Because americans are too stupid to realize the president has nothing to do with the economy
In actuality you are the one who is ignorant when you say dumb things like this.
The president has nothing to do with the economy? Where in the hell do people come up with this crap from? Are you kidding me?
If the president wanted to he could have negotiated better international trade deals to protect our local industry.
If the president wanted to he could have protected american workers by installing measures to force companies to keep their jobs right here.
Dont give me this complete b/s just because you have no clue about how the government works or larger aspects of the economy for the matter.
Wasnt it Bush who pushed for those stupid tax cuts, sent out checks to every one as soon as he got into office and squandered money the treasury could have used to shore up a plethora of issues that we had nagging at us for a long time?
The president has nothing to do with the economy? Who in the hell signed up for a bogus trillion dollar war? Do you think that trillion could have been wisely spent in other sectors to shore up this looming disaster of an economy we have?
Are you kidding me when you say stupid shit like that? If any president from Clinton to Bush has wanted, they could have put a stop to all this predatory lending practice crap, they could have sounded the alarm on this sub prime mortgage mess. But they chose to turn a blind eye and take donations from big banks!
If the president had wanted to, he could have sunk Phil Gramms enron loops holes and rejected Phil gramms deregulation bullshit that helped speed along this economic fiasco.
For crying out loud if we had a sensible president he could have tried to curtail irresponsible spending (Bush the worst spender ever in history).
A president could have stopped the doubling of our national debt in a mere 8 years!
I really cant stand when people like you come out and call others stupid when in actuallity you are the dumb one.
The president generally has little to do with the economy. But his/her actions can have consequences that affect every one. His decisions will affect ultimately dictate how and where the government can help boost the economy or in our case, give it life support.
Stop spreading this nonsensical bullshit, pick up a book on the great depression, educate yourself on it and understand how the presidents that lived through it did to (worsen or improve the situation)
It is sad when a full grown man makes such ignorant statements.