Kamala proves she's an economic illiterate


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
If companies can't pass on their costs, which is what they're doing, they stop making the product.

Inflation has been caused not by "corporate greed", but by bad policies. Democrats have purposely increased the cost of energy, they want us to ween off of fossil fuels, and that is inflationary. Plain and simple. The cost of energy impacts each and every product we consume, without exception. Their energy policies have created inflation. Their lockdown policies didn't help, they created shortages, which also increased inflation.

Anyone who shops understands this. Every restaurant, every grocery store, every tank full of gas, EVERYTHING costs more because of policy driven inflation.

Thinking she's going to stop inflation by criminalizing corporations is juvenile.

And if she's elected and implements these draconian policies, another thing is going to dry up, venture capital. Who's going to take the risk and invest when their profits will be handicapped? Rhetorical question for those who have a pulse reaching their brain.

She proves she's an economic illiterate, but she's not trying to impress people who create jobs. She's just trying to buy votes from those who vote for a living. Give me give me give me, it's served democrats well (although they pretend they're aiming for the more sophisticated voter, LOL)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Trimps gonna get swiss cheesed in these debates on "policy" he has no ability to articulate.



Oct 18, 2017
Does Kamala have the skill to goat Trump into physically attacking her at the debate or at the least verbally assault her? She is the underdog and will need to play the game of her life. She has one shot and has to perform when the game is on the line. In her favor is Trump is his own worst enemy, as proven just yesterday by denigrating military hero's who won the Medal of Honor. Vets that are either all shot up or dead. WTF

in 2020 Trump lost PA by 81,000 votes. Since then we've had Jan 6th, 34 felony convictions and an adjudicated rape charge. Its no coincident that Hailey got 158,000 votes in the GOP PA primary, after having dropped out 6 weeks earlier. Trump needs more votes, he tried the black angle but Kamala has destroyed that. He's trying the Jewish angle but she is hurting that effort too.

Watch Florida, Rick Scott is struggling. A 6 week Abortion ban and weed are on the ballot., Kamala polls well with the non Cuban Hispanic vote Trump will need to get better than 8% of the black vote and better than 40% with non Cuban Hispanics. Texas is locked in red no matter what anybody says. The dems ran a dud vs Cruz. They should have run a Hispanic Woman vs Cruz he'd be sweating now.

Unless something like Florida happens or America is really not ready for a brown female president. This will be a 50-49 race either way.

The betting odds have swung into Kamala's favor, 54-45. I would sprinkle a little luv on Trump at 45 here and if he falls to 40 after next week.
Oct 30, 2006
Average corporate profit 8%…Grocery average profits 2%
Take that away hello Soviet style bread lines…

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Sep 17, 2010
Why torture yourselves with this minutia?

Did the Dems announce they are not going to rig the battleground states this election?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Why torture yourselves with this minutia?

Did the Dems announce they are not going to rig the battleground states this election?

It took an extreme mail in vote enabled by pandemic voting laws to squeeze by Trump in key battleground states. I don't think they'll get remotely close to 80 million votes

And talking doesn't help them

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Does Kamala have the skill to goat Trump into physically attacking her at the debate or at the least verbally assault her? She is the underdog and will need to play the game of her life. She has one shot and has to perform when the game is on the line. In her favor is Trump is his own worst enemy, as proven just yesterday by denigrating military hero's who won the Medal of Honor. Vets that are either all shot up or dead. WTF

in 2020 Trump lost PA by 81,000 votes. Since then we've had Jan 6th, 34 felony convictions and an adjudicated rape charge. Its no coincident that Hailey got 158,000 votes in the GOP PA primary, after having dropped out 6 weeks earlier. Trump needs more votes, he tried the black angle but Kamala has destroyed that. He's trying the Jewish angle but she is hurting that effort too.

Watch Florida, Rick Scott is struggling. A 6 week Abortion ban and weed are on the ballot., Kamala polls well with the non Cuban Hispanic vote Trump will need to get better than 8% of the black vote and better than 40% with non Cuban Hispanics. Texas is locked in red no matter what anybody says. The dems ran a dud vs Cruz. They should have run a Hispanic Woman vs Cruz he'd be sweating now.

Unless something like Florida happens or America is really not ready for a brown female president. This will be a 50-49 race either way.

The betting odds have swung into Kamala's favor, 54-45. I would sprinkle a little luv on Trump at 45 here and if he falls to 40 after next week.
He will eat her up in a debate. It will be embarrassing unless she has the questions already and they cut him off. Which will prob happen

Add a fake pandemic and million and millions of fake ballots dropped in wee hours and u have 2020 and a stolen election all over again.

I can’t see it ending well if that happens again

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
So she's calling inflation a problem, addresses the problem with idiocy, but here's the kicker

She advocates giving home buyers up to 25k, what's that going to do to the price of housing? If you guessed increase, you win. And if her policy causes the price of housing to increase, what does that do for inflation? Yep, more inflationary pressure caused by government programs

Government spending / handouts may be the single biggest cause of inflation. Harris spending > another trillion dollars will do nothing to control inflation.

Once again, she's an economic illiterate. Shockingly stupid

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
So she's calling inflation a problem, addresses the problem with idiocy, but here's the kicker

She advocates giving home buyers up to 25k, what's that going to do to the price of housing? If you guessed increase, you win. And if her policy causes the price of housing to increase, what does that do for inflation? Yep, more inflationary pressure caused by government programs

Government spending / handouts may be the single biggest cause of inflation. Harris spending > another trillion dollars will do nothing to control inflation.

Once again, she's an economic illiterate. Shockingly stupid
No doubt. It’s amazing these sheep would rather have this idiot in office because of “mean tweets”. Never seen anything like it.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Shes even giving incentives for people to have more kids. Shit we might as well start building pyramids again . How many generations down the pipeline these fuckers gonna pass on debt. The CBO office now using magic 8 balls you are fucked

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Nov 16, 2008
Does Kamala have the skill to goat Trump into physically attacking her at the debate or at the least verbally assault her? She is the underdog and will need to play the game of her life. She has one shot and has to perform when the game is on the line. In her favor is Trump is his own worst enemy, as proven just yesterday by denigrating military hero's who won the Medal of Honor. Vets that are either all shot up or dead. WTF

in 2020 Trump lost PA by 81,000 votes. Since then we've had Jan 6th, 34 felony convictions and an adjudicated rape charge. Its no coincident that Hailey got 158,000 votes in the GOP PA primary, after having dropped out 6 weeks earlier. Trump needs more votes, he tried the black angle but Kamala has destroyed that. He's trying the Jewish angle but she is hurting that effort too.

Watch Florida, Rick Scott is struggling. A 6 week Abortion ban and weed are on the ballot., Kamala polls well with the non Cuban Hispanic vote Trump will need to get better than 8% of the black vote and better than 40% with non Cuban Hispanics. Texas is locked in red no matter what anybody says. The dems ran a dud vs Cruz. They should have run a Hispanic Woman vs Cruz he'd be sweating now.

Unless something like Florida happens or America is really not ready for a brown female president. This will be a 50-49 race either way.

The betting odds have swung into Kamala's favor, 54-45. I would sprinkle a little luv on Trump at 45 here and if he falls to 40 after next week.
If Trump stays on point, keeps his cool and remains calm he rolls her in the debate..the only problem is that ABC will give her the questions beforehand and the "moderators" will be running cover for her

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