Ya know what Tiz I've learned a few things from posting in these forums over the years. And one of them is some posters aren't going to give you a fair shot no matter what you type. And it seems you are one of them. If you think after reading hundreds of my posts that I hate someone because of religion you are free to believe that. And to go fuck yourself. I don't stereotype people like you, know-it-all/ignoramus.
The "Muslims" in that video are stirring up trouble all over the world. Yelling the same shit the 9/11 hijackers yelled when they flew into our buildings. They want to dominate the world. SO FUCK THEM!
Those Muslims who go to the mosque and pray 5 times a day and don't wish to bring Jihad to the rest of us pose no problem for me. None of them appear in that video. You are either not wise enough to recognize the difference or feigning stupidity in lust of your favorite internet activity, which is breaking people's balls.
I noticed you had to put your two cents in when I was calling out eek the other day as well.
Now come back with one of your, "Oh I was just goofing Scott." Whatever, you're a waste of my time. And you're wasting your life in here. Keep the continue....
i'm just joshin with ya dude :toast:
i know you don't hate all muslims
but at the same time saying people are terrorists protesting over israel's actions albeit they might have been a bit rambunctious throwing stuff and such but is generally the norm and to be expected in any sizable protest/demonstration worldwide
just call a spade for a spade my man
basically you are saying any group that demonstrates or protests for whatever reason and gets the police and authority on their heels as they are outnumbered and gets a bit out of control worldwide should be considered "terrorists"
that's the only qualm i had with your OP
if this was a group of white boys doing activities such as this you didn't agree with their message
would you use the term terrorist?