well he is giving a speech right now in charlotte that may according to the news have 15k...it is on the baseball field at UNCC ,so it is on campus...not a good turnout in my opinion...
just remember, carolinakid was the one saying hillary would win the nomination, hillarry would win north carolina, miccain would blowout obama, mccain would blowout obama no contest in nc.
yes is raining off and on,not really rain but drizzle...may be different over there (20 miles away)...over 20k go to UNCC,granted not much what you call on campus housing,but probably 15 or so apartment complexes within walking distance and of course it is on the bus line...i really thought it would be at least 40 to 50k..
how often are we simpletons gonna get the chance to see Moses?