new independent research completed by pilots for 9/11 truth


New member
Nov 8, 2004
Willie... in the late 80's, Alibaba North and OBL were like sorority sisters.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I wonder how Alex Jones was able to accurately predict on July 25, 2001 that people within our own govt. were going to blow something up in New York, possibly even The World Trade Center.

Not only did this come true, but he predicted they would blame it on Bin Laden. At this time 99.9 % of Americans had never heard of Binny.

First off, Alex Jones makes these kinds of "predictions" all the time. He regularily says now that a nuclear suitcase bomb attack is coming (amoung other things), and with each new timeframe that goes by he is wrong once again. He lists every possible thing that he can, and then claims they are all about to happen.

You want to put up right verses wrong claims from him? One column will be a hell of a lot bigger than the other, guess which one...?

As for this claim, again you guys like to misrepresent the truth. He does not make any specific attack predictions here, just that the "globalists" will use terrorism to acheive their goals (something he predicts all the time), and that his audience can stop this "hitlarian Richetag event" by making some phone calls to the government. Pretty broad stuff, especialy for a guy who spent a lot of his time talking about how all this past terrorism was the same stuff, and that it was coming again in the future (BTW, Alex is still waiting for his "Rechetagt event", which I believe he now thinks will be the suitcase nuke, after which they will finally declare "marshall law" like he's been saying for a long time :missingte ). And when he mentions the WTC, it was in the context of the past 1993 attack. No prediction there either...As for saying they would blame it on Bin Ladin...not really. He just says that "and if there was an outside threat, like a Bin Ladin...he's the Bogeyman they need" I wounder how many other people he had hit with that label as well that he could have pulled out of his hat after 9/11?

So nowhere in these clips does he say an attack is coming in the next few months, nor does he say that New York or the WTC will be the target, nor does he say that an attack is coming real soon, at the WTC, and when it happens they will blame Bin Ladin.

Sorry guys. Unless there is some more to this show than the clips you've shown, there's no 9/11 prediction in here.

(He also gets a nice double win scenario out of this. If an attack does come, then he tries to say he "predicted it", and if one doesn;t he can just say that all their phone calls to the government tiped them off not to try anything because they would all know that it was "them" who did it. :aktion033 )

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
oh i understand now. AJ is an idiot because he made a big stink 1and a half months before 9/11 about wtc and obl being connected with the cia and north did it in the 80,s. july 25th 2001 must have been too close to the time of the attack for him to be credible. your logic is really effed up willie. r u really serious. i agree AJ can be out there on alot of subjects but cmon man, he was telling people to call washington with this info. a month and a half before the attacks. and OBL is not even on the FBI's most wanted right now.

We need a emotion icon with some smiley waving his hand over is head, as in it went right over.

What you argued I said is about as far from what I said as you can get.

What I said is this

1) predicting OBL would plan a terrorist attack against us and it might even be the WTC was closer to a realistic possibility then an enlightened prediction.


2) since AJ's own words prove him to be one wacked out looney time & time again, nobody listens to the fool. He has zero credibility.

To sum it up, it all means nothing, but what's new?

He sure knows how to feed his herd.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
First off, Alex Jones makes these kinds of "predictions" all the time. He regularily says now that a nuclear suitcase bomb attack is coming (amoung other things), and with each new timeframe that goes by he is wrong once again. He lists every possible thing that he can, and then claims they are all about to happen.

Omni, this is where I was going next. You beat me to the punch.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
<table class="tborder" style="border-top-width: 0px;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr title="Post 4246438" valign="top"><td class="alt1" align="center" width="125">Willie99</td><td class="alt2">Quote:
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">Originally Posted by random1323
the data about the plane being 277 ft at 1.5 miles out from the pentagon traveling at 530 mph means it couldn't nosedive to 70 ft in 2 seconds. it's really not that hard.

Not that hard to?


like I said, at least y'all now have a commercial flight in the right neighborhood at the right time, that's a start.

PS: what if it was already decsending?</td></tr></tbody></table>

Wake up Willie...

What if it was already decending?

