your only sample size, but shouldn't be dwelled on. The key to jumping out of the gate respectably, which I certainly did not do last year, is to just not stress out too much or overreact - the quicker you get into midseason form and approach, the better.

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