Moonbat Central fails to answer four simple questions


Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
1) What is the origin of the universe? Why is there something rather than nothing? How do you get matter and energy from nothingness? How do you get a rock out of nothing?

2) What is the origin of life? How do you get life from non-life? How do you go from a rock to a tree?

3) What is the origin of mind? How does a living thing become a self-conscious being? How do you go from a tree, to an animal, to a human?

4) What is the origin of good and evil? How does an amoral being become morally aware?

Atheists respond to all these types of questions with essentially the same style answer. “We know God doesn’t exist. Therefore, since we’re here, though, it had to have happened this way. Thus, like the universe itself, life, mind, and mo-rality all ‘just popped’ into existence out of nothingness.”

Thanks to Frank Pastore and his article "Why Atheism Fails: The Four Big Bangs"

I'm sure that the moonbats will throw a few one liners at me, but they'll avoid answering the questions because they have no answers. Like all moonbats, they do as they're told by their beautiful people masters - no original thinking is allowed.

New member
Jun 8, 2005
I don't know the answer to these questions.

But why must I leap to "It must be God" as the Answer?

No offense but that's flat out silly.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
1) What is the origin of the universe? Why is there something rather than nothing? How do you get matter and energy from nothingness? How do you get a rock out of nothing?

2) What is the origin of life? How do you get life from non-life? How do you go from a rock to a tree?

3) What is the origin of mind? How does a living thing become a self-conscious being? How do you go from a tree, to an animal, to a human?

4) What is the origin of good and evil? How does an amoral being become morally aware?

Atheists respond to all these types of questions with essentially the same style answer. “We know God doesn’t exist. Therefore, since we’re here, though, it had to have happened this way. Thus, like the universe itself, life, mind, and mo-rality all ‘just popped’ into existence out of nothingness.”

Thanks to Frank Pastore and his article "Why Atheism Fails: The Four Big Bangs"

I'm sure that the moonbats will throw a few one liners at me, but they'll avoid answering the questions because they have no answers. Like all moonbats, they do as they're told by their beautiful people masters - no original thinking is allowed.
i see way more than 4 question marks......just another rightie lying to the people

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This is the stupidest rhetoric ever. Can you answer these questions without telling me it happened magically by the hands of some super being?

1) What is the origin of the universe? Why is there something rather than nothing? How do you get matter and energy from nothingness? How do you get a rock out of nothing?

2) What is the origin of life? How do you get life from non-life? How do you go from a rock to a tree?

3) What is the origin of mind? How does a living thing become a self-conscious being? How do you go from a tree, to an animal, to a human?

4) What is the origin of good and evil? How does an amoral being become morally aware?

Also, answer this:

Why is the deity of your minority religion in this world the correct answer?

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I don't know the answer to these questions.

But why must I leap to "It must be God" as the Answer?

No offense but that's flat out silly.

The answers don't have to be "God" - but if not, what could the answers be?

There are athiests on this forum who thoughtlessly attack religion; possibly to fill some inner emptiness or maybe because they don't like what they don't understand. I don't know.

But I'd love to see a few of these people make a reasonable attempt to answer the questions.

I don't hold their atheism against them, and I resent the attempts they make to belittle my beliefs.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
This is the stupidest rhetoric ever. Can you answer these questions without telling me it happened magically by the hands of some super being?

1) What is the origin of the universe? Why is there something rather than nothing? How do you get matter and energy from nothingness? How do you get a rock out of nothing?

2) What is the origin of life? How do you get life from non-life? How do you go from a rock to a tree?

3) What is the origin of mind? How does a living thing become a self-conscious being? How do you go from a tree, to an animal, to a human?

4) What is the origin of good and evil? How does an amoral being become morally aware?

Also, answer this:

Why is the deity of your minority religion in this world the correct answer?

I never said ther answer was my deity, or any deity for that matter. I asked you to answer the questions; can you?

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
i see way more than 4 question marks......just another rightie lying to the people

Another moveon moonbat moron heard from.

