e-gold does not have a debit card, but there are a number of exchangers that offer them, MasterCards, Cirrus ATM, Maestros. I personally do not like the E-Bullion card because it's a ChexCard and Chex sucks donkey cock for service and reliability.
The easiest way to manage money via an e-gold account is to hook up with a reputable market maker, like
GOldAge and use them for your in and out exchanges. You have to bear in mind that e-gold is not technically a currency account; your account balance represents a claim on physical gold, and all transfers in and out and between accounts are ultimately settled in weight, not fiat value. So, a good market maker to facilitate in and out-exchanges is essential.
I've been using e-gold since 1998, have actually been to their office in the US (it's all of a couple of miles from my parents' house) and have had nothing but a positive experience with them in all that time. E-Bullion is somewhat newer and has it's limitations, but the owners are 100% trustworthy -- they are owned by
Goldfinger Coin and BUllion, a very large and well-respected wholesale bullion source. I have been using E-Bullion almost since they went live in 2001, but it has got some shortcomings that do not stack up to e-gold imho.
Sorry to go on so; it's sort of a hotspot issue with me, gold in general and digital gold and financial privacy all converging. I may start a thread similar to the WU and Neteller info threads for people who are interested in learning more about it --
especially books who might be interested in accepting it for post ups.