More Power to the Fed


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
White House Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship In United States
Move to hand privately-owned Federal Reserve complete regulatory power over entire U.S. economy heralds a new unconstitutional form of government
President Obama’s plan to give the privately-owned and unaccountable Federal Reserve complete regulatory oversight across the entire U.S. economy, which is likely to be enacted before the end of the year, will officially herald the beginning of a new form of government in the United States - an ultra-powerful banking dictatorship controlled by a small gaggle of shadowy and corrupt elitists.
The new rules would see the Fed given the authority to “regulate” any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.
This goes a step further than the centrally planned economies of the Soviet Union or Communist China, in that the Federal Reserve is not even accountable to the U.S. government, it is a private entity that according to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, is accountable to nobody but the banking families that own it.
Obama’s regulatory “reform” plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies, who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Fed.
According to an AP report Democratic leaders have committed to enacting the plan before the end of the year and Republicans in both the House and Senate have indicated that they won’t stand in the way of the overhaul.
“The final plan….is expected to sidestep most jurisdictional disputes and simply impose across the board standards to be applied by all financial regulators, according to administration and industry sources, ” reports the Washington Times.
In other words, the Fed, which is already totally unaccountable to Congress, is to be placed in complete control of the entirety of the U.S. financial system, to do as it wishes without repercussion.
As the LA Times reports, the government, in conjunction with the private Federal Reserve, would effectively have the clout to simply seize and take over any company it desires.
In order to appease those opposed to the plan, such as Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, the Obama administration has agreed to create a “watchdog” council of regulators to “advise the Fed”.
However, as former chairman Alan Greenspan has most recently pointed out, given that the Fed is an independent entity, and therefore accountable to no one, it will have the power to simply reject and overrule any advice it is offered.
Pointing out the flagrant conflict of interest in empowering the Federal Reserve to essentially regulate itself, Professor of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin Robert Auerbach writes, “The Federal Reserve has massive conflicts of interest that make it ill suited for its present regulatory functions and certainly for an expanded regulatory reach. The officials leading the Fed today preside over an organization that is run in substantial part by the bankers they regulate. Bank regulation begins at its 12 district Federal Reserve Banks, each governed by a nine-member board of directors, two-thirds of whom are elected by the bankers in the district.”
As economic author Nomi Prins highlights, Obama’s plan does nothing whatsoever to fix the excesses of financial institutions blamed for the financial collapse, it only ensures their continued operation and an expansion of the practices that contributed to the economic crisis in the first place.
“The ’sweeping overhaul’ of the financial system detailed by Geithner on behalf of the Obama administration does not overhaul the system at all,” writes Prins, “giving the Fed a bigger role, creating a ‘council of regulators’ to oversee the existing oversight bodies and allowing the biggest Wall Street players to maintain their status, leaves the system intact.”
“The Federal Reserve is not a fully public entity. It has amassed a set of $7.87 trillion worth of facilities and other entities through which it has lavished cheap loans in return for questionable collateral from the banking system. It has kept the true nature of these transactions a secret despite numerous FOIA requests. And, it has actively promoted the creation of bigger institutions in a chaotic environment, rather than putting the brakes on the creation of these giants,” concludes Prins.
Proof that the agenda of implementing overt financial dictatorship is being carefully coordinated can be seen in the fact that an almost identical scheme is also being set up in the United Kingdom, where “The governor of the Bank of England has called for greater powers to allow it to fulfil its new role of promoting financial stability,” according to a BBC report.
Just as in the U.S., King is calling for traditional independent regulatory bodies to be all but abolished and replaced by the Bank of England itself, which just like the Federal Reserve is a private outfit with no accountability to the government whatsoever.
The mainstream media, for the most part, has reported the oversight plan as a much needed regulatory crackdown on those responsible for the financial crisis. However, the details of the plan constitute almost exactly what lobbyists for leading bankers have been pushing for over the past few weeks.
“All derivatives contracts will be subject to regulation and all derivatives dealers subject to supervision,” Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said at a Time Warner Economic Summit in New York on Monday, also noting “When you have too many people involved, there’s an accountability problem.”
Earlier this month heads of nine of the biggest banks in the derivatives market, including JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Bank of America, secretly lobbied to keep derivatives under Federal Reserve “oversight” and away from real scrutiny.
As reported by The New York Times, they all met secretly to discuss how to use the lax regulation and institutional secrecy of the NY Fed to shield their credit-default swaps business from prying eyes and attempts at regulation.
The banks formed a lobby– the CDS Dealers Consortium– only weeks after accepting TARP funds in October 2008 to protect its interests. Heading this effort was Edward Rosen, who previously helped fend off derivatives regulation. Rosen wrote and circulated a “confidential memo” to the Treasury Department and leaders on Capital Hill, making their agenda clear, the Times reported.
Rosen and his backers propose that derivatives be “traded in privately managed clearinghouses, with less disclosure,” according to the Times. The clearinghouse of choice for the big banks in Rosen’s CDS Consortium is ICE U.S. Trust, which is in turned regulated only by the Federal Reserve system.
So the upshot of all this is that the bankers get what they want, are allowed to carry on as they were, while at the same time the fractional reserve banking system and the federal government are both greatly expanded and empowered, and the compliant corporate media ludicrously tells us that a strict crackdown is underway.
This kind of activity is exactly what some leading representatives have warned of in recent weeks.
Three weeks ago, the Democratic Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Collin Peterson, announced to the press that “The banks run the place,” in reference to the US Congress.
While Peterson is also pushing for legislation to regulate derivatives trading, his proposed bill would limit derivatives trading to public exchanges, rather than private clearinghouses, which are managed by banks.
Peterson’s warning mirrors that of Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, who just a few weeks before uttered the same rarely acknowledged truth.
“And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place,” Durbin said.
How simultaneously dangerous and ridiculous it is that the Federal Reserve is given more authority to oversee the economy. This is the same privately run entity that refused to comply with congressional demands for transparency and disclose the destination of trillions of dollars in bailout funds. It is the same privately owned entity that has withheld internal memos, in spite of freedom of information act requests. It is the same private entity, run for the most part by European banking elites, that has arrogantly refused to tell Senators and Congressmen which banks were in receipt of government loans.
The government is ready to hand over everything to a monolithic private corporation and a gaggle of bastard banker offspring, that have gobbled up an amount close to the entire GDP of the country in taxpayers' money and figuratively stuck the middle finger up regarding questions over where that money has gone.
It can be no more apparent than at this time that legislation to audit, repeal and eventually abolish the Federal Reserve, must be supported by Americans if they want to see their children and their grandchildren grow up without indentured debt and entrenched servitude to a fascistic marriage of private banks and hugely inflated government.

