Mc Irish


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Yeah man I have always liked you for speaking your mind but NO NEED for that sort of tone. I ran a poker room for years and it was unbelievable to me that the pro's that lived off the other fish in the game did the most they could to make everyone there miserable. You act that way it encourages others to follow your lead. Like I told them, you are here to make money so act as part of the house. How you act will reflect on others.

That is sort of the way I feel about you man. You are looked up to and your opinion carries weight but when I read you calling out mods with that tone about HOW MANY TIMES MUST YOU BE TOLD it offends me. It's great you alert someone but that's not necessary. If I see you do it than as a new poster I am going to do it the exact same way when I have something to say. Not to mention this was on a post less than 30 minutes old. These guys have 12000 posters and 25 different forums within the forum, it's not all off-shore. Punks that come around are going to do that stuff enough as it is, guys like you should treat others how you want to be treated. Sorry man but just being honest, if offends the hell out of me when someone talks to me that way. Never put up with it in the last 42 years and don't plan on it for the next 40 either.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Mc Irish. This should be rule no 1. No fukking real names, if at all possible.

Pointing this shit out makes me a show off?

Why the tone? Simple, this isn't the first time I've complained about this shit. It's like this doesn't register with some of you guys.

IF you don't like me complaining about this shit, then have your guys pay attention to this crap, or you can fukking ban my ass, if you got the juice.

As far as kissing your ass Mc Irish, not even in your next wet dream.

Trust me, McIrish, I can live without your words of wisdom, but I'll leave this conversation with some, don't be offended by legit complaints, just do better work next time
so there won't be a legit complaint.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Knock off the theatrics about banning you JC. I've banned one person since I've been here. Didn't want to do that one but he hated it here and wanted to leave. I am sure you are "juiced" in here very tightly and we know not to mess with you. LOL. I got news for you when you want to act like a bigshot just leave me out of it. You can be juiced in all over town but don't talk to people like they are idiots unless you like it yourself.

Bottom line when the mods see something like that they take care of it. We are not here analyzing every post within minutes of it hitting the board. I think you know that. I don't want names either but every time one hits there is no need to insult the folks who bust their ass here. You're better than that....

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I never had a beef with you, but honestly, you're boring as shit.

You take a critical remark as an insult about your work? Give me a freeking break bud.

New member
Sep 1, 2002
Everybody hold hands. "Michael, row the boat ashore, alleluhiah, ....."


P.S. Patrick, Joey, do either of you care for another roasted marshmallow?

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