
The most annoying, pitiful poster of all time?

All he does is pick fights.... /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif
Identity, the most annoying, pitiful poster of all time.

--That's more like it.
/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Pick fights? Don't think so. First of all I don't hit women and second of all you're not worth fighting with. So go back to posting some more of your locks in the wrong forum, keep answering your own posts ( since no one else gives a shit what you post ) and when you really miss one big go back and edit the pick. Sorry I took so long to acknowledge this blockbuster thread of yours but I've been out of town. And try the extra strength Midol next time.
How could you possibly understand, Patton.

You have yet to grasp the idea of posting your picks in the right freakin forum, doochbag..

We all kinda figure you not understanding much else...


In response to that stellar thread you started in the offshore forum, No, you don't have to pay taxes. But your pimp does. You'd have to make over $3000.00 a year and there's no way that there are that many blind quadraplegics with syphillis available for you to service. At $10.00 a BJ you've got to be well under the minimum amount of income needed to file. Hope this helps clear up your question and also helps that headache you got thinking up this great thread go away.

Riddle... What do these two men have in common? One man is walking across a tightrope 1000 feet in the air and the other one is getting a bj from Identity.

Answer... they're both scared to look down.
first of all, you are yogi, the former poster.

second of all, i cant tell you how good it feels to read your posts and to see how you read EVERY one of my posts, and how angry you are. your anger is seen in your posts. it is amazing how you can be so angry!

max, i think you need to get a life, and again, please read this and then stfu. stay the phuck out of my threads, k? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
It's good to see you have no clue as usual. If I was even related to Yogi I'd have blown my brains out years ago. And don't flatter yourself... taking 3 seconds out of my day to read all of your posts doesn't exactly constitute much effort.
BTW... I put the max on the line SG set on our potential fight. I'm trying to get him to set a line on the under. If it's over 1- rounds I'm taking the under for the limit too. Now run along and give us some more of your famous locks to fade. And get f*cking supper on the table for your family before your ole man bitch slaps your ass and you can't show up for our bout.
You only blew 30 units Friday nite on your NBA picks..... you're improving! Nice edit job on them, too.

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