So I'm smoking what a homeless fisherman at the Napa River pier called "the funkiest muck outside of Jamaica." I decided to start being a little more organic about my smoking. So I'm using a granny smith apple tonight instead of glass. Some believe smoking proud mary jane is the same as smoking cigarrettes. This is not true. I rented "Legend: The Best of Bob Marley & The Wailers." It's a collection of both videos and live performances spanning this influential pioneer's relatively short forray as a Reggae icon. My favorite performance is the third track of the dvd which isn't actually a performance at all but more of an interview. The interview leads into the song "Could you be Loved," which is of little importance. What is of great importance is the fact that you can't understand Mr. Marley in any way, but one thing I did pick up were the words "It's the way I feel about the music" and I thought to myself... "that's exactly how I feel about picking winners."
Liquid Return III