MORE German Translation Needed (see inside)

I got this email from this German guy on ebay who is super pissed at me. If we can translate, I will describe why he is so pissed at me:

da hast Du mich aber ganz schön bei EBAY reingerissen.
ich finde das Du meine Verzögerung ( Umzug bzw. Urlaub )
nicht akzepiert hast und mich nicht benachrichtigt hast.

ICH finde das SCHEISSE !!!!!

It's nothing endearing, that I know. LOL

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[This message was edited by hamneggs on 02-21-03 at 02:06 PM.]
Uh, kinda garbled but, here goes.

There you have me however very prettily in EBAY pure tear. I do not find have that you my delay (move and/or vacation) not akzepiert and not notified have myself.

I find WOULD SHIT that !!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
basically that u ****ed him up and that you didnt accept his delay because of vacation he had and that you didnt inform him.


there ya go!
Thanks for the translation. LOL

Well, I specified in my auction that I do not accept credit cards through Paypal. The reason for this policy is because I don't like Paypal fees. I accept direct transfers and e checks only.

Despite the fact that I state this policy all over my auctions, this guy pays me by credit card. I "deny" the payment, it is returned to him immediately, and I send him 3-4 emails over the course of a week explaining the situation to him. He sends me an email saying that "I PAID FOR IT." I tell him to look at his Paypal account, but he doesn't get it...

After another few days, I file a Non Paying Bidder Alert w/ebay, an "NPB". Three NPB alerts and you are banned from ebay.

He is reacting to the NPB alert.

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I get another email from this guy today after I tell him (again) that I can't accept credit cards on Paypal:


bitte versuchen Sie es später , ziehe um , leider
zu wenig Zeit , um mein Postfach zu lesen !!!!!!!


Again, this does not sound endearing. Any idea what this guy is saying? Thanks

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well im rusty but he is either saying be patient to wait for him to send you his p.o. box information, or he is threatening to kill you. lol

i think he is upset because you didnt give him enough time.
send him this...

Nächstes Zeit dont Angebot auf einer Auktion, wenn Sie können antworten innerhalb den drei Tagen. sein nicht mein Problem ist, das Sie entschieden haben, Urlaub weiterzugehen.

basically says for him to not bid on an auction is he cant meet the 3 day response period. and that he shouldnt have went on vacation.

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