Do you have any other intelligent points you want to add to the debate?

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Atheism defies all logic and infinitesimal odds.

After that, it becomes an individual's journey in search of the meaning of life.

I wouldn't put too much faith in human science though -- we haven't even made it out of our solar system. We're still a very, very primitive species.

New member
Jun 8, 2005
The answers don't have to be "God" - but if not, what could the answers be?

There are athiests on this forum who thoughtlessly attack religion; possibly to fill some inner emptiness or maybe because they don't like what they don't understand. I don't know.

But I'd love to see a few of these people make a reasonable attempt to answer the questions.

I don't hold their atheism against them, and I resent the attempts they make to belittle my beliefs.

Okay, I pretty much agree. I'm an athiest, but I have no great desire to push my belief on anyone. My Conservative values would generally put me on the side of the Religious Right...accept of course for that pesky God thing.

I agree it does seem to be okay to make fun of Jews and Christians...yet no one else.

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
What an odd obsession with non believers. BBlight makes it sound like those of us who don't believe in God lay awake wondering how we can prove no God exists.

Science: We don't understand X, so we'll hypothesize, disprove, and hopefully some day understand X with quantitative proveable methods.

Religion: X came from God - because we say so.

Amazing how someone like BBlight sits in judgement of others (Lest ye be judged????) yet would turn to stone if he looked deep enough into his own doublewide mirror of faults.

Bblight, not having an answer does not mean an answer does not exist - nor does it mean we should not look for one. The very "reasoning" you display is what has hindered science and innovation through the ages. One can only imagine what some of the fine folks in the midwest thought of the Wright Brothers trying to fly like a bird and soar a little closer to the heavens.

Having an unproveable answer to a question is in fact, no answer at all.

Have a theory? Be prepared for to have it tested and challenged. This applies to things like evolution, psychic ability, or the belief that a white man in the sky sits with a scorecard counting how many bets you made or how many times you paid for sex while in S.E Asia.

The scientific method welcomes the idea that the hypothesis is wrong - the same cannot be said with a lot of religious beliefs.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
But belief in a supernatural being that rules everything but no one has ever seen doesn't? Okie Dokie.

It's not a 'belief' or leap of faith, it's just logic. You have the brain power to discern between order and chaos. If you choose chaos, you're choosing infinitesimal odds. I would argue your belief system requires a much greater leap of faith, especially coming from a species that can't yet understand -- let alone manipulate -- gravity.

Maybe if you listened to your own common sense and reasoning instead of the dogmatic religion of 'science,' this issue wouldn't be such a struggle for you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
1) a)What is the origin of the universe?
It was one Hulofin molecule, an element with an atomic weight close to that of 1M suns.
b)Why is there something rather than nothing?
Because entropy needs something.
c)How do you get matter and energy from nothingness?
The Hulofin element is still unknown, but it is said that the quirks within the Hulofin atom travel faster than that of waves or particles and pulled matter from a different dimension. That matter, traveling faster than c created energy as we know it today.
d)How do you get a rock out of nothing?
Rocks are solidified liquids.

2) a)What is the origin of life?
Many eons ago a meteor crashed into a very flegling planet. The conditions of which were perfect for life. The energy created from the impact combined with single cell organism very similar to flagellum created life. Then, the earth traveled much closer to the Sun, a young, more powerful sun. There was extreme radiation bursts that caused mutations and these single cell organisms began transforming. 100,000,000,000,000 years later here we are.
b)How do you get life from non-life?
Life has existed in other dimensions since the dawn of the flux. Flux is almost like an ether, but it is dimensionless.
c)How do you go from a rock to a tree?
As the crow flies.

3) a)What is the origin of mind?
I believe ones mind is housed in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. This is the portion where thought comes from.
b)How does a living thing become a self-conscious being?
Through nerves. As soon as you feel something, you become self-conscious.
c)How do you go from a tree, to an animal, to a human?
I have no idea if this a sex related question or not.

