ChicoandtheMan said:
There's definitely a way. Illigal immigrants get work permits here on a daily basis. The company who you are to work for could definitely help on this issue i guess.
Maybe I can send you a picture of me in a $1000 suit and $60 tie... I don't look like one who is talented a picking coffee beans.
Tico law for work permits require that you are not taking a job a Tico can do. Hence why "illegals" get work permits easily. That rules out me who has the 4 years Bachelors of Science degree with a minor in electronics not to mention multiple IT certifications and 7 years relavent experience. :thumbsup2:
But fuck it, not qualified enough to answer a fuckin' phone politely or move lines?:missingte
Most companies either have to lie or they just settle with the path of least resistence, and I don't blame them... they have a business to run.
Sorry if I sound like a d1ick... just being real as I always do.