Yep, Bo is a great coach. Especially winning with crackers. That is fucking crazy.
Hey, quick question, how many rings does Phil Jackson have? 9? 10? 12? I lost count
Hey, quick question, who played for Jackson: Era 1: Jordan/Pippen ; Era 2: Kobe/Shaq
Same goes for Calipari, IMO. I love Calipari, but he's playing cards and he's already got 4 fucking aces. Is it his fault he's a great fuckign recruiter?
But X's and O's:
Bo Ryan > Calipari
Brad Stevens > Calipari
Brad Stevens > Chefchefskiing
Tony Bennett (another guy drawing up honkey basketball game plans and winning in a brothers' game)
Izzo = great coach
And does anybody else think Bayhomo or Beyheim is a great coach? He's like the most overrated fucking coach ever. Well, not really, but he's inflated as fuck. Guy gets loaded up with fucking talent and can only win one ring. And he only got that because he had a perennial NBA All-Star in Anthony who got him the ring. No Anthony = No ring for Beyheim.
Same goes for the former manic coach of Marquette (current Indiana coach). No Dwayne Wade and that guy aint winning shit.
In the end, this is a good way to assess a coach's abilities. If they've only won when the cupboard is full, I mean, really, how good are they?
Fucking Brad Stevens pulled dinosaurs out of a thimble with jack shit for talent and to went to back-to-back championship games. Beyheim gets loaded up every year with massive talent and then sucks a dick like a Hollywood street tranny at Eddie Murphy's house after a trip to In-and-Out Burger.