Because with 2 seconds it was supposedly to be flying horizontally 20 feet off the ground clipping light poles along the way. That is a lie on its face value.
Impact with light poles would have torn the wings right off . A similar occurence a few years ago made a jet crash. This knocked over light pole story altitude and direction coming in is incompatible with the true altitude and trajectory of flight 77.


The plane is either 277 feet of the ground or 20 feet off the ground that you were told. You say 20 feet. Yet these FACTS are from the source, not what you were told occured and how.

OK TR, you too now acknowledge the plane was in the area. Progress

and you now believe it was flying at 277 feet within 1.5 miles of the Pentagon, and you have the recovered flight recorder to prove it.

So, what happened to the plane from there? What's your theory? What does the flight recorder say?

I'm going to answer for you. The plane hit the Pentagon.

Now here's the real wake up call, whatever you think couldn't happen happened, so WAKE UP already.

Remember, these are the same people that said the Seismographs at Columbia Univ recorded explosions on 9/11. Of course, Columbia Univ scientists said that they are lying about the conclusions the Univ. reached and the fringers can't read a seismographic printout.

Stated differently, liars lie.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
it hit the pentagon is a false statement if you go by the data recorder because it's not physically possible to descend from 277 ft to 70 ft in 2 seconds dumbass. we are not trying to predict what we don't know or assume things that aren't proven yet. that's your job. and you know what, the people that retreived this info from the data recorder aren't the same people that said seismographs picked up explosions. so now whose lying?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
it hit the pentagon is a false statement if you go by the data recorder because it's not physically possible to descend from 277 ft to 70 ft in 2 seconds dumbass. we are not trying to predict what we don't know or assume things that aren't proven yet. that's your job. and you know what, the people that retreived this info from the data recorder aren't the same people that said seismographs picked up explosions. so now whose lying?

I'm sure your experts have that story wrong too, just like the seismographs at Columbia Univ. They are either incompetent or they are liars or some combination thereof.

Here's a reality "dumb ass", you're wrong again as you blindly follow one of the biggest laughing stocks in the country.

I'll take the weight of the evidence, you have "faith" in a proven looney liar.

After several weeks of tireless efforts by


New member
Sep 21, 2004
OK, on a more serious note, I have to ask Random these 2 questions...

How much do you know about the "pilots for truth" and it's members, and the truthfullness of their overall claims?

And how much do you know about if the claim they are making regarding this data and their interpritation of it is actually true?

(You have to appreciate the "truther logic" though of trying to use a flight data recorder recovered FROM the plane that crashed at the Pentagon to try and prove that the plane didn't crash at the Pentagon.) :thumbsup:

New member
Mar 29, 2007
they are not telling the truth. they r just trying to tell lies in a non-profit kind of way so people follow them deeper into more lies. ithink they r just addicted to lying actually. so, good job, you past the test, you figured out the scope of all these non-profitable loonies.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I wonder if any of those pilots spoke to other pilots who have lost good friends and loved ones on that day.

I know a pilot who was waiting to take off from Logan that day before he was called back, who happened to know all the crew killed in one of the WTC planes.

I know what he knows about 9/11. I'm sure these truth seekers can find thousnads more just like him if they really wanted to.

Here's a simple question, do they have even one pilot that says the airlines didn't lose any crews on that day?

Are the pilots part of your conspiracy? Remember, maybe the planes weren't hijacked, right? or maybe the planes didn't crash, right? or in the really bad fringe circles, the flights didn't even exist.

Collectively, your theories and your stories change, bend & break soo often it's pathetic.

That's why nobody even attempts to provide a comprehensive theory of what you fringers think happened on 9/11, it would look like a duck, walk like a duck and sound like one dumb fuck.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
willie, your trying to find the logistics about this. not possible, if the ones behind this didn't care about killing all those people, i don't think they would care about taking care of a couple flight crews. how many times do i have to explain to you why there is no explanation because we didn't plan this event out. we only say the story that was released to us is bogus. that's it, we do try to piece together events from that day where we know the official story is crap. that is why you will not get a comprehensive story from anyone until there is an independent investigation. do you understand now? stop beating a dead horse. this arguement is lame.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
willie, your trying to find the logistics about this. not possible, if the ones behind this didn't care about killing all those people, i don't think they would care about taking care of a couple flight crews. how many times do i have to explain to you why there is no explanation because we didn't plan this event out. we only say the story that was released to us is bogus. that's it, we do try to piece together events from that day where we know the official story is crap. that is why you will not get a comprehensive story from anyone until there is an independent investigation. do you understand now? stop beating a dead horse. this arguement is lame.

