referral bonus?
I'm a lifetime member as of 4 years ago but I wouldn't recommend that anyone buy his service at his prices. He's been treading water for some time now and I only play his hockey, small college football and nascar. I've been using a service called Jett Sports Investing for the last 2 years and and have won in every sport. They don't do hockey, small college football or Nascar, so Net Prophet Sports works well for me there. But you can't go wrong with JSI, James Jett is a private handicapper who isn't out to gouge a customer. He gives a free trial ( I got 3 months) and a money back guarantee. He's really low profile, in fact, I don't think he ever advertises. I got his e-mail from a blackjack dealer at the Barbary Coast in Las Vegas, wrote to him and have been a satisfied customer ever since. Don't know if he's still accepting customers or if he still offers a free trial but I encourage anybody to give it a shot. Take it or leave it, but his contact addy is *********************
And no, no referral bonus there either.