Why don't people understand that touts who charge for picks no absolutely nothing. Anyone can have a decent run but Marc Lawrence is a great marketer and trust me, he knows no more then you about handicapping. What he does no alot about is high pressure sales and how to gtet your credit card number.
Trust me, if he knew anything he wouldn't need your 100 lousy bucks or whatever he charges.
He can wager as much as he wants on any game and if he knew what the hell he was talking about he would wager on it instead of asking you for money. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!
If I had a "game of year or 1000 triple star play of the month that I was sure was going to win, I'd walk into a casino in Vegas or set up as many accounts as I needed and bet as much as I wanted on the game or games instead of literally begging for your credit card number.
Do what you want Largo but trust me that if you stay with a sports betting service you will get your ass kicked big time like everyone else who has ever tried.
After spending a lot of years in this business, I haven’t a clue why anyone over 21, make that 18. buys into those wild advertising claims boasting results that don’t exist and never did.
Yes, I'm familiar with P.T. Barnum’s belief, “there is a sucker born every minute.” But the promises, guarantees and winning percentages advertised are just too incredulous. They are actually insulting. Many years ago, one noted publication had a standing proposition paying 100-1 to anyone who could pick 70% winners over a 100-game period. The few who took up the challenge were eliminated after just a handful of weeks. There has never been a single instance that I personally know of, where 70% has been achieved in the NFL over a 100-game span. Further evidence is shown by the long history of handicapping contests in Nevada, where not a single winner has accomplished the 70% mark!
Meanwhile, the pitchmen become more outrageous every season. Sadly, publications like the USA Today and most local newspapers are willing to give them exposure, lending credibility but at the same time leaving gullible readers at the mercy of these unscrupulous characters. Particularly amusing are those “50,000 Star Lock” releases. I don’t even know exactly what a “50,000 Star Lock” indicates, but in my experience, I’ve never seen a single football game worth more than twice your average bet. Anyone that follows football, even just moderately, knows there are probably between 10 and 20 plays per game that can potentially change both the game and pointspread outcome. These plays can rarely be projected beforehand.
Let this not be perceived as negativity on my part. The challenge of handicapping pits the handicapper against the linemaker. The latter is far from infallible. Notwithstanding the luck factor and the basic nature of sport, where performances constantly vary, there are spots where an astute handicapper can have an advantage. If he does this with some consistency, he can become more than a match for his adversary, the linemaker. There is a real difference between the ‘educated guess’ and ‘pure luck’ approach, however. The ‘educated guess’ requires intelligence, hard work and dedication, not a bunch of BS.
Remember this…
These games are not scripted. Those who claim to be in possession of some exclusive classified information that will absolutely and positively decide the outcome of a game are simply looking to scam you. Also, no matter what label is given to any one game, i.e. ‘Lock of the Year’, ‘Game of the Month’, ‘Million Dollar Star’—the unpredictable factors of sports—are inherent in every game. The people that claim differently are not legitimate. They are unconscionable charlatans, parasites and predators. Plain and simple!
Marc Lawrence is in that group. End of story.