Use your imagination.

How many thousands of people representing scores of organizations are involved?

what's lame is ignoring the evidence of hundreds of independent studies, while having faith in conspiracy theories that crash under their own weight.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
name one independent investigation study supporting the official story with out ties to the government.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
name one independent investigation study supporting the official story with out ties to the government. COLLAPSE STUDY BBlanchard 8-8-06.pdf

How liars lie

Seismic Spikes
Seismographs at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., 21 miles north of the WTC, recorded the events of 9/11. "The strongest jolts were all registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before falling debris struck the earth," reports the Web site
A columnist on, a Web site run by radio talk show host Alex Jones, claims the seismic spikes (boxed area on Graph 1) are "indisputable proof that massive explosions brought down" the towers. The Web site says its findings are supported by two seismologists at the observatory, Won-Young Kim and Arthur Lerner-Lam. Each "sharp spike of short duration," says, was consistent with a "demolition-style implosion."

FACT: "There is no scientific basis for the conclusion that explosions brought down the towers," Lerner-Lam tells PM. "That representation of our work is categorically incorrect and not in context."

New member
Mar 29, 2007
my answer to the ridiculous first link who dismisses all eyewitness testimony of explosions.

your 2nd link has no support to the official story. it's about how our immigration was infiltrated by terrorists.

i already told u about your 3rd link:The Study was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), a federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…".

As writers at have pointed out, the board of the NSF was appointed by George W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate. Its director, Dr. Arden L. Bement Jr, has worked for the Department of defense, where he was under secretary for research and engineering, and DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), which is responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military and famed for its black op projects and offshoot offices.

Last year the Bush Administration doubled the NSF's budget to $6.02 billion.

At the time Arden L. Bement, Jr. stated:

"This is a great day for NSF, and that means it's a great day for the nation, there has been a lot of rhetoric about doubling the NSF budget, but now the Administration is behind it. The FY 2007 Budget Request is the first installment. We are grateful to the Administration for its recognition and leadership,"

your 4th link again doesn't support the official story, it also is only about the threat of terrorist.

your 5th link's researcher and writer has ties to the government:David Fraser Nolan founded the Libertarian Party in 1971. He subsequently served the party in a number of roles including National Chair, editor of the party newsletter, chairman of the By-laws Committee, chairman of the Judicial Committee, and Chairman of the Platform Committee.

your 6th also has ties and i know, i know AJ is out there but he catches pop. mec.s out on this.
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New member
Sep 21, 2004
they are not telling the truth. they r just trying to tell lies in a non-profit kind of way so people follow them deeper into more lies. ithink they r just addicted to lying actually. so, good job, you past the test, you figured out the scope of all these non-profitable loonies.

So another non answer from the truther side.

Once again, you just can't admit that you haven't done the research into these guys or their claims to back them up. How many times is this scenario going to repeat itself on this forum?

I don't see the words "non profit" on thier site, but I DO see them selling all sorts of DVD's and "pilots for truth" gear including T-shirts, Funny how just about every 9/11 truther has a book or DVD or T-shirt to sell.


And of course they also have the ever-present on 9/11 "truth" sites button to "make a donation".

In comparision, I have yet to see a debunker site ask me for a dime.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
your 6th also has ties and i know, i know AJ is out there but he catches pop. mec.s out on this.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Oh the irony of Alex Jones calling someone else a liar.

You do realize that despite that little BS presentation that those two are NOT cousins, right? And that he was one of 9 reporters on the story as well (not even counting tons of othes who worked on it)?

Just add another lie to the list from the truther camp.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
you got me on the non-profit thing omni. how do u know they are not cousins. and yeah there were others like dr. van romero who also has ties to the defense dept. why don't you mention willie's lies as you back up his arguement. so do u think these pilots are in this for profit, because i don't think this stuff sells enough to profit.

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