Jan 19, 2005

Ron Paul on the Geithner-Fed Scam

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Jan 19, 2005
Rejoice comrades, it won’t be long.


Any news from the Western Front?


Nov 17, 2004
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A FAKE FINANCIAL FIX
by Mark A. Calabria
June 18, 2009

THE Obama administration yesterday presented a misguided, ill-informed remake of our financial regulatory system that will make crises more likely and more costly. Our financial system, particularly our mortgage system, is broken -- but the Obama plan ignores the real flaws to focus on more convenient targets.

Instead of putting an end to bank bailouts, the plan makes bailouts a permanent feature of our regulatory landscape. In fact, it extends the possibility of taxpayer-funded bailouts to any company choosing to become a financial-holding company. This will likely include every large insurer, as well as major consumer-finance companies like GMAC.

Of course, the administration tells us that bailouts won't be needed -- because the same regulators who missed the signs of the current crisis will get added powers to prevent the next one.

We're supposed to believe that, if only the Federal Reserve had the same oversight powers over AIG as it now has over Citibank and Bank of America, that the bailout of AIG would have been avoided. Just think: If only AIG had been managed and regulated as well as Citibank -- because Citi is in such great shape now.

In the wake of this crisis, it's understandable that the Obama plan increases regulation and oversight of the largest financial institutions -- but why do it in ways that reduce the market discipline on those same companies?

By assembling a list of institutions deemed "too big to fail," the president is announcing that any of these select corporations will be bailed out if it fails. As a result, these institutions will face lower funding costs than smaller lenders -- which will allow them to gain market share.

That is, the Obama plan guarantees increased concentration of our financial markets: We'll have fewer banks, but larger ones -- insulated from market pressures.

In short, the Obama plan puts the entire safety of financial system on hoping that regulators at the Fed get everything right.

Meanwhile, the plan barely mentions two institutions at the very heart of the mortgage-market meltdown -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Instead, the administration tells us that it will study the issue and come back with alternatives at a later date.

Yet Fannie and Freddie were the single largest source of funding for the subprime market during its height, buying more than 40 percent of all subprime securities at the market peak, while also leading the market in the reduction of credit quality. In all likelihood, their ultimate cost to the taxpayer will be greater than that of the bank bailouts known as TARP.

Combined taxpayer losses from Fannie and Freddie could well exceed $300 billion -- twice the expected cost of bailing out AIG. Any reform plan that leaves out Fannie and Freddie can't be taken seriously.

Even when it gets things right, the plan gets it wrong: It recognizes the failure of the credit-rating agencies, but misses the source of that failure -- namely, the fact that those agencies are a government-created monopoly. So it insists on more disclosure -- which won't solve the problem.

