he is a poor mans nsa ( sonny lafouchi ) a sleazy sports service who spends all their money on marketing , claim to be sharp , have exacerated claims on their win % , never post their previous days results , claim to be monitored but are not monitored by any monitors ; let alone one of the big 2 legit monitors (okie city / sports watch) , i can go on and on ..........
the added bonus is services like nsa / jim corsi 365 days/ joe wiz hit on a good year approx 50% when the dust settles so they are all not even a good fade !!
joe wiz is a less flashy brandon lang ; lang came up earlier today in the service play thread ; re: his movie some some newbies think he actually wins but that is far from the truth.
* i read an article a few months back that said the offshore book bodog financed that movie , to stimulate the offshore biz...fyi for those who were wondering this a.m.
if you want to invest $$ on a service talk to the guys in the service thread . there are some sharp guys over there that know this racket.