sorry to any followers, but don't worry (I'm not). I've done my homework, and I will reach my goal.
Hustler982, I have not changed anything. I am eliminating the need to bet due to being a system pick. But, understand guys, none of my bets were blind! If they were, then I am the luckiest guy in the world hitting over 60% on 2 unit plays. Again, the difference will be not doubling my bet on the same team that won their previous game (my 1 unit bet) BUT LOST ATS. I wish I kept track of my losses in this situation. I BELIEVE I'VE LOST MORE THEN I"VE WON.
Conclusion, one more addition to strengthen my system.
I strive more on the challenge of being a good capper with an original handicapping system, THEN WINNING MONEY!!!!
Of coure I love to make extra money, who doesn't!
My confidence is building and I will succeed.
have fun watching the SUPER BOWL!