What's needed is an end to the exclusive government privileges that have been granted to the rating agencies -- and an end to the practice of having government regulators outsource their jobs to these companies.

Then there's the mortgage section of the plan. Naturally, the Obama team doesn't address the largest single problem -- the federal government's obsession with extending homeownership to households that can't sustain it. Instead, it calls for increased "consumer protections" in the mortgage industry.

Sadly, the administration can't confront the basic fact that the most important mortgage indicator is the borrower's equity: How much of its own money a household puts into the home tells us far more about probable default than whether the loan was adjustable-rate or has a prepayment penalty.

Admitting these facts, of course, would mean admitting that programs like the Federal Housing Administration have been at the forefront of pushing unsustainable mortgage lending.

In short, the Obama team has once again put politics ahead of policy, offering "answers" that will sound good to the uninformed without threatening any of the vested Washington interests that played so large a role in creating the current crisis.

cunning linguist, master debator
Sep 22, 2006
Dubya is not in office anymore....time for BO to quit blaming him and get on to fixing the country like he promised and get off the campaign trail...the housing crisis was the big factor in this and you cant blame it on dubya, more like his predecessor slick willie

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
dubya got the ball rolling to begin with anyway

not just a BO problem

interesting since I haven't read any article suggesting this is President Bush's plan to give an unaccountable group nearly unlimited power over our "free" market. must only exist in tizworld

do you people really not understand how incredibly important this is? this has nothing to do with the left or the right since neither side is standing in the feds way of taking over the nation.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
i know i was just taking a jab at partisan dave the neocon dubya supporter that now talks all kind of trash about obama's lack of fiscal responsibility and such

plus it was dubya that created the obama monster and is allowing all this shit to happen to begin with

anyway i agree this isn't a partisan thing....i just get sick of the neocon types speaking up now that a lefty in office

just our 1 party system doing its thing as we slowly build up more and more commufascism in america as the years roll along


the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
this is something that has been slowly happening ever since the fed was created, through the new deal and so on and so forth over the years.....

its just that the pace of increase in commufascism has picked up quite a bit since 9/11....the only problem for them is they are being too blatant about it and slowly but surely more people are waking up.....granted we are a nation of pussies so as long as they keep a roof over our heads and feed us....and continue to brainwash the masses with the right/left nonsense.....we really won't do jack shit about it.....till its probably too late

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
dubya got the ball rolling to begin with anyway

not just a BO problem

Bush may opened the door a crack but it’s your messiah that is driving the never ending convoy through it. Wake up and smell the bullshit comrade.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
i know i was just taking a jab at partisan dave the neocon dubya supporter that now talks all kind of trash about obama's lack of fiscal responsibility and such

plus it was dubya that created the obama monster and is allowing all this shit to happen to begin withanyway i agree this isn't a partisan thing....i just get sick of the neocon types speaking up now that a lefty in office

just our 1 party system doing its thing as we slowly build up more and more commufascism in america as the years roll along


Bush created the monster :Carcajada:

I may have missed something. How is exactly is Bush allowing this to happen. :grandmais

Have you been spending time at a bar with punter?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
What tiz meant was that Bush was such a bad president that he pushed the nation so far to the left that we elected a black Muslim Socialist.

Seriously, do you think Obama could have been elected if Bush would have left office with a 50%+ approval rating?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
What tiz meant was that Bush was such a bad president that he pushed the nation so far to the left that we elected a black Muslim Socialist.

Seriously, do you think Obama could have been elected if Bush would have left office with a 50%+ approval rating?

I have no idea. McCain was a weak candidate. However continuing to blame Bush only gives the left a feeling of confidence while their whistling past the graveyard.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
After 8 years of the most unpopular president in modern history, what Republican candidate could have beaten Obama?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
After 8 years of the most unpopular president in modern history, what Republican candidate could have beaten Obama?

To pick someone would be pure conjecture on my part and irrelevant. But I’ll play along and ask, if Bush was so unpopular how did he get elected to a 2nd term?

New member
Nov 8, 2006
He was a wartime president. Nevermind that he started the wars, The American voter is sometimes very stupid.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
He was a wartime president. Nevermind that he started the wars, The American voter is sometimes very stupid.


that said in the end it really doesn't matter anyway just lesser of two evils in our 1 party system of big government...

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
To pick someone would be pure conjecture on my part and irrelevant. But I’ll play along and ask, if Bush was so unpopular how did he get elected to a 2nd term?

In 2004 Bush still was hovering around a 50% approval rating, and the verdict wasn't quite in yet as to whether or not the Iraq invasion was justified. Oh, and the Dow was at 10k and climbing. And it wasn't until the second term did we experience Abu Garib, Harriet Myers, the Katrina failure, $5 gas, Abramoff, Plame, Scooter Libby, the beginning of the recession etc., etc....

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