Call david, he gets everything new or used for a lot less than you can buy it retail, both new and used, he will save you lots of money, good guy to deal with, he now has great deals on new tv's
29 inch TV new in the box, full warranty, $330......20 inch LIKE NEW TV, with remote, $150....29 inch, flat screen Tantus Samsung BRAND NEW, 2 year warranty, $530.
just bought a 44 inch LG from this guy, nice guy, NO TICO BS, tv retails for $2,000 and i paid him $1,300, delivered in the box brand new, thanx costarich for the post, greatly apreciated, now i can watch my games in peace
i just told david that i posted here and he asked me to also post that he has new 29 inch tv's, new in box for $330, if you need anything in this country like electronic or furniture, call this guy, he gets you the best prices...........he gets anytyhing you need at discount prices