4)a) What is the origin of good and evil?
Good is no different than evil. Good and evil is cylindrical thought. What is today good could be evil tomorrow, ergo Sadam Hussein.
b)How does an amoral being become morally aware?
Emotions are the driving force of all morality.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
But belief in a supernatural being that rules everything but no one has ever seen doesn't? Okie Dokie.

You make an incorrect assumption Jinn. All of us Christians see God and interpret the Bible in different ways. I'm sure that most of the conservatives on this board could respectfully argue their religious differences for hours.

The point is that we respect each other and our re3ligious differences - we don't belittle each other and we don't insult each others beliefs - we share a common ground with all Christians ands with all monotheists.

Faith is an abstract that a person aspparently has or doesn't have. If you don't have it, I see no need to belittle those who do have it.

Many athiests attempt to use science to belittle Christianity - so I answer back with these four questions.

Wasn't it you who recently noted that Einstein believed in God? Do you think he may have considered the four questions and arrived at a particular answer?

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Faith is an abstract that a person aspparently has or doesn't have. If you don't have it, I see no need to belittle those who do have it.

If you truly have it - you wouldn't let it bother you that others don't.

Onward Thin Skinned Soldiers...marching off to......

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
1) a)What is the origin of the universe?
It was one Hulofin molecule, an element with an atomic weight close to that of 1M suns.
Where's your proof?

b)Why is there something rather than nothing?
Because entropy needs something.
But where did something come from?

c)How do you get matter and energy from nothingness?
The Hulofin element is still unknown, but it is said that the quirks within the Hulofin atom travel faster than that of waves or particles and pulled matter from a different dimension. That matter, traveling faster than c created energy as we know it today.
"The Hulofin element is still unknown"
So you're making a leap of faith thast such an element does exist.

d)How do you get a rock out of nothing?
Rocks are solidified liquids.
Where does the liquid come from?

2) a)What is the origin of life?
Many eons ago a meteor crashed into a very flegling planet. The conditions of which were perfect for life. The energy created from the impact combined with single cell organism very similar to flagellum created life. Then, the earth traveled much closer to the Sun, a young, more powerful sun. There was extreme radiation bursts that caused mutations and these single cell organisms began transforming. 100,000,000,000,000 years later here we are.
Where's your proof supporting this theory?

b)How do you get life from non-life?
Life has existed in other dimensions since the dawn of the flux. Flux is almost like an ether, but it is dimensionless.
What other dimensions? Where's your proof that other dimensions exist.

c)How do you go from a rock to a tree?
As the crow flies.

3) a)What is the origin of mind?
I believe ones mind is housed in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. This is the portion where thought comes from.
Where did the cerebral cortex come from?

b)How does a living thing become a self-conscious being?
Through nerves. As soon as you feel something, you become self-conscious.
Where's your proof? An amoeba also has nerves?

c)How do you go from a tree, to an animal, to a human?
I have no idea if this a sex related question or not.

4)a) What is the origin of good and evil?
Good is no different than evil. Good and evil is cylindrical thought. What is today good could be evil tomorrow, ergo Sadam Hussein.
So, If a person murders and rapes your mother, he's just having a tough night

b)How does an amoral being become morally aware?
Emotions are the driving force of all morality.
I Hate you - that's an emotion
I decide to kill you - that's a moral decision

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
If you truly have it - you wouldn't let it bother you that others don't.

Onward Thin Skinned Soldiers...marching off to......

If liberals weren't imposing their nihilist values on society through their utopian nanny-statistism -- pigs feeding off the public trough -- I wouldn't be in politics.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
bb you don't listen to anything all you preach is moonbat lefty it is comical at least the other guys who are wrong like joe and such provide me with good reading and i learn some quote CW

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Another moveon moonbat moron heard from.

Do you have any other intelligent points you want to add to the debate?
POOR JOE is embarrassed you are on the are no george blanda that's for sure

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