I live in the bay area and the dubs are my team but i have to agree with what you are saying not to mention the thunder have been a force lately with all their pieces in place. I have one play left in my bankroll and think i will pass on this one and just root the warriors home.I'm a Warriors fan and have been playing them during the streak. However, I've seen that when long win streaks end, the team doesn't play at the same level for a couple of games and don't cover the first couple of game after the streak ends. This Warrior fan is playing Oak City tonight. Good luck fly.
The end of the streak was my last stand and they should have covered. Not rooting against you guys thunder plays but how bout warriors by a basket !I live in the bay area and the dubs are my team but i have to agree with what you are saying not to mention the thunder have been a force lately with all their pieces in place. I have one play left in my bankroll and think i will pass on this one and just root